New stadium construction ?

Subscribe to New stadium construction ? 2 post(s), 2 voice(s)


October 07, 2008 16:43

375 posts(s)


Why build new seats when in real life we can build new stadiums ! With large shops, cafes, sometimes with training centres.

I’d better spend 500M at once to wait 3 seasons and get 80k seats, +100k sponsorship (more ad space) and +150k merchandise (shops, cafes, rent…)

I would make 3 options:

1) 500M – wait for 4 seasons, get 80k seats, get one of 3 options:
a) + 250k in spons/merch ABOVE what you get
b) + 2 youths
c) -20% of wages, will be paid by sponsors

2) 250M – wait for 3 seasons, get 60k seats, get one of 3 options:
a) + 150k in spons/merch ABOVE what you get
b) + 1 youth
c) -10% of wages, will be paid by sponsors

3) 100M – wait for 2 seasons, get 45k seats, get one option:
a) + 80k in spons/merch ABOVE what you get

Of course, it will be possible to expand your stadiums after that or even get a new one, but the options will not sum up.


October 07, 2008 18:13

4,303 posts(s)



Sounds pretty good. I’d like to hear other opinions about this change.