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February 19, 2009 13:56

651 posts(s)


yah… but then may be we could take resources into account too… but i think we could get more ideas from other managers too…
some, having huge resources, take risks by paying more to hire better players and get results , some take a different strategy because their financial conditions are not strong enough…

it could take some time but we could come to a good blend of wins and resources criteria. But i think feedback from other managers is necessary in this case.


February 19, 2009 13:48

651 posts(s)


thanks gabriel, i think i was missing the home advantage in my calculations:(


February 19, 2009 12:09

117 posts(s)



I like your loan extension
rewards the good managers doing the right thing. Allow upto a full season extension.

i see both parts of the story with loaned out players BUT guys you cant have it both ways, wheres the risk factor!


February 19, 2009 11:55

803 posts(s)


I think you shoud not remove the penalty, it can be unfare for the smaller teams with lots of other teams players in there main squad. Without penalty managers would recall players for any reason, like if they have a player injured or red carded… that would create instability for the team that is counting with the loaned players in their main squad.

Best regards, Filipe


February 19, 2009 11:26

4,300 posts(s)



What about these 2 additions:
- loan clauses: minimum coaching (if the team who loaned in the player downgrade its coaching below the specified level the player is returned), maximum number of official matches missed (if the loaned player misses more than the specified number of official matches he is returned; matches where he was injured or suspended won’t count)
- loan renewal option: when loan contract is ending both managers have the option to extend the loan for more 36 turns

I’m really not comfortable anymore with an option to call back or return the player for free. It could be abused. :(


February 19, 2009 10:55

678 posts(s)


Well happy to see you are coming around. That penalty thing was a bad idea. If there is no penalty there is no way of “cheating” the system. It’s your player. If he’s not playing and you want him to play then I think you should be able to recall him. If the loaning manager doesn’t like that……well…thats his fault right? Then he should have played him….why loan a player in the 1st place then! On the otherside, if you loaned a player and feel like you really don’t need him anymore you should be able to send him back. I doubt the manager who owns the player would mind, since he could most likely loan him out again anyway. Both sides happy……boths sides win. PROBLEM SOLVED!


February 19, 2009 00:37

4,300 posts(s)



Yep, it has been reported heraser…looking into it ;)


February 18, 2009 23:33

32 posts(s)


Did anybody else notice something strange in the match replays recently?
The players keep appearing and disappearing all the time.


February 18, 2009 22:55

18 posts(s)


I agree with the manager reputation in both cases (managersim had those things), but I disagree about the financial punishments. Sure we’re penalizing the teams, but that’s what happens in real life when bad managers are running some teams.

Besides, it’s a manager job to take a team out of bankruptcy, to make a team arise from the shadows, rebuild it. It takes time, but it’s fun. when I played CM I loved to get a team in 2nd division and improved until I win everything.

Furthermore, I think that there won’t be too much punishment, as no one wants to loose money for something stupid like puttting a guy on transfer and cancel it.


February 18, 2009 22:20

4,300 posts(s)



I’ve been thinking about…this way it makes no sense to define a loan period! We could simply leave the player there until one of the sides cancel the loan. Hard decision :P


February 18, 2009 21:14

4,300 posts(s)



You’re right Fabrizio, a friend of mine has just reported it today. I have an idea on how to fix it.
Thanks for reporting!


February 18, 2009 21:14

4,300 posts(s)



I’m glad you loke those features cause we’ll have them both! The big club clause will probably be more complex like determining the exact value a team has to pay in order to have your player.


February 18, 2009 21:10

4,300 posts(s)



First we need a criteria for that. The manager ranking points could be used, so the manager of the month would be the one who won more points in the ranking. Or we could do it more straightforward like winning percentage.


February 18, 2009 21:08

4,300 posts(s)



Hmmm, you’re right Parag, managers can always change teams so it makes sense they have a market reputation or something like that. These days I was thinking about a reputation related to cheating, maybe we could have both.


February 18, 2009 19:10

58 posts(s)


Not the same bug, but some similar. My match replays are “lacking some frames”. Don´t know if anyone has the same problem but the game starts and the next move half of the players in the field disappear. Then the move ahead they are all there, but in the sequence half of them disappear again.

I tryed in IE and Firefox.




February 18, 2009 18:29

71 posts(s)



I’m probably going to end up regretting saying this, but i used to like the morale features in ms, if the player was unhappy ie not playing he wouldnt renew contracts etc and i think it had some negative effect on his performances. i think this was a good feature to have as it was realistic, and also the big club clauses, was a nightmare for me but again was pretty realistic. Dont know what anyone else thinks?


February 18, 2009 18:16

71 posts(s)



Ah, sorry i should be more patient and read through the topics!
Thanks Parag


February 18, 2009 17:53

651 posts(s)


how about adding this thing to the newspaper section…


February 18, 2009 17:49

651 posts(s)


go there Aggressiveness
it has been discussed there


February 18, 2009 17:48

651 posts(s)


Rather than financial punishments, ( its not good to punish a team for managers behaviour ), its good to have some form of “blacklisting” manager. May be we could have something similar to disciplinary points that we have for player. or May be if he shows that kind of behaviour for more than 5 times, then, we could black list him in the transfer market. That means other managers would think twice before negotiating with him.

But as i said ahead, since it is always the team that has to pay the financial punishment, its not good to assign financial punishment. What happens if a manager removes that player from the transfer list, and becomes “eligible” for the punishment, but leaves the team after that, because he got a better job.


February 18, 2009 17:47

71 posts(s)



What impact does aggression have on your team if any, i never really understood this even in MS, does it make them more liable to bookings or what.


February 18, 2009 17:39

71 posts(s)



I agree with sylvain, you should be able to recall or send back a player with no penalties, i also think you should definately consider an option so the manager can decide where his player goes, that way there shouldn’t be a need to cancel the contracts as you are sending him somewhere that you feel he will probably play.


February 18, 2009 17:04

4,300 posts(s)



Interesting idea, Rodrigo. This way we would probably reduce the number of managers who transfer list a player with no real intent of selling him or raising the price as soon as he/she realizes that lots of teams are interested in buying the player.
I’d like to read more opinions.


February 18, 2009 17:02

4,300 posts(s)



If I got it right you want to be able to recall or return a loaned player for free, right Sly? Well, personally I think that’s ok. When I first introduced the fine to recall or return a loaned player the idea was to be fair with the other team, but now I see it brought more worries than benefits. Maybe we should try that and see how it goes :)


February 18, 2009 15:45

18 posts(s)


If there’s something that’s really annoying is when a manager puts a player on transfer and, after we offer the value he’s asking, the manager raises the price or simply remove the player of the transfer list.

Besides the fact that it’s irritating and unethical, sometimes it’s a problem, too, because we stop looking for another player or give up on another transaction because we found the “right guy”.

I think we shouldn’t forbid it, but the manager should receive a very expensive punishment, maybe 10% of the price that the manager was asking (when he cancels the transfers) or 10% or 20% of the diference between the old and the new prices. The punishment would be apllied, of course, only if someone offers the previous asked price.

What do you think about it, guys?


February 18, 2009 12:17

678 posts(s)


I personally think you should do it like it was in managersim. I think both sides should be able to cancel or recall a loan. It’s your player. If he’s not playing then there are plenty of teams that could use the player and will play him.

I really don’t see the problem. At the moment it just sucks if you are happy you loaned out a player but he’s not being played and there is NOTHING you can do about it. I think this is a big downside and I think it should be changed.


February 18, 2009 11:17

4,300 posts(s)



If you have two players with same name on match replays both will be displayed.


February 18, 2009 11:15

4,300 posts(s)



Next time we’ll have first place in group 1 playing against second place in group 4, first place in group 2 playing against second place in group 3 and so on. Semi-finals won’t be predefined, they will behave the way it was before (best against worse). For South American competitions where we only have 2 groups it will be first in one group against second in the other.


February 18, 2009 11:11

4,300 posts(s)



AZ sounds good Hopjes. I got the names from a website but if you guys have any suggestions for more commonly used names just let us know ;)


February 18, 2009 11:09

4,300 posts(s)



First of all I assure you there is no bias towards teams without managers :)

Two things to consider. Lorient played at home, so you should add 3 points to each skill you mentioned. Also, the secondary skills may give him an advantage. Their striker for example has good dribbling skills which may explain how he managed to reach the goal and score twice.

Anyway, there are some factors to consider or maybe Lorient just got lucky. What I can tell you is there is no bias ;)