Forums Bugs

Bugs Found / Status

Subscribe to Bugs Found / Status 107 post(s), 28 voice(s)


August 29, 2007 12:34

1,003 posts(s)



For now we will try to report using this topic what are the main bugs that we are aware of and if they are already fixed or not.



August 29, 2007 12:34

1,003 posts(s)



Session timeout bug – Will work on it.

Workaround implemented. Still missing the final fix.


August 29, 2007 12:53

130 posts(s)


Danilo : we are aware of this bug, but its fix priority is not very high. Anyway, it is a bug, and we will take care of it. DELETED OTHER POSTS RELATED TO THE SAME BUG

This is kinda hard to explain, i’ll take some screenshots if i’m the only one having it. In on Firefox, so i shouldn’t be the only one (or at least i hope im not lol).

On the formation screen, when i get the mouse across the players, i get a box on the down right corner with the most important player atributes, according to each position. I think this is the way it’s supposed to work. After i click and drag the first player, that box disappears and the stats start showing where the mouse is, in a smaller box and with the
tag showing up.


August 29, 2007 15:05

4,303 posts(s)



Drag and drop bugs.


August 31, 2007 07:55

1,003 posts(s)



I wanted to thank America-RN for borrowing my team the best (shooting) attacker in the world, to lead my team to victory against São Caetano on the cup. Unfortunetely, the bug is now fixed.


September 03, 2007 13:50

4,303 posts(s)



Formation creation is not working properly. We already know the reason, will work on it later.


September 03, 2007 14:06

4,303 posts(s)



Formation creation fixed.


September 03, 2007 16:41

39 posts(s)



Does that mean you pay me a fee for borrowing him? Say $300000 for a guest appearance?


September 03, 2007 19:10

4,303 posts(s)



Danilo should at least give you half his ticket income from his home game for the national cup 2nd round, he wouldn’t even play it if it wasn’t your attacker :-D


September 05, 2007 11:15

124 posts(s)


The arrows “entered the field” and “left the field” are backwards.


September 12, 2007 12:09

13 posts(s)


a youth player at my team had his contract about to expire so i offered him a new one………. after that i got 2 messages 1 saying he had accepted the offer and 1 saying he rejected it ………….. any way he left the club.


September 12, 2007 21:01

4,303 posts(s)



That is not good Allan, we need to review that. Did he leave in the same turn you received the messages?


September 13, 2007 20:05

13 posts(s)


Proposal Rejected Assistant turn 62
Proposal Accepted Assistant turn 62

he actually only left on turn 74


September 13, 2007 22:23

1,003 posts(s)



oh-oh. we will check that bug. thx for reporting.


September 23, 2007 12:08

1,003 posts(s)



unfortunetely the national cup games were not generated (already entered a bug). as a workaround for this season, the same teams that were in the dispute on last season will be again. sorry guys.


October 08, 2007 06:54

2 posts(s)


By mistake, I was able to contract a player offering him a wage of 99,999, when I would like to offer him 9,999. I think that, in the future, the board must stop this type of transactions. Is to possible for you to correct this situation for me? Now? King Regards.


October 08, 2007 07:34

4,303 posts(s)



The board will prevent that in the future Ninja. In order for us to revert that we would have to be sure nobody else offered more than 9,999 during the negotiations and that the player would accept 9,999, otherwise it would be unfair. We’ll take a look at that anyway.



October 08, 2007 08:39

4,303 posts(s)



We’ve changed the wage back to 9,999. Be careful everybody with this type of situation while we don’t implement wage caps.


October 09, 2007 01:37

2 posts(s)


Ok. Thanks. I´ll be more carefull next time.


September 23, 2008 03:50

387 posts(s)


in fast ticker. after season break all teams have double info on their league position in the team history.


September 23, 2008 05:16

130 posts(s)


Not only that, Phil, check out your scheduled matches. You’re playing the Champions qualifier against Blackpool at turns 101 and 102, and against Benfica at turns 104 and 105… note that you also have league matches at turns 102 and 105.
Something went wrong, everyone’s seeded twice, check it by clicking a country on the country ranking page.



September 23, 2008 06:00

387 posts(s)


hehe, you’re right, Ricardo.
CL & league match at the same day, puh, will be tough! ;) That’s not a bug, it’s a challenge!


September 23, 2008 08:55

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks for reporting guys, working on it.


September 23, 2008 09:20

4,303 posts(s)



Should be fixed by now, let me know if you still see anything strange.



September 23, 2008 09:35

1,003 posts(s)



The tick ran 2 times. It should not happen again.



September 23, 2008 16:09

803 posts(s)


it is ok now, but I’m am squedule to play with Leixões at the first round of Champions League, I think there is a rule to prevent teams from the same country to play against eachother at the first round, please take a look at that.



September 23, 2008 21:40

4,303 posts(s)



Unfortunately there is no such rule yet, but there will be ;)

I haven’t had time to work on improvements since headers, hope I can find some until the end of this week and try to catch up with some old stuff we have planned.



October 08, 2008 14:08

241 posts(s)


Nevermind just saw the new announcement :p

A player of mine at fact ticker named “Rodipo Palomino” id 50873. Hi is improving but his value increases abnormally.


October 08, 2008 14:18

375 posts(s)


The value calculation system has changed !


October 09, 2008 06:39

57 posts(s)


It’s true… one of best players ( suddenly is valued over 6M. I not complaining :)… i just think it’s strange

Forums Bugs