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August 21, 2008 17:20

1,003 posts(s)



We were out for some hours, due to a problem in our server (not in rubysoccer itself). Sorry for any inconvenience. The ticks will be back to their correct schedule real soon – and we will not run the ticks that should be executed during the outage.


August 21, 2008 02:37

375 posts(s)


Hi, I asked some of the top clubs’ managers about their Spons/Merch income and was surprized to get so many honest answers !


- Cruzeiro ~530,000
- Atletico-PR ~650,000


- Boca Juniors ~400,000


- Atletico Madrid ~450,000


- Liverpool ~600,000



- Genoa ~550,000 (Board opinion: outstanding)


- Wolfsburg ~450,000


I didn’t get the answers from 2 leagues, but it really looks like the difference is very smooth (yeah, I thought that Brazilian top clubs would earn about 1,000,000 each 3 turns). This also shows that still, if you want “greens every week” like in MS, you’d better have low wages by using players from your youths or just negotiating alone :)

By the way, if you want to have 2 lvl 10 departments, be ready to spend 480k per 3 turns (23M per season).

Though I would like to know if the difference really exists, because Atletico’s 650k is still much more than Boca’s 400k.

My own team is #1 in Brazilian second league and my average income is only 230k and my Board is not happy with me.

A question to the developers:

We are managers, what’s the best way to manage our teams to earn more in Spons/Merch – better stadiums/players/results…/leagues ?


August 20, 2008 23:04

53 posts(s)


Hy Gabriel,

What could happen with my team position. I put 4:4:2 and it plays 4:3:3. My attacker Guido Ros was in the middle and other players change his positions. I went to set the players configuration right after the 18:00 O’clock update!
PS. This game was against you with Flamengo! And I win it.: ) just don’t know how!

And congrats for the last inprovements in coaching and phisio, they really don’t take any time lkike you said before!



August 20, 2008 11:18

53 posts(s)


OK Gabriel, thanks. I’ll always send you a message if something wrong could happen.

And Alban, your players is in real downsized price. They are very good players for a low price.
Selling me 2 players could be a nice way to disguise your acts.
Don’t you think that is a strange attitude to set off your player right before the update? Of course you don’t.
If you continue acting like that, next time I’ll send you a english message! So you don’t have to cry for the developers!



August 20, 2008 09:34

4,303 posts(s)



It is still possible, but that will change. I gotta find some time to change these old requested enhancements :P



August 20, 2008 09:33

4,303 posts(s)



Calm down guys :-)

Don’t worry Alban, there is no evidence of cheating against you, I’m sure Stramazi got worried cause we had some cheating problems in a recent past and our users are the best source of information about it.



August 20, 2008 06:51

387 posts(s)


fast ticker > Champions League > 1st round > Hannover 96 x VfL Wolfsburg …
both german teams. Thought this instance isn’t possible anymore (in 1st rounds) ???


August 20, 2008 03:38

375 posts(s)



The manager of this club is me. I got a letter from Diego Stramazi accusing me, but I am not that good at Portuguese, although I’ve studied it for a couple of years, but I had no practice ever.

“Tá tentando trapacear camarada? Colocando jogador a preço baixo pra comprar ocm outro time e se alguém entra na parada vc retira? Vais tomar aquela denúncia básica, pilantra!”

But my players aren’t put on the transfer list for low price. At least the ones with good skills. And I removed one of the players Diego bid on, because I also sold other players at that time and felt that it is better to remove that player from the transfer list for the team’s good.

I doubt it is a good deed to buy 2 players from me and to accuse me of cheating at the same time.

P.S. sorry to post this all here in the public forums


August 19, 2008 23:33

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks Stramazi, we’ll take a look.



August 19, 2008 22:48

53 posts(s)


Hy Gabriel / Danilo,

Coul you please, stay atempt for the Amrica RN manager in Brazil League. He put a lot of player for sale for a low price. I tryed to buy one but he take him off before the tick update. There is a lot of other playes in the same condition!



August 19, 2008 11:25

4,303 posts(s)



Results in friendlies do not influence The Board, Sponsors or Merchandise.
The attendance depends on the quality of players, there is no way to increase it. We have plans to make the attendance higher when the visitor team is better than the home team.
There is no difference in chances of improving between players between friendly and official matches, we may also change that in the future, reducing friendlies effect a little bit.



August 19, 2008 10:57

375 posts(s)


I have some questions regarding friendly matches ?

Do results in friendlies influence The Board or Sponsors/Merchandise ?
Does the attendance depend on the quality of players ? (and is there any way to increase it ?)
Is there any difference in chances of improving between playing a friendly and an official match ?

Thanks !


August 14, 2008 14:24

4,303 posts(s)



In my opinion the goalkeepers are too strong and there are too many shots during the matches. We must (and we will) insert more variables to the shooting during the match to change this situation. I was feeling the same when I played in MediumTicker, lots of 0×0...don’t know why things are different on FastTicker. Anyway, the variables I’m talking about is how clear was the goal chance, the keeper should receive a penalty when there are 2 shots in a row, things like that.



August 14, 2008 13:51

18 posts(s)


What the hell can be happening with my Corinthians in Medium Ticker? In the last 10 games, my team only scored in 2 games! I’ve done all the possible changes on the formation, used long, medium and short shooting and the things just don’t get better.

And before anyone says that the problem is with my players, I should say that one of them is 95 in shooting and he’s the last season top scorer! Besides, I also have a 84 and two 82. The team usually finishes a lot and most on them are on target!

One more curiosity: mey team scores in the friendlies… In one of them I played my the best attacker and suprise: he scored six times.

Would it be a bug? Or am I just the most unlucky guy in Brazilian Serie A at this moment?

On the other hand, in the same last 10 games, my gk was beaten only once!!!

Any ideas??


August 13, 2008 13:26

4,303 posts(s)



The AI will replace the suspended player with the best player available, not necessarily in the suspended player position. This is an annoying bug that I’ve already tried to fix twice. Last time I did I caused errors on other places that I haven’t had the chance to investigate yet, but I will. When I’m done the suspended player will be replaced by the best available player in the same position.



August 13, 2008 12:16

375 posts(s)


Looks like when I have suspended players the AI can change my formation terribly.


August 12, 2008 14:29

4,303 posts(s)



The replays are available for one week, they are also accessible from the match report page, not only from the recent results section of team info page. There is a link at the bottom of the match report to watch the replay. Now if you want more matches results accessible from the team info page we can make that configurable in the future, shouldn’t require much work ;)

The RubyTube suggestion is great, but it is not something easy to implement. The way the replay works now you’d have to download a file with its contents and either install a program to watch it or submit it in a replay viewer page on RubySoccer…this program and page don’t exist yet :)

Ideally we’d export the replay as a video or flash. Who knows, it is possible in a distant future :D

Thanks Alban!


August 12, 2008 13:11

375 posts(s)


Sometimes I cannot watch the replays of latest official matches because I am asleep =)

Is it possible to show 3 last matches’ replays instead of 1 ?

And can it be done possible to save them on our PCs or maybe make a RubyTube ? =) That would be very interesting regarding tactics and also very helpful…and imagine voting “goal of the year”, “match of the season 12…”


August 10, 2008 22:20

4,303 posts(s)



The negative balance period was my first idea, but then I decided to try something different. It’s also an interesting alternative, for sure.


August 10, 2008 14:07

375 posts(s)


Highest bid will also improve the transfer situation – no more exaggerated bids when you negotiate alone.

Nowadays CPU teams try to sign average players from the free transfer list, so this will not be a problem.

And I wanted to know if it is possible to make the “negative balance” period – for example, you have 30 turns to make the numbers “green”.


August 10, 2008 11:06

4,303 posts(s)



A co-worker suggested highest bid…interesting for star players, not so good for regular players as nobody would buy them (in this case we would either release them for free after the auction period is over or destroy as we’re doing now). The player destruction is like a faster way, but an auction area in the transfers pages wouldn’t be bad ;-)



August 10, 2008 10:27

375 posts(s)


I don’t like the idea of destroying players either. Why destroy ? Let’s sell them for highest bid :)


August 10, 2008 02:27

2 posts(s)


Awesome, thanks.


August 09, 2008 23:49

1,003 posts(s)






August 09, 2008 22:45

58 posts(s)


Same problem here.


August 09, 2008 22:41

5 posts(s)



For sale:

Rodriguez Bencomo

Age: 27

Position: D
Side: C
Keeping: 32
Tackle: 81
Passing: 65
Shooting: 51
Speed: 79
Dribble: 62
Control: 72


Adel Boutry

Age: 27

Position: D
Side: C
Keeping: 44
Tackle: 85
Passing: 75
Shooting: 66
Speed: 68
Dribble: 67
Control: 69


Sileno Trillo

Age: 28

Position: D
Side: L
Keeping: 41
Tackle: 86
Passing: 66
Shooting: 61
Speed: 77
Dribble: 54
Control: 77


Bento Rosa

Age: 34

Position: D
Side: C
Keeping: 42
Tackle: 84
Passing: 65
Shooting: 68
Speed: 78
Dribble: 74
Control: 74



August 09, 2008 22:36

120 posts(s)



same here…


August 09, 2008 20:14

5 posts(s)



Same for me, but i got a page ‘Not Found’.


August 09, 2008 19:22

2 posts(s)


I don’t know if it’s just my current computer, but I get a page not found/error 404 whenever I offer a contract, with either IE or firefox. Kinda annoying as I’ve got guys up for renewal, and a few decent free transfers I could use.


August 09, 2008 19:13

4,303 posts(s)



Your point about not firing players to save their salaries makes sense Rafael, but remember our first action is downgrade departments, so a team would lose all departments before having these players sold. Maybe we could destroy the star players first (or higher wages) to discourage this use of the bankruptcy system.

The money injection is to give the next manager to get the team a chance to improve it. Imagine a situation where you start managing a team with 14 non youth players and 10 millions negative, what can you expect from this? Of course in a long term you could recover the team from this situation, but I thought most people wouldn’t be happy with that. Of course I may be wrong :-)

I’d like to read other people opinion, we can always change things when you guys are not happy with some particular logic or rule.

Thanks for your suggestions!