[admin_only] Improvements

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August 31, 2007 08:08

1,003 posts(s)



The formation screen players are now sorted by its main attribute.

Defenders: Tackle
Attackers: Shooting
MidF : Passing
GoalKeepers: Ke.



August 31, 2007 11:36

1,003 posts(s)



Injury information is now diplayed on player info screen.


September 01, 2007 00:51

1,003 posts(s)



I am working on some look-feel-click improvements that I think you guys will really enjoy. Hang on there, will upload the improvements soon (maybe not today).


September 01, 2007 05:16

57 posts(s)


like the changes to the formation/players/fixture icons too- small change but makes it look better – nice one!


September 01, 2007 05:30

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks to Fernando França who provided the icons :-)


September 01, 2007 10:03

1,003 posts(s)



those were not the ones i mentioned. those were bonus improvements :). u will see mine soon.


September 01, 2007 21:31

1,003 posts(s)



My changes are uploaded. Cheers.


September 02, 2007 17:40

14 posts(s)


Icons are back to their original size too. New icons for “my team”, “logout” and “enter/exit dimension” have been uploaded.


September 03, 2007 00:22

1,003 posts(s)



Friendly invitations are now received by email rightaway (so the receiving manager has more time to accept it).


September 03, 2007 21:00

4,303 posts(s)



Match engine: players now try to avoid passing to offside teammates and try to avoid being offside.


September 04, 2007 00:03

1,003 posts(s)




Formations Screen (D&D): WORKS ON IE. I spent the whole night trying to do that, but it works now!
We have a small new bug (bold / unbold players) that happens sometimes, but that is much better than IE not working (and I will fix it very soon). Also, the D&D performance is dramatically improved.

Other than that, this screen is much more flexible now. Players will only be removed from the field if you drop another player on the same position.


September 04, 2007 00:37

124 posts(s)


Now everyone can have their diamonds! Great work!


September 04, 2007 02:54

23 posts(s)


Great job on the IE work m8!! it really works a lot better….although i can now only line up 10 players??


September 04, 2007 11:00

13 posts(s)


great work ………. i only got one problem which is that i can only see half of the players stats when i leave my mouse on top of his name…. the stats appear way down the screen only showing half.


September 04, 2007 21:20

1,003 posts(s)



formations screen now has gray lines under IE too. also, I moved some elements in order to be able to put the player stats closer to the field.

I also added a few links on a few game screens and fixed the stamina bug (player stamina was not being charged after a game).


September 05, 2007 00:27

57 posts(s)


Great Work Danilo!!! Thanks!!!


September 05, 2007 23:01

4,303 posts(s)



Search screen ready. You can look for managers, teams or players.


September 06, 2007 20:37

4,303 posts(s)



Formation (4-4-2, 3-5-2,…) is displayed on match report screen.


September 10, 2007 22:09

1,003 posts(s)



Top scorers done. Please note that I had to implement player history in order to do that (we did not have this before), that is why we have a low number of goals.


September 12, 2007 21:44

1,003 posts(s)



As promised, we have some improvements on match.

- More realistic fouls and card numbers. (That includes less chances to get a another yellow card (red), if your player already have one)
- A couple bug fixes

Those changes should bring a good change on matches. But we are still planning a lot of tweaks, stay tuned!

ps: we did not tweak the rating system yet.


September 13, 2007 22:26

1,003 posts(s)



Now It is possible to view the team players history. Check it out on your team players screen, under History “tab”. I am also planning to implement individual player full history (very soon). Stay tuned!

Of course that it is only the beginning. In future we may show a lot more info there.

I also improved the top scorers list.


September 16, 2007 00:37

1,003 posts(s)



Implemented the first version of our individual player history screen.

We will add more history info to teams and players, those are only the initial screens.


September 16, 2007 19:47

4,303 posts(s)



Match report now informs who takes the penalty kick (and it is also easier to score a penalty kick). Number of fouls reduced slightly.


September 17, 2007 20:46

4,303 posts(s)



-changed the way aggressiveness is generated so that too low and too high values less likely to exist
-when the dimension starts, all non youth players will start with stamina = 100
-reduced the difference between leagues: new second division youths will have slightly better skills


September 18, 2007 20:22

4,303 posts(s)



Added players contracts screen.
Improved merchandise calculation to consider the average quality of the best players for each position instead of considering all non youth players.


September 25, 2007 20:25

1,003 posts(s)



Added competition history. Now you can view the latest champions for each competition. Soon will add more history stuff to team/manager screen.


September 27, 2007 22:36

1,003 posts(s)



- anti-cheat protection. wont say exactly how it works, but this first part is similar to managersim
- messages icons / effects
- blink mail icon

soon: the board.
when gabriel comes back: more sessions to improve match engine.


October 02, 2007 06:56

4,303 posts(s)



On finance screen you can see the team balance when the period being displayed started so you’ll be able to analyze your balance over time without having to do any calculation :-)

Your current balance is still displayed below. For existing periods the “history” balance will display 0, it will start working for new periods to come.


October 06, 2007 18:58

4,303 posts(s)



Today I’ve finally implemented penalty shootouts for national cup rounds tie-break. After lots of fair complains about the unfair the-team-who-plays-first-leg-at-home-wins rule we now can have a real winner. We’ll see that in place soon.



October 08, 2007 19:51

1,003 posts(s)



players that stay on the free transfer list for too long will “die”.
