Forums Bugs

where is my second striker in match replays? :)

Subscribe to where is my second striker in match replays? :) 16 post(s), 7 voice(s)


January 18, 2009 11:01

53 posts(s)




I’ve been replaying my last matches and I really can’t find my second striker in the field… Where is Sanchez?

He is playing “anywhere” because he is scoring, but…

Perhaps the problem is that I have a defender called Sanchez too?

Can you have a look, perhaps we have a little bug here.

Best regards
Javier Palacian


January 18, 2009 14:20

4,303 posts(s)



I’ve seen that happen before Javier, I’m still not sure whether it has to do with the names or individual tactics making the players override each others’ position. Anyway, at least he is playing :)


January 18, 2009 15:43

1,003 posts(s)



I will investigate this as soon as I have a chance to. I will first finish a couple functionalities that I had in mind.


January 18, 2009 20:19

14 posts(s)


This is happening to me too… if you see my game in the last tick, i don’t have the second striker…
I think it has to do with the names, because i have a right midfielder with the name moreno, and this is also the name of the missing striker.

Alexandre Freitas


January 18, 2009 20:42

53 posts(s)



Hello again,

Perhaps this is the problem, 2 players with the same name cannot play currently… right?



January 19, 2009 01:23

1,003 posts(s)



Nope, that is not the problem for sure… What can happen is that it may be difficult to know which is one is the one you are looking for if they have similar or the same names. But we will analyze those cases, lets see what is happening…


February 04, 2009 22:42

124 posts(s)



I experienced this same problem in my latest match. I was lucky to get a draw out of the match because there was one of my most important defenceman missing. And there was another player called Jones in the squad this time too so that must have caused the problem somehow. The opponents striker was always free in the middle of my defence as I started the match lacking one player.


February 05, 2009 02:09

1,003 posts(s)



We’ve found what the problem is, the fix will be applied soon. But don’t worry guys, you are not playing with less players , you just cannot see your extra guy :D. cheers


February 05, 2009 11:16

117 posts(s)


I told my pensioners to get off the bench!


February 05, 2009 12:12

124 posts(s)



Thanks for the info, Danilo.


February 08, 2009 09:13

53 posts(s)



Hello again,

As you know I’m playing in Atletico de Madrid in fastticker and I have a “missed” player in the matches replays, Salvatore Vidal Del Ojo, but he has scored 6 goals this Championship Edition but I cannot find him in the scorers list… where is he?? :)

Perhaps this problem is related with his misterious matches where this player is a phantom…

What do you think?



February 08, 2009 15:15

4,303 posts(s)



The two bugs are not related. The top scorers table is not correct for international cups, it’s not showing the group phase goals. Don’t worry, it’s just a matter of adding them up, the statistics are in our database, they’re just not being displayed correctly. I’ll fix that soon ;)



February 09, 2009 08:12

53 posts(s)



Thank you, Gabriel! ;)


February 18, 2009 11:17

4,303 posts(s)



If you have two players with same name on match replays both will be displayed.


February 18, 2009 19:10

58 posts(s)


Not the same bug, but some similar. My match replays are “lacking some frames”. Don´t know if anyone has the same problem but the game starts and the next move half of the players in the field disappear. Then the move ahead they are all there, but in the sequence half of them disappear again.

I tryed in IE and Firefox.




February 18, 2009 21:14

4,303 posts(s)



You’re right Fabrizio, a friend of mine has just reported it today. I have an idea on how to fix it.
Thanks for reporting!

Forums Bugs