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October 10, 2008 17:38

4,300 posts(s)



A player must play at least 30 minutes in a match to gain experience. I’ll add that to the game help ;)



October 10, 2008 17:36

4,300 posts(s)



What about “turn(s)”?


October 10, 2008 17:35

4,300 posts(s)



No…I should’ve added this option, I was sure someone would ask for it :D

Anyway, my idea was to allow viewing the last search only…last 3 shouldn’t be bad. First scout enhancement!



October 10, 2008 17:15

241 posts(s)



I would like to know how the game engine works when an improving young player is used as a sub in a game.

When a player plays even a few minutes in a game like a player subbed at 80th min, he is considered that he played one game stat wise.

How this works when it comes to improvement?


October 10, 2008 15:49

375 posts(s)



“You must wait 1 turns before using your scouts.”

It should be “1 turn”


October 10, 2008 15:45

375 posts(s)


Hmm, very interesting thing !

Can we get our searches archived ? At least 3-5 last search results ?


October 10, 2008 15:11

58 posts(s)


from Alban:
“I think it can also be a result of recent changes to player’s development.”

The player I was talking about evolved after 23 y/o 7 or 8 seasons ago. Certainly before those changes you said.

from Cesario:
“About players improving too fast I agree, we have some future plans to make player evolution more realistic…”

I think 25 is a good limit age for development. But that´s only my opinion.


October 10, 2008 14:35

4,300 posts(s)



Hheheeh, your suggestions weren’t ignored Alban! We just don’t have enought time to implement such complex and interesting features as fast as we’d like. Don’t worry, in time, they’ll all make it into the game, including this one about player experience, I really like it ;)



October 10, 2008 14:25

375 posts(s)


Maybe it’s better to leave the skills and development as it is now, but add a specific and semi-hidden attribute – experience or consistency…or determination ?

For example, against a weak club from the same league a young player with 90 average skill will play at 100% strength, but playing against a great club or in an international cup the same player will play inconsistent and his average ratings will be unpredictable. So that his average skills wont become 80, of course, but he will play as a rookie.

And this will increase the value of older players, because now we are trying to sell them as fast as possible, but if they have great international experience, I would prefer these players to play in first 11 in Copa Libertadores. Maybe it is also possible to make a semi-hidden attribute – positive influence on teammates ?

Hehe, I wont post it in “suggestions” forum because my last 2 were ignored =)))


October 10, 2008 14:15

4,300 posts(s)



A 31 y.o. player will lose only 1 or 2 points during the whole season, in the average. It is possible for a player to reach 33 without having decrease any skill :)

About players improving too fast I agree, we have some future plans to make player evolution more realistic without making it too complex, it’s good to read your concerns about this subject, we are open to suggestions, as always.



October 10, 2008 14:10

4,300 posts(s)



New department added: Scouting. In your Stadium information page you’ll now be able to build and upgrade a scouting department, like we already have for coaching and physioterapy. This department gives you a tool in the Search page to look for players using detailed criteria. Complete information about scouts can be found in the game help.




October 10, 2008 13:49

1,003 posts(s)



We will talk about the problem as soon as possible and get back to you guys. Thanks for sharing your concerns!


October 10, 2008 13:47

375 posts(s)


I think it can also be a result of recent changes to player’s development.

23 is not a real life age, too =)

I am quite far away from real football biographies, but I know some players have only a couple of years of great performance in the whole career.

But I don’t want RubySoccer to have such system. It’s too complicated for a game.

Fabrizio, new generated players are better on average than the older ones. So it is ok to let the older players go to small leagues or wherever you want…


October 10, 2008 13:42

58 posts(s)


That´s the point. Players don´t develop to their MAX at the age of 18. I got several players that evolved up to 23 y/o. One example from my team: Jose Echevarria, evolved to 94 passing with the age of 23 (fastticker).


October 10, 2008 13:35

375 posts(s)


I would agree here if…like in real life, some players would reach their highest potential at about 30 y.o. =)

I think here a player can fully develop already at 18 y.o., this means he can play on his highest level for 13 years + some other years because at 31 he will probably lose 6 points (and maybe secondary ones).

As for me, I like the idea that my youths develop to their MAX at the age of 18. So I can live with the fact that they become pretty crap in 14 seasons =)))


October 10, 2008 13:10

58 posts(s)


About stats decreasing for older players, I think 31 is not a correct age. If we think in real-life players, we got lots of good players in nice form playing over 30 y/o. Let me show some brazilian players in this condition: Fábio Luciano, Marcos, Zé Roberto, Kléber Pereira, Rogério Ceni, Juninho, Alex.
In my point of view, 33 y/o is a more reasonable age to decrease players´atributes.




October 10, 2008 05:45

24 posts(s)



Proven Striker Augusto Dias has manifested his intention of playing elsewhere, after a terrible spat with magnificent powerhouse Desportivo das Aves’ manager Ricardo Silva, due to the fact he’s no longer the focus of the team’s offense, with the emergence of Gilberto Balanza and phenomenon Vítor Goes.

A very good and recent contract (17.000) for an 84 Shooting, 81 Speed and 100 Control striker.

Drop in your offers, gentlemen!


October 09, 2008 15:00

4,300 posts(s)



Make sure you don’t have any substitution rule to add this player in the friendly formation. Another possibility is that there was an injured player in your friendly formation and then your main player was replacing him.



October 09, 2008 14:41

16 posts(s)


Hi guys,

Why my main player is playing in the friendly? I only put the revelation to play.

His stamina is lower and he can to hurt.

The last two friendly it happened!

I went to verify and my formation is without the main player, but the match show that he is there!



October 09, 2008 09:29

4,300 posts(s)



Yet about the super starts wage, maybe we could change the weight of the skills in the calculation…tackle is already more important for defenders, but what I’m saying is that we could raise its importance a little bit for instance. I know, it’s too soon to change it again, let’s wait and see how the current system will work out :)



October 09, 2008 09:09

4,300 posts(s)



Agora está explicado. De qualquer forma coloquei uma janela de confirmação pra quando alguém tenta se candidatar a um time. A internacionalização é feita mensalmente, mas vou tentar fazer com que ações importantes sejam traduzidas no momento em que forem adicionadas.



October 09, 2008 08:45

7 posts(s)


Gabriel estive falando com um amigo, e descobri como isso aconteceu. A nova funcionalidade RubySoccer News não estava traduzida e um cliquei para testar. vou tomar mais cuidado para não errar novamente, mas se puder intenacionalisa as palavras novas.
Obrigado novamente


October 09, 2008 06:39

57 posts(s)


It’s true… one of best players ( suddenly is valued over 6M. I not complaining :)… i just think it’s strange


October 08, 2008 21:20

4,300 posts(s)



@Philipp: the reason for the low value is the preivous wage, which is taken in consideration. The real wage for this player would be something around 14k I’d say.

@Alban: probably a new record. For keepers only keeping, passing, speed and shooting are taken in consideration, that’s why their value and wage are usually high. That will change in the future, I plan to use dribble for one-a-one shots and control for penalty kicks. Not a final decision though :)

I’m glad you guys are having fun with the new system. I hope it works well as planned :)


October 08, 2008 16:59

12 posts(s)


Same as me i just got a youth with a value of 3.5 million and he has only 59 shooting….he is a attacker……:D:D:D


October 08, 2008 16:10

375 posts(s)


new record ?


Rafael Perez

Position: G

Side: -

Keeping: 72

Tackle: 31

Passing: 55

Shooting: 29

Speed: 71

Dribble: 66

Control: 70

Header: 76

Aggressiveness: 49

Season Turn Value Event
94 6275935 Started career on Figueirense


October 08, 2008 15:42

375 posts(s)


Great news, Philipp !


October 08, 2008 15:38

387 posts(s)


High wages !?

i have a talented defender in FT (tac90, and 80+ in all secondaries, Steven Hill) who’s valued $6,849,553 (was already that high before new calculation).

Just the recent turns he wants to renew the contract (old: $5,950). Regarding to his extraordinary skills and his value i would expect a high wage, that correspond. But he stills wants just $9,092 !!!

I guess there must be some new calculation for wages aswell … (super)stars shouldn’t be cheap in wages.


October 08, 2008 14:56

375 posts(s)


What I am afraid of is…that without using evaluation system in AI transfer decisions managers will earn money by selling weak young players worth 2M and more to AI clubs. At least from small countries.


October 08, 2008 14:49

4,300 posts(s)



According to my calculations this shouldn’t happen, unless someone offers ridiculously high wages to most players. Of course I may be wrong, let’s see what happens in the long term. :)