High wages !?
i have a talented defender in FT (tac90, and 80+ in all secondaries, Steven Hill) who’s valued $6,849,553 (was already that high before new calculation).
Just the recent turns he wants to renew the contract (old: $5,950). Regarding to his extraordinary skills and his value i would expect a high wage, that correspond. But he stills wants just $9,092 !!!
I guess there must be some new calculation for wages aswell … (super)stars shouldn’t be cheap in wages.
What I am afraid of is…that without using evaluation system in AI transfer decisions managers will earn money by selling weak young players worth 2M and more to AI clubs. At least from small countries.
According to my calculations this shouldn’t happen, unless someone offers ridiculously high wages to most players. Of course I may be wrong, let’s see what happens in the long term. :)
The value calculation system has changed !
I think the transfer prices will not skyrocket. The game should become…poorer…because of the wages !
Nevermind just saw the new announcement :p
A player of mine at fact ticker named “Rodipo Palomino” id 50873. Hi is improving but his value increases abnormally.
I only wonder what transferprices will be with these higher values.
Você com certeza se candidatou por engano para ser técnico do Tigre. Te coloquei de volta no Bordeaux. Mais cuidado da próxima vez, não poderei fazer isso novamente.
All 80s would be around 12M if I’m not mistaken.
tipo ontem eu estava no Bordeaux e hoje quando me logei estava no Trigre?
como pode isso?
manda um email para mim everton.amaral@gmail.com por favor.
não quero perder o Bordeaux para outra pessoa.
but…if he gets all 80s, will his value be about 25M ? Or this was made to make Top Country players expensive before implementing more countries ? And he will not be valued more than 5-7M ?
I’d say his 3-turn wage would be something around 3k or 4k :)
i give you 10M for him :DD
Excellent Goalie for Sale
Drop in your offers, price is negotiable …
Stuart White G
..29 years
..Keeping…91 <——
…Speed…..77 <——
From the admin thread:
“Player Estimated Value: will definitely rise for most players”
Today I got a new youth:
Cláudio Alcântara
Position: DA
Side: L
Keeping: 47
Tackle: 64
Passing: 62
Shooting: 63
Speed: 62
Dribble: 68
Control: 67
Header: 67
Aggressiveness: 62
Nothing special (except he is all-round weak =))
But his value
Estimated Value: $3,039,642
Will I have to offer him 200k wages in a season ?
Sounds pretty good. I’d like to hear other opinions about this change.
Why build new seats when in real life we can build new stadiums ! With large shops, cafes, sometimes with training centres.
I’d better spend 500M at once to wait 3 seasons and get 80k seats, +100k sponsorship (more ad space) and +150k merchandise (shops, cafes, rent…)
I would make 3 options:
1) 500M – wait for 4 seasons, get 80k seats, get one of 3 options:
a) + 250k in spons/merch ABOVE what you get
b) + 2 youths
c) -20% of wages, will be paid by sponsors
2) 250M – wait for 3 seasons, get 60k seats, get one of 3 options:
a) + 150k in spons/merch ABOVE what you get
b) + 1 youth
c) -10% of wages, will be paid by sponsors
3) 100M – wait for 2 seasons, get 45k seats, get one option:
a) + 80k in spons/merch ABOVE what you get
Of course, it will be possible to expand your stadiums after that or even get a new one, but the options will not sum up.
Following yesterday changes we now have new calculations for sponsorship, merchandise (again), player wages and player values. Again, the reason for these changes are to prepare the game for more countries with realistic values for poor teams and players. Let’s look at each change separately.
Sponsorship: hasn’t changed much, shouldn’t even be noticed
Merchandise: we moved back to a value similar to what we had before…maybe the value will decrease a little for top teams
Player Expected Wage: won’t change much for good players, top players wage can raise a little while average and bad players wage will probably rise
Player Estimated Value: will definitely rise for most players
Now we are one step closer to adding more countries :)
Ok, that would also be a good option. Than i’ve got to wait till the scouts are added into the game. Thanks for your explanation.
Thanks for your suggestions Alban, they sound really interesting. We’ll discuss all of them and see what and how to implement them.
I would love to see some great changes in current transfer system. As far as I know we have a new club evaluation system now. It works for all clubs, with or without managers. So, I would like to see this implemented:
1) Nowadays AI clubs spend too much in stadium expansion, let them spend it in departments or (better) into buying the right players. If the evaluation system works (89 sho striker with GOOD secondary skills now is valued more than 91 sho striker with BAD or WORSE secondaries), if we add that older players should be valued less, AI clubs can start smart transfers.
2) I am not sure if the current situation can bring an AI club to bankrupcy, but if it does, they should transfer list their best players, because any club should avoid bankrupcy if possible.
3) If a manager let his team go bankrupt, he shouldn’t be allowed to apply for a job in any club from the highest division.
4) I think that transfer system in MS was more flexible, which means it was more comfortable and better (sorry, that’s my opinion). That is why I would love to be able to make a bid on a player out of the transfer list. I don’t want to send in-game mail and beg other managers. I just want to make a bid and see if they accept it, withdraw, or ask for more money.
5) Let’s make an option for the selling manager to choose if he accepts system “highest bid wins”. And make the minimum step at least 10% of the transfer price.
6) Clauses and players’ happiness. Why not make a connection between the player’s willingness to stay or leave the club and the board’s team evaluation ? For example this evaluation will show the player if he is the only star in a weak club, or if his club doesn’t play him much or doesn’t show good results.
7) Cheaters issues. Let’s say, None of us liked some transfers when good players were sold for very low cash. Ok, let the board make minimum and maximum transfer margins for any player. Maybe considering the whole game market. That’s not that difficult, just you can’t sell a young good player for 0,5M or even 1M. And you cannot buy a player who has no chance to develop and who is way worse than your current squad players. The board should send a letter: “why do you want to buy X for 5M ? We have a lot of better players”
8) Loans. I think we should get paid for letting strong players play and bring victories for another club. For example, if my 88 sho striker or 89 kep GK helped a French club win the title or reach other goals, I should get more tahn just the player’s wages.
Thanks ;)
I’m exactly in the same situation as you Filipe, but unfortunately merchandise value will change again soon :(
The reason for that is the change of players values and acceptable wages that will also take place. More information on that soon.
Hi there,
The overwhelmingly powerful clubhouse Desportivo das Aves, from the Portuguese Superliga has a few players available that I’m announcing here, given our reconstruction.
—> D R – Inocencio Amaro da Silveira -22, KPG:41 TAC:85 PAS:63 SHO:56 SPE:81 DRI:65 CTR:74 HEA: 80 AGG:33 SOLD TO WATFORD
—> DM L – Arquímede Blazquez – 22, KPG:45 TAC:86 PAS:79 SHO:69 SPE:73 DRI:71 CTR:81 HEA:80 AGG:62 SOLD TO BOCA JUNIORS
—> A L – Vítor Goes – 26, KPG:38 TAC:64 PAS:66 *SHO:92 SPE:82 DRI:81 CTR:72 HEA:80 AGG:32
Also – Chris Boyes, an 80 passing central midfielder, as well as Aaron Thompson, an 83 passing central midfielder.
Have a few more available, just let me know if you’re interested in anyone. For the right price, everyone’s available.
Great attackers on Glorioso’s transfer list, high prices but huge player’s potential… Players out of transfer list also negotiable, for reasonable prices :D
Best regards
Filipe Silva, Benfica
Nice, my Merchandise rise from 100k to 300k. Now we are talking :D
But I guess board will expect more the next season, there goes my 100% performance :P
A big club would be a team with excellent players in the squad, which probably will bring success and titles. I just used the term in a generic way, no specific meaning for the game ;)
It is possible Javier, we have thought about it in the past. Our main concern is that we don’t want the game to become too complicated, it’s hard to find a balance between interesting features and options against useless extra features. Personally I don’t like this kind of micro management of training, but hey I’m not the only one playing here, if most of you guys think it’s a good idea I don’t see why not implementing it :)
“Merchandise value calculation has been changed to reduce the difference between the big clubs and small clubs.”
What’s a big club? Is it just depending on the league / nation points ? If it is so i would suggest to relate the merchandise value and the “big” for clubs on national success (champions, cup winners) and international glory (uefa points for the club)!
I’m thinking about some of the Alban’s comments, and… Gabriel, do you think it would be possible to train the players for a specific position and a specific skill?I mean, currently we can develop some level of “general coaching” and I’m sure you’ll develop something similar to MS, where we could assign some coaches about a specific feature but…
do you think that the next step could be to improve a specific weak skill of a player?
Imagine a super striker with more than 89 in all the features but that he is tremendously slow with 50 as speed, perhaps we could assign a coach to improve that skill…
Best regards!
I agree Phillipp, it’s a very interesting improvement. If you can have a look to all the matches (offcial and friendlies) that a player has played you can imagine if he can improve his skill or it’s difficult…
Best regards!