Improvements Discussion

Subscribe to Improvements Discussion 692 post(s), 78 voice(s)


October 28, 2007 08:47

1,003 posts(s)



Use this topic to discuss the announced discussions.


October 29, 2007 09:18

1,003 posts(s)



We have a small problem with our sessions on this new balanced server. It seems that the balance makes our server “forget” about your session sometimes. Will fix asap, but for now the effect is not a big deal: some of you may have to sign in more than 1 time.

Please let me know if you are experiencing this problem.


October 29, 2007 11:51

1,003 posts(s)



Just to let you know that, if you had this problem approx at the time of this post, it is because I had to clean all the sessions.



October 29, 2007 13:18

1,003 posts(s)



I think the problem is fixed but, in the meanwhile, what do you guys think? Is rubysoccer faster/better with that improvement?


October 29, 2007 14:41

68 posts(s)


Im not sure whether the problem is fixed or not becos ive been tried to stay logged in for hours and only just managed to be able to stay logged in long enough to post this. It would also be helpful if there was somewhere were u could post without having to be logged in becos for people who are having problems logging in theres nowhere for them to post and get help.


October 29, 2007 23:22

124 posts(s)


Yes, Danilo, it works faster now. Nice work!

Northstar, you definitely have a good point there. With problems when logging in, we need a place where to post for help.


October 30, 2007 07:42

1,003 posts(s)



the bug is not that you cant login, it is that you could have to login more than once :). also, we have an email that you can use if you cant get in touch with us: ,


November 11, 2007 12:15

223 posts(s)


the site is very very slow but i guess that’s you and danilo working things out!

have you changed the way players are generated? i think there are too many great players in the game!



November 11, 2007 19:23

1,003 posts(s)



this was probably happening due to some problem on our server… please inform if this continue to happen! thanks and cheers!


November 11, 2007 20:18

301 posts(s)


i agree with alexander. i find there are way too many very high quality players being generated from my youth squad.


November 12, 2007 03:51

4,303 posts(s)



Hopefully we’ll have some time to modify the player generation a little bit before the reset.



November 12, 2007 08:05

58 posts(s)


Do you guys will make any improvement or change in the stamina mechanism? Today we have a great physical consuming with two championships running at the same time, and I wonder how is gonna work with the new international cups to come.


November 12, 2007 08:24

4,303 posts(s)



The international cups will happen at the end of the season, when the national cups have already ended, so you’ll never have more than two competitions at the same time. About stamina improvements we are thinking about giving a stamina boost at the season end and in the middle of the season, as we don’t have proper breaks on these periods. That’s not an immediate change though and is not confirmed yet.



November 12, 2007 09:32

387 posts(s)


Gabriel, if i understand you right: the international cups will be played (like e.g. WC) in the summer break. That’s normally the time when players are sold/bought – it’s the planning & preparation phase for the upcoming season.

Why don’t you integrate the internationals in the regular season schedule ?


November 12, 2007 11:06

4,303 posts(s)



Let’s put it in numbers. For the number of countries we have and taking as an example a country with 20 teams on each of its 2 divisions:

National Cup – starts on turn 7, ends on turn 52
League – starts on turn 18, ends on turn 132
International Cups – start on turn 107, ends on turn 143

With the configuration above I agree that we could move the International Cups so that they’d start a few turns earlier, but if you consider all european countries and one specific countries with 7 divisions we’d have:

National Cup – starts on turn 7, ends on turn 70
League – doesn’t change
International Cups – start on turn 65 (approximately), ends on turn 143

Theoretically the teams playing the national cup finals will start the international cups later, on a more advanced phase (except for weak countries), so you’ll never play 3 competitions simultaneously. If we group all competitions in order to have a proper “summer break” we may end up with some stamina issues for the teams playing in all competitions possible. Changing the stamina issues to make these teams life a little bit easier will make small teams’ life a lot more easier regarding stamina. Oh, one more reason I forgot to mention, but that’s a personal one: I don’t like season breaks and this design let us have at least one competition happening during the whole season.

I’m not saying that’s the way things will work and we won’t change it, I’m just making it clearer why we’ve designed things this way. If you and other users don’t like it please feel free to post your ideias here (like you’re doing) and we’ll take them into consideration. Let’s give it a try. :-)



November 12, 2007 12:08

223 posts(s)


We’ll try your way gabriel, of course. But, as I mentioned previously, I rather prefer the game with real dates, real winter breaks, real summer breaks, and real dates of international competitions and cups. I would love to see players not aging all in the first turn!

I dont want you to interpretate this as many complains, I will play the game as it is, but this would be my choice.



November 12, 2007 13:19

4,303 posts(s)



The aging stuff is a different subject, we can change that even if we don’t change the game to use real dates :-)


November 13, 2007 10:55

4,303 posts(s)



Moving the conversation from “Improvements” topic, which is supposed to contain only our announcements :-)

“Improvements replied by kardo @ Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:03:46 -0700

what criteria will be used to prefer a manager against other?
Improvements replied by gabriel @ Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:55:03 -0700

Danilo wants to add a few more things before creating the new dimensions. To be honest I’d prefer to do that today as we have a holiday here on thursday that would postpone the reset until next week when the competitions in the new season of Beta 1 and Beta 2 will already have started. We’ll discuss that and let you guys now, but remember we’ll have about 24 hours before the first tick so everybody have the chance to apply for a team.


Improvements replied by danilo @ Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:28:43 -0700

this week :). next week, tops. we will announce it 2 days before.
Improvements replied by kardo @ Tue, 13 Nov 2007 07:23:03 -0700

Is there already a date defined for new dimensions?
When can we know? I want to stay tuned. :)"


November 13, 2007 11:06

4,303 posts(s)



The answer to Ricardo’s question “what criteria will be used to prefer a manager against other?” is luck. We find all teams with applications and radomly choose one of them to become the manager. There is no guarantee the first team you applied will be processed first for your applications. In the future we’ll have a more sofisticated way to make this decision, considering manager performance.


November 13, 2007 11:15

40 posts(s)


Thank you. And… I will apply for several teams in case I don’t get my preferred. What happens if I apply to several and I am selected to more than one team? Can I choose ?


November 13, 2007 12:05

55 posts(s)



The order the teams are processed is random. Lets say you apply for Barcelona, Porto and Real Madrid in that order. If Real Madrid is processed first and you get it, you are out for the rest of the teams. The first you “win” on the ramdom dispute is the one you will get. Right Danilo/Gabriel?


November 13, 2007 13:22

4,303 posts(s)



Exactly Samir.


November 13, 2007 17:58

1,003 posts(s)



as you may already know, today we had our first reset. I wanted to thank you guys for your support during the “first round” on rubysoccer.
Also, you all are welcome and invited to join our new round! Moreover, we have a larger number of teams, which means that everybody is encouraged to bring friends over (well, we have limits… but for now we are ok :) ).
We hope you guys enjoy RS new features, though there is a lot of stuff to add.

cheers and have fun!


November 13, 2007 18:11

223 posts(s)


danilo when will you guys implement a map for all the countrys ss style? i no its not important but would give a more professional look to the game :P



November 13, 2007 18:18

1,003 posts(s)



well, in this case it would be “design”, not implement :) … and we are both not so good picture makers. at some point ($) we will try to do something (or ask our friend fernando to help us) but, until that, if any of you guys want to help (not only on the map, but with other user interface stuff too), please fell free to e-mail us :) .
our email is admin at rubysoccer.

$ => I dont know when that point may be. But I would say not so soon (maybe 2 months), as we have other “more important” (well, the importance of this is relative to you guys, in fact… if a lot of people claim for a map fast, a map we shall have) stuff to work on.


November 13, 2007 19:07

223 posts(s)


yeah i understand danilo, i’m no good with this kinda stuff, if i was i would certainly help. I want many things and i dont do nothing, i just play. Well, thats my part of the job right now…




November 13, 2007 19:08

223 posts(s)


maybe you should open a topic in announcements telling people they can contribute with interface stuff :)

just a thought.

cheers :D


November 13, 2007 19:22

223 posts(s)


guys, can you explain why Spain has better ranking than Italy? Why England is ahead of Italy? Any explanation?

thanks once again, and cheers!


November 14, 2007 02:25

55 posts(s)



I think it is just a startup. The game now will have a dynamic country ranking. If the spanish teams don´t do good on the international cups, the rank will start to fall. And if italian teams start winning they will go up.


November 14, 2007 02:42

23 posts(s)


Looking very good!
All compliments to the creators!

One thing:

“As a finishing touch
God created the Dutch”

Keep Holland in mind ;) I would love to play Ajax!