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October 15, 2008 09:45

33 posts(s)


OK, perhaps needs to be clearer in the wiki for dummies like me!

I guess as in this instance he only improved one attribute by +1 that he must have reached his maximum. Do we have any other way of knowing whether he has reached his potential other than keep training? Maybe an email from the coaching staff?

If several players improve on the same turn, is the logic calculated separately for each player or do they all improve by the same amount?

I notice that players have to play for at least 30 minutes for the match to count towards improvement, will a player improve faster for playing 90 minutes instead of 30 or is it the same? If it is the same then I might as well make good use of the substitutions!



October 15, 2008 09:27

4,300 posts(s)



Currently these factors have no influence on the % performance, the only thing that changes the performance are the match results, the expected result (based on the teams quality) against the real result. I have 2 main ideas to change that:

1) Keep using expected match results to influence % performance but add a modifier based on financial situation, competition position against board expectation, improvement of the squad.

2) Stop using match results and periodically analyze all other factors listed above to update % performance


October 15, 2008 08:40

387 posts(s)


what’s the influence of the capital on the % performance?
what’s the influence of the current league position compared to the boards expectation?


October 15, 2008 08:37

4,300 posts(s)



The idea is that, if you qualified for CL instead of relegating you already earned lots of points in your performance as you probably had victories against theoretically stronger team , that’s why we don’t give any bonus or penalties according to the expectation, we use it only to give the manager an idea of how strong his/her team is compared to the opponents. I’m not saying we can’t give bonus/penalties, it’s just not as simple as it seems :)

Optionally we could change the performance points system to be directly linked to the expectations, meaning it won’t change based on single match results, but based on accomplishment of board expectations.

Thanks for pointing the misspelling on “Your Performance”, thorpedo.


October 15, 2008 08:32

4,300 posts(s)



Keepers value had always been a concern, usually they had high values as just a few skills were used in the calculation, now that we’ve changed that their value is pretty low. We’ll review each skill influence in the calculation, not only for keepers so I guess this is likely to change.

Thanks, Jorge!


October 15, 2008 08:30

387 posts(s)


i agree. Vice versa i would add some points (%) when you do better than expected: like you’ve qualified for CL when your board said “avoid relegation”.


October 15, 2008 06:54

637 posts(s)


My international board expectation is “reach the final” (in fastticker). I lost in the semi’s but when I look to my Performance it has only decreased with 1%. I think the impact of the non-realization of your board’s expectations must be higher. Let’s say 5% for each round you are away from your goal.
Example: Expectation: reach final → loose in semis = -5%
→ loose in quarter = -10%
→ etc

This can also be used for national cups. For leagues we can use -1% for each place below the expectation. What do you think?


Btw: In the board screen “Your Peformance” has to be “Your Performance”. A tick error I guess.


October 15, 2008 06:50

57 posts(s)


Regarding the last changes in the value algorithm, i agree with the new formula except for goal keeper. My 90 keeping goalie is now quoted around 1,2 M… in my opinion, that’s not even close to his real value.


October 14, 2008 22:45

4,300 posts(s)



I kinda feel that too…I’ll review this later so that main skills have more influence on player average skill calculation.

Thanks Amac!


October 14, 2008 22:43

4,300 posts(s)



Exactly, a +6 means a total increase of 6 points, it can be 6 points in one attribute, 2 in one and 4 in another one, 1 on 6 different attributes…any combination.


October 14, 2008 19:23

33 posts(s)


I can’t say for sure about the past, but definitely on the last occasion keeping was the only skill to improve and it only improved by +1. I’m fairly sure it was the same the time before.

Are you saying that the amount of improvement defined in the wiki is a TOTAL increase rather than per attribute? I interpreted it as each attribute had a separate chance of increasing by different amounts during each step up. Do you mean that a +6 increase for example could be 6 separate attributes each increasing by +1?


October 14, 2008 19:12

241 posts(s)


The main skills are highly underrated in this formula i think. For example i have a 90 passing mid valued at 700k and a 78 passing mid at 4.7M.

Yes the second one has very good secondaries but still doesnt make too much sense that 78 passer is valued 4M more than a 90 passer.

By the way i rotated these players this season to see who will perform better.The played the same position. The player with 90 passing averaged 9.2 in 21 games. The one with 78 averaged 8.2 in 22 games.

Just my 2 cents.


October 14, 2008 17:25

4,300 posts(s)



We finally found a good formula for player estimated value calculation. It will change dynamically based on the transfers between human managed teams and its parameters are dimension specific. All other calculations like wages, merchandise and sponsorship remain the same for now.



October 14, 2008 14:58

375 posts(s)


Thanks ! =)

It was very exciting ! I’ve just counted, this season in 380 matches 1045 goals were scored. That means 2.75 goals a match. Previous season wasn’t that rich – only 635 goals and 1.67 goals a match average.

A 65% growth !

Thought my team’s stats aren’t #1, I am totally happy ! =)


October 14, 2008 14:56

387 posts(s)


i’ll always edit the first post for updates …


October 14, 2008 14:37

4,300 posts(s)



The purpose of a dynamic formula is to have an estimated value close to the real market value and use similar ideas for wages, sponsorship and merchandise calculation…but these are a different subject.

In the future we’ll have a star player concept that will give a boost to the player value.

Your stadium is always full cause you have good players and were always in the top of the league table this season :D


October 14, 2008 14:22

375 posts(s)


Well, why should the formula be dynamic ? It wont fight the inflation and will not affect wages and merchandise. So I don’t think it is good to take the transfers into consideration. The market is rather free today – clubs with money buy worthy players. And looks like everyone is getting richer and richer all the time, maybe not Cruciuma in FT, lol =)

But expensive players should exist. Ones like Zidane, Figo, Sheva, Vieri. Once you buy one of superstars, you get media attention, merchandise money, full stadiums…

By the way, don’t you think that it should be a bit harder to fill the stadiums ? Mine is always full.


October 14, 2008 14:16

4,300 posts(s)



What about the other skills? Has he improved other skills?


October 14, 2008 14:01

33 posts(s)


I have coaching level 10 and according to the wiki there is a 0% chance of a player improving by +1. If I understand this correctly then when a player improves he must improve by at least +2 and possibly as much as +6.

My keeper had keeping of 90 and improved by a single point to 91. I had assumed that maybe he had reached his maximum, but a few turns later he has improved again by a single point to 92 so this can’t have been the case.

Could you check the logic for coaching please? It looks like it’s not working as described in the wiki.




October 14, 2008 13:38

4,300 posts(s)



10 x Cruzeiro
1 x Flamengo
1 x Botafogo
1 x Goiás
1 x America-RN

Happy now? :)

Congratulations by the way, the brazilian league was really exciting this season!


October 14, 2008 13:37

4,300 posts(s)



1) No.

2) No. Wage demands formula will be implemented and announced later ;)

3) Discussing with a friend the formula I was going implement we ended up with new ideas that will probably make the values increase. More on that when I have made the preliminary calculations.


October 14, 2008 13:25

375 posts(s)


Add me ! Add me ! =))


October 14, 2008 13:23

375 posts(s)


I have questions, Gabriel !

1) Will this value decrease influence our merchandise income ? If yes, I am against changes !

2) Will it also change wage demands ?

3) It is kinda boring to see every player valued below 3M. We need players worth 10, 15, 20, even more million, because it is exciting !!!!

Can you make all their values higher ? I also think the difference between average and top players should be bigger !


October 14, 2008 12:46

7 posts(s)


Lee Lightfoot
Age: 17
Club: Man Utd

Position: M
Side: C

Passing: 84
Speed: 74
Dribble: 78
Control: 82
Header: 80

He’s still improving!!!

Price: 6M

Check also the other players for sale



October 14, 2008 09:35

4,300 posts(s)



I’m about to change again player value calculation as we agreed it can stay the way it is now. With the change I have in mind all player values will be immediately recalculated using the new formula and this new formula will be dynamic, meaning it will change according to the player transfers that are currently happening. As a consequence, each dimension will have its own dynamic formula.

What I could observe with the data collected from the last 100 players transfer is that the player estimated values will decrease dramatically, as most transfers do not involve top players. This scenario is likely to change over time as new countries with weaker players are added to the game. For now, I see top players’ estimated value around 2.2M, average players from 800k to 1.3M and weakest players around 400k.

If anyone has anything against these changes or another suggestion on how to calculate player estimated value please feel free to tell us. Another option is to remove the player estimated value, but I think it’s fun to have it.



October 13, 2008 15:48

4,300 posts(s)



It’s the player who received the foul.


October 13, 2008 15:32

375 posts(s)


Hehe, ok !

And what decides who will perform the FK ?


October 13, 2008 15:17

4,300 posts(s)



Sorry, where I said “you can give any kind of order” I meant “you can’t give” :P


October 13, 2008 14:23

24 posts(s)



I have a couple of young ones for sale:

—> Luís António Miguel, 18 years old – already at TAC:80
—> Nicky Jackson, 18 years old – already at PAS:80

João Tó Figueira, 19 years old, an 89 tackling specialist is also available… for the right price.

And then there are a few other young and promising players, as well, plus proven midfielder Felipe Lages – PAS:85.


October 13, 2008 14:20

375 posts(s)


Any order ? How ?! =)

My main striker has 90 control, looks like he can be a godlike freekick scorer =)