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Manager Fired!!!

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July 30, 2008 11:33

64 posts(s)


I have been Manager of Caen in France FastTicker ever since tick 81 of SEASON 2!!! I have had good success with this team, I have evolved players and improved youth players as well, I have won the Cup ones and runer-up 5 times, I have also won “Ligue 2” once and “Ligue 1” 2 times, this with most of the seasons I was manager qualifing tor international competition, currently I was on the UEFA CUP and won my first round and Lost the Cup Final, ever since this season(11) this started bad, by team would not win matches out of 42 official matches that I played I only won 13 matches, Tied 15 matches and lost 14 matches, if anyone looks at my players in comparason to the players that are in the majority of the French teams, I have a very good team, the problem was that I would not win matches, I did notice this with other teams that have good players but do not have good results, there should be something done with the match engine and the Board Expectations, according to the Board for the Ligue I was expected to Fight for the title, in the cup, reach the final, and in international competition, I was expected to reach the semi-finals, well I satisfied one reached the final of the cup, as far as international competitions I won the first round and was not given the chance to play my next match, and in the Ligue I know that I was not going to win the championship but we still have 21 points to play (7 Matches)I still had a chance to qualify for international competitions. as far as My economy, my budget was about 17M+, I still do not understan why I got fired, I am not tring to get compasion from enyone, All I want is that something is done to the fairness of the teams that have better players than other teams, and in matches between them the weaker team wins, there might be some other people with this same situation, and I think it is not fair. in a way it is good that I got fired I think that everyone has to move one and i will try to manage some other team.


July 30, 2008 15:38

4,303 posts(s)



I understand what you feel Simon and I’m glad you’ve chosen a new club to start. As you said change clubs once in a while is a good thing. I’d like to talk a little bit here about board expectations, match engine and managers being fired.

Board Expectations: they are defined based on a comparison of your squad with the other teams in the same competition’s squad, they are not directly used to rate you or fire you, but give you a good idea of what level of performance the board expects from you

Match Engine: will be constantly improved, advanced tactics and headers are the next steps

Managers being fired: the only thing taken in consideration to fire a manager is the team’s results in official matches. The same logic used to define the board expectations is used to compare the teams playing a match. Here are some examples of the effects of different results in the manager rating.

Team A x Team B

expected result: 0 × 0
actual result => rating effect on Team A (the effect on team B is exactly the opposite)
0 × 0 => 0
1 × 0 => +1
2 × 0 => + 2
10 × 0 => + 10
11 × 0 => + 10
0 × 1 => -1
0 × 2 => -2

expected result: 2 × 0
actual result => rating effect on Team A (the effect on team B is exactly the opposite)
0 × 0 => -2
0 × 1 => -3
0 × 8 => -10
0 × 9 => -10
1 × 0 => +1
2 × 0 => + 1
3 × 0 => + 1
4 × 0 => + 2

expected result: 0 × 1
actual result => rating effect on Team A (the effect on team B is exactly the opposite)
0 × 0 => +1
0 × 1 => -1
0 × 2 => -1
0 × 3 => -2
1 × 0 => +2

The expected result takes in consideration the home/away effect. You start with a rating of 50, the maximum is 100 and you’re fired at 0. When you reach 10 or less the Board warns you. If you win you’ll get at least 1 point on your rating and if you lose you will have your rating reduced by at least 1. Of course we can adjust this system or even the way the teams are compared. So far not many managers have been fired due to bad performance but I know you’re not the first one. I’m pretty confident that at least the comparison logic could be changed, I have some ideas about it. As always, suggestions are welcome :-)


p.s.: did I mention we need to add stuff like this to the game help? :-P


July 30, 2008 17:53

387 posts(s)


for more transparency: if there is a rating system/number like you described, why don’t you show this to the manager. I mean in exact numbers. e.g.“Current satis-factor on turn 109: 33”.
With a chart/diagram for the last 144 turns you see if you’re team is in a negative/positive trend. and the manager is aware that the firing is coming closer to him if he’s not improving.


July 30, 2008 17:56

387 posts(s)


suggestion 2:
i would like to see the improvement in financial, team skills and/or other non-competion related managing business as a vital component for the evaluation of the manager. Those factors should be taken in consideration and calculation as well, somehow.


July 30, 2008 18:28

4,303 posts(s)



The first suggestion was already partially on my mind, I quickly realized the opinion sentence was not clear enough so I was wondering if a color status bar along with a percentage was a good idea. Anyway, we’ll change that to display a number instead of a sentence, that’s for sure. The graphic is also a good idea, we’re still looking for a good way to display graphics for finance and other interesting stuff ;-)

About the second suggestion, it makes sense and we’ll discuss it but will definitely take a lot more analysis and work, so you can expect it to take longer to be implemented than the first one :-)

Thanks for the suggestions Philipp and Simon!


July 30, 2008 20:11

85 posts(s)



Maybe it is possible to count two different analysis:
Squad comparison should take player skills in consideration, and that should be the factor for the results expectations, or does a player achieve better results in the match engine depending on it’s value?
The second ponderation should be the finantial results, depending on the squad value, player wages, stadium or departments (investment in the club) a manager might need to trade players in a regular basis, and there are managers with more skills for this than others.
A practical example, my board expectations are:
League expectation: Middle in table
Cup expectation: Reach the round of 16
International expectation: Reach the round of 16
This means my team is clearly underrated, I keep fighting for the title and cup every season and my team has the best portuguese results in the international competitions in the last 4 or 5 seasons (well, this season portsmouth was very lucky in the first round, let’s see what happens in the second round).
I’m no hell of the managers (at least with this match engine :) where everything is possible) but I already won the title at match 27/30, there are 10 points between my team and the second best!
The point is I know this difficults other teams, I saw the message good result when I achieved a 0×0 away with other team… As you said he (the other manager) got the opposite message, I know him, he has a top squad, true, but the comparison based on player value gives him a big disadvantage because his players worth M and M of $ and my players don’t!
He has tons of $ (always more than I ever had lol) and he trades players on a regular basis, so he manages well the $ part and his club can afford top wages, but that’s a disadvantage for the board expectations!
Maybe the board points can be distributed between both parts with two systems, skills and finances…


July 30, 2008 23:21

4,303 posts(s)



You got me wrong, Hugo. The team comparison is based on player skills, not their values. My situation is similar to yours, my league expectation has been avoid relegation in the past two seasons and I’ve always qualified for an international competition. This season the expectation is qualify for Sudamericana (equivalent to UEFA Cup here) and I’m currently fighting for the title. Either we are very good managers or something must be tuned in the team skill definition :-)

Now, seriously, you guys have good points, our skill analysis is too simplist (I knew I’d have to change it in the future) and we’re not taking other management skills in consideration, even though we should. And we will.

Thanks for your contribution!


July 30, 2008 23:30

1,003 posts(s)



did someone mention advanced tactics ? :D they are on the way, be patient guys! a rubysoccer enemy gave me some series to watch and I got stuck on that, but there are very few episodes left. I should get back to work very soon !


August 01, 2008 14:04

37 posts(s)


Hi guys :)

Are you sure that the Board isn’t too harsh nowadays?

I’ve been out for the last 18 days, on holidays, so this season was lost right at the beggining. Thing is, I won Superliga 4 times on the last 5 seasons, 1 National Cup (and 2 lost finals), and managed to get the 3rd place on this season’s league (not bad, given that I did 3 or 4 logins…). The Board says “We are not happy”. Tell me… am I about to be sacked? :>

Thing is: I’m not ready to lose my team, with some top class players (100, 97, 94…), dozens of millions of dollars (it’s dollars, right? :D), and after 11 seasons of planning and winning on most of them. It doesn’t sound fair and, personally, I wouldn’t have the motivation to pick another team and take the risk of ending in the same place… I agree that best squads = bigger expectations, but… you don’t get an excellent squad without effort and, why not?, success (unless you’re cheating, of course :D). So if you did all the hard work to build a top squad, that shouldn’t work against you.

At the very least, managers shouldn’t be penalized by the team’s underachievements when they’re on holidays for such a long time…

Thank you for reading!


August 01, 2008 14:38

4,303 posts(s)



Too harsh? A little bit, maybe :-)

You’re not in a good situation, but I wouldn’t say you’re about to be sacked. This Board opinion sentence will be soon replaced by a number between 1 and 100…when you reaches 0 you are sacked. In your case you are at 20. If you reach 10 you’ll receive a warning message. The problem in your case is that your good results are expected, so this rating increases slowly, and when you have a bad result this number may go down a little bit faster…that’s the down side of being at a top club.

We know that this rating calculation needs to be tweaked, but I hope you don’t lose your motivation to start over again if you eventually get sacked. At some future point we may need a reset and you would lose your team anyway :-)

The holiday time is a problem, we need to be careful about this otherwise people could use that to avoid getting sacked. But I’m confident we can find a good solution to prevent only managers really on holiday from being penalized.

Good luck, I sincerely hope you can recover your reputation with your board.



August 01, 2008 19:00

1,003 posts(s)



Carlos, please consider the following:

1) The board is a necessary thing to our game – we need to have a way to control what is happening in the teams;
2) We were not expecting to achieve the best (or most complete) implementation right from the beginning, this is the kind of functionality that takes a while to get mature;
3) Being fired is not big deal. In real life soccer, managers are fired all the time. It is one more challenge to face, there are lots of positive aspects in it: you can try to recover a team that is in bad shape, for example.

As Gabriel have mentioned, you still have a very good chance of not being fired. But if you end up being fired, those are good arguments to have in mind.



August 01, 2008 20:48

64 posts(s)


to Carlos Costa’s comment I have been sacked and at first you do feel bad and i did lost motivation I finally said to my self, in real life this happens, just like Danilo said, the problem is that in real life good managers are being seeked by good teams and bad managers do not really do that good, according to the FastTicker rankings I got to a point where I was ranked # 6 and My tean got to # 5 that is verry good, now I am currently managing a team who is ranked # 200 Energie Cottbus this is not fair,
I thought of a suggestion it might sound complicated. but here it is,
Like in real life, a manager is hired.
-there will be a contract for X seasons.
-there will be goals for the team.
they could be win X title, players to pull from youth system, get a team to a X rank. ETC…..
-if manager does not satisfy goals, then he gets fired,

(here is where the interesting part comes)

have the team (with no manager) offer a contract (no money like in real life, just the satisfactoin of managing that team) to a manager with no team and have the manager decide if he wants to manage that team (like in real life) if not then the next highest ranked team will offer a "contract’ to that manager, and basing everything of the Ranks.

it sounds complicated but if you think about it I lost my team and it sucks! but in the bright side I get to manage a different team with different players and different rivals. this way everyone (according to the player and team Rank) will ahve a chance of managing a good team.

I know that this idea sounds crazy but what does everyone think, is it worth taking about or is it imposible?


August 01, 2008 22:42

120 posts(s)



OK… I have a few things to say about this topic.

First, I’ve never been fired. (yet!) But if I was, I wouldn’t be too upset by that. As stated, in real life, LOTS of managers… even REALLY GOOD managers… get fired. I would think MOST managers get fired at some point in their careers. So I think it should be an expectation that you will get fired here eventually. BUT… I think everyone here should be TOLD to expect that it may happen. That way, it’s not so big of a problem when it does happen. To me, that part is just a communication issue that needs to be made clear to all the managers.

I worry about that, because I find some mangers get fired… including really GOOD managers… and they don’t come back.

For instance…

I much prefer fast ticker. But I figured… I’m here… and I started on medium ticker… so I might as well play medium ticker. When I came back to medium ticker I played Arsenal for a while… but I didn’t really improve them. Things happen SLOOOOWLY in medium ticker. I moved to Fiorentina… a good team with some nice younger players. But again, I didn’t feel like I was making anything big happen there. And I noticed a team above me was not managed. Torino. I looked at them… it was a terrific team. Eventually, I decided I’d manage Torino, as they’re already good, and I wouldn’t have to do too much to keep them good! (and honestly, managing them is EASY!!!)

I looked at their record before me… the manager “Andre CML” was fired… his record:
season 1: Champions Serie A
season 2: runners-up Serie A
season 3: runners-up Serie A… WON CHAMPIONS LEAGUE
season 4: FIRED turn 43 (9 games into the season)

I picked the team up after the midway point of that season… and finished third.
The team was in OUTSTANDING financial condition when I picked it up (most money I’ve ever had!!!)

But I am completely FINE with him getting fired. In real life, the top teams have CRAZY expectations. My Torino board expectations this year: League, fight for title… National cup: reach the final… International cup: reach the final (Champions league!) So far I’m doing OK, but I know eventually I’ll fail.

So I think it’s FINE if the manager gets fired. But it needs to be explained to ALL the managers when they join here, that stuff like this WILL happen. They should EXPECT it. I know I’m now always looking for my “next” team. And I think that’s a good thing.

So… what bothers me???? “Andre CMLNEVER picked up another team, and hasn’t logged in since April 20.

We LOST a really excellent manager!!!

We need to tell him he is appreciated, and that we’d like him to return!!! (and that no matter how good he is, he might get fired again)


August 01, 2008 22:51

120 posts(s)



I also am intrigued by Simon M.‘s thoughts about having other manager-less teams seek out new managers. I think that idea has great potential. It would really “soften the blow” if a manager was told: "You’re FIRED!!! (but teams X, Y, and Z would really like to hire you…) "

That’s a WHOLE lot better than “you’re fired”.


August 01, 2008 22:56

4,303 posts(s)



You guys have good points and very interesting suggestions. Don’t worry, this whole firing thing will be sorted out and improved (with your help) over time. About Andre CML I’m pretty sure he was fired for inactivity rather than performance, but I agree that a better communication with the managers will help keeping them when they are fired :-)

Thanks everybody for the feedback!


August 01, 2008 22:57

120 posts(s)



I also think it might be nice if the boards had a known level of expectations. Something easy like: “low”, “medium”, “high”. That way, a manager that just wanted to manage a single team for a long time could pick a “small club” with a “low expectation board”. But a manger that didn’t mind getting fired could get a “high pressure” job with a “big club”.


August 01, 2008 23:05

120 posts(s)



and yeah… I know it’s easy to think this stuff up.. and a whole other problem to implement it! and I really don;t know where you draw the line on complexity vs. fun to play…

but, so far, so good!


August 02, 2008 06:48

387 posts(s)


a minor suggestion (as long as there is no “newspaper” added):
when a manager gets fired, all other manager should get a notice (e.g. via ingame mail) that the team is free for new manager proposals … So no one misses the chance to get the vacant manager spot (when you make it a 3-turn minimum deadline).


August 02, 2008 07:02

637 posts(s)


I agree with Dave that every manager must be aware that he can be fired. Also the managers of top teams.
I manage Genoa in fastticker from the beginning and it take a while before I find the good tactics, but now I have a top team. This also means the board expectations are very high. League: fight for the title, cup: reach the final, international expactation: reach semi-final.
The Italian Serie A is not that strong as the Spanish or English league so I win the title every time with a large gap to the second and sometimes I wish a bit more concurrence.
But nevertheless I also have a “bad result” if I play 0-0. So also I can get fired.
The point is that I will be disappointed if I would be fired but I like the game and will search for another challenge. Another team I can bring to the top.

About Andre CML, he is fired for inactivity. He was on a holiday and did not use the holiday mode so he was fired. He was very disappointed and that’s the reason he left the game.
He was a great competitor for my Cagliari in mediumticker. I had great battles against his Torino.
Now I hope I can beat Dave’s Torino for the title. He’s a great competitor as well.

I also like the idea of " you’re fired but team X want to hire you"


August 02, 2008 07:12

637 posts(s)


I like Philipp’s suggestion. Allthough I think it’s better that there is a kind of shortlist where you can add the teams you’re interrested in. If one of this teams is vacant you receive an ingame message with an invitation to manage that team. You can decide to take the job or to refuse. If you don’t get the job you stay with you’re old team but lose some points with the board cause they lose some faith in you.
Otherwise manager X will leave his team to manage the vacant team but manager Y will be hired and manager X has no team anymore.


August 02, 2008 09:12

4,303 posts(s)



Public level of board pressure, list of teams you’re interested in, in-game message when a manager is fired, invitation to manage a team…sounds very interesting! We have some similar enhancements on our list to all these features except for the first, but your comments here will be really useful when it’s time to implement them :-D



September 09, 2008 13:22

25 posts(s)



I think that somenthing must be done with this. As you know is quite difficult to score a goal so this way of evaluating is a little bit unfair. For example I won 6 matches, 1 draw with 17 GF and 1 GA and my Performance is 12 (at the begining of the season I think it was 7)!!!!! last turn my performance was 11, I won 4×0 (with 29 shoots on target) and it only increased 1 point, so the expectation was 3×0 or more.

It is just a comment, I accept the rules as they are but please take a look at this because is very dificult for big teams to increase our valoration



September 09, 2008 16:47

4,303 posts(s)



Your last sentence summarizes it, for a big team it’s really hard to improve the board opinion. It’s kinda realistic if you think of it as you’re always expected to win. We are already working on the difficult to score, the first improvement will be headers. Keepers will use their header attribute instead of keeping to defend headers. There are other plans to make keepers get injured (even though it won’t be common) or make it harder for a keeper to defend if there are 2 shots in a row, no defenders between the attacker and keeper, etc.

Anyway, there is room for improvement and your feedback is very important. If you end up being fired I’m sure you’ll have a good time accepting a new challenge in another club ;)



September 12, 2008 11:47

37 posts(s)


Hi Gabriel,

I can’t agree that 12% of board satisfaction after six wins and one draw on seven games is realistic.
I must say once again that I don’t think this criteria is fair to those who manage to build great squads. They’re always penalized, because even if you have the best squad in your country, it’s 99,999% certain (and natural!) that you won’t win each and every game. It doesn’t happen in real life, but it seems that we’re expected to do that on RubySoccer :)

Why don’t you think about evaluating at the end of the season the level of accomplishment of the board expectations? Because the way things are right now, it doesn’t seem impossible to win the championship or the champions league and be fired…
This seems much more realistic for me. Real life football and business world work like this; they give you a goal, and you are judged on whether you accomplished or not. No one cares if you win 2-0 or 5-0… as long as you win.


September 12, 2008 14:28

4,303 posts(s)



Makes sense Carlos, we may consider the goals on performance evaluation and maybe change a little bit the logic for when a loss is expected. I’ll add an enhancement to our list.



October 15, 2008 08:40

387 posts(s)


what’s the influence of the capital on the % performance?
what’s the influence of the current league position compared to the boards expectation?


October 15, 2008 09:27

4,303 posts(s)



Currently these factors have no influence on the % performance, the only thing that changes the performance are the match results, the expected result (based on the teams quality) against the real result. I have 2 main ideas to change that:

1) Keep using expected match results to influence % performance but add a modifier based on financial situation, competition position against board expectation, improvement of the squad.

2) Stop using match results and periodically analyze all other factors listed above to update % performance


October 15, 2008 09:46

387 posts(s)


in the end finance, players/team improvement and league position are the most important facts. if you lose with 2 or 3 goals difference should be that important, if you still fullfil the expectations. But sure if your team loses by 4 or more goals board (in RL) isn’t happy aswell, so this take should effect again.


April 20, 2009 13:32

32 posts(s)


Little question, as it was said in the annoucements, does the rule that says that managers with bad performance will get fired, if a better ranked manager applies for that team, still counts or if he keeps getting bad results he can get fired?
I’m sorry if it has already been asked, but I just couldn’t find it anywhere.


April 20, 2009 14:32

375 posts(s)


both times he will be fired

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