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a.i. changes formation (if players suspended)

Subscribe to a.i. changes formation (if players suspended) 34 post(s), 10 voice(s)


January 13, 2008 07:22

387 posts(s)


why is it that if one player of the standard formation is banned for a match by (red) cards the computer doesnt replace a sustitute in the same spot?

i have a 3-5-2, one midfielder was booked and i missed to change the squad myself. the match report showed that the a.i. brought a player in, but not as a midfielder but a sriker. so i played 3-4-3 & had obviously a big disadvantage b/c “i” changed the formation from 352 to 343 /normally 60-70 shots, this time 18) …


January 15, 2008 12:04

223 posts(s)


the a.i picks the best player available no matter the position he plays….

gabriel will fix this in the future.



January 15, 2008 13:44

387 posts(s)


it’s not that sytem picks the best player available, but that the system doesn’t replace the missing player at his original position … what if a goalie is banned? do the system steps up with a 3-5-3 …?!


January 15, 2008 16:27

4,303 posts(s)



No Philipp, another goalie will be used to replace the banned one or, if no goalie is available, the available player with the highest keeping :-)

What Alexandre meant is the “best” available player no matter the position to replace. So in your case you had a banned midfielder and got a striker to replace him. That means your “best” available striker (highest shooting) was better than your “best” available midfielder (highest passing), if you compare the striker shooting with the midfielder passing. Of course this “best” concept is far from accurate and also that is not what you wanted, you wanted your formation to be 3-5-2 and that’s what’s gonna happen when we fix it.



January 15, 2008 17:07

387 posts(s)


Alright, Gabriel. Thanks for explaining.


April 27, 2008 04:55

120 posts(s)



The AI is still changing formations when a player is not available to play a game.

I am fine with the AI substituting the “best available” player at a position… best tackler for a D, best passer for a M, best shooter for an A…

the AI should NEVER change my formation, OR how my formation is setup. NEVER. NEVER EVER EVER!!!!!

Just put in a player to replace the one that can’t play… and leave my formations alone!!!


April 27, 2008 12:44

120 posts(s)



grrr…. did it to me again! I go from my nice compact little 343, to a completely spread 244?? (not a 442… a 244!!!) It’s a wonder I only lost by 1 goal!

(I really think we need to fix this one guys…)



April 27, 2008 12:59

120 posts(s)



It’s funny though… in the preceding game…2 of my players got injured (which caused the 244 problem in the follwoing game).

In the game where the players got hurt, both injuries occurred to “C” players, playing in the middle. The replacements were a “R” mid for the injured “C” mid. And a “L” def for the “C” def. Both replacements remained in the central positions (where I want them).

So, it works properly for replacing players DURING the game… it only changes formations if players are unavailable BEFORE starting a game.

I would imagine it is needed (and GOOD) to do that for the managerless teams. But if a team is managed, and has a valid default formation… that formation should be used.


April 27, 2008 13:05

120 posts(s)



ps. I don’t mean to be nit-picky about the game… it is still a really fun game.



April 27, 2008 13:38

4,303 posts(s)



Don’t worry Dave, I’ve just added a partial fix for that :-)

By partial I mean that we’ll try to replace the unavailable player by someone from the same position exactly where that player was supposed to be, but we won’t guarantee the picked player will have the right side to fit in that position. It’s better if I give an example.

suppose you had a player on M L 0…if you have any midfielders available (our logic for now doesn’t consider AM and DM as midfielders, even though they are) we pick the one with greatest passing, no matter if his side is L, C or R. If no midfielders are available, the logic will work as it was previously, putting someone in the attack or defense.

It’s still needs improvements, but at least I could do a partial fix relatively fast ;-)



April 27, 2008 16:29

120 posts(s)



Great! Thanks Gabriel!!

I have no problem with the AI using the best player at the position, even if it’s the wrong “side”.

I’d much rather have that, than have it changing my formation, or changing my setup.



May 06, 2008 06:58

120 posts(s)



well… it keeps the formation… but ti still completely messes up the setup.

here, it kept my 433 formation, but totally destroys how I deploy it.

compare that replay to the replay of the preceeding league game I played, and you’ll see the difference.


May 06, 2008 06:59

120 posts(s)



here the preceeding game:


May 06, 2008 14:53

4,303 posts(s)



I know the reason for that…it should be easy to change.



May 07, 2008 19:57

85 posts(s)



I started using formation strategies and noticed that replacement by injury explicitly goes to the same place where the injured player was, GREAT! What about red cards? I want to replace an attacker for my red carded goalie, defender or midfielder by another goalie, defender or midfielder in the same position the red carded player was. But this is not explicit and I am afraid (very afraid) the player will go to an AI setup option!
Is it possible to have options for this? Like Red Carded Attacker, Defender, Midfielder, Goalkeeper just as the injured (if the AI setup option applys)…
Also I think it would be good to have some generic options, like less skilled or less valuable or slower player. Imagine selecting one of this generic options combined with other features, my idea is in case of a red card replace the less skilled attacker on mentality 0 by the best goalie, defender or midfielder to where the red carded player was! And not forcing an exact position (or zone or mentality) like the A LC 0 (my option)…



May 08, 2008 09:52

1,003 posts(s)



Hugo, for situations like that, here is what you can do using event based strategies (when a red card occurs):

1. create one that will apply when a particular attacker receives a redcard. in this case, you would move somebody that was in another position to take his position. you can perform a substitution at the same time you do that.
2. create one that will apply when any attacker receives a redcard. if you do that, you have to analyze the combinations of possible situations. if, for example, Attacker1 receives a redcard and you try to take out a defender to put an attacker in the same place as Attacker2 (which didnt get a redcard and, therefore, it is still in the field), nothing will happen.

Hope that helps.


May 17, 2008 13:35

85 posts(s)



I tried to adapt your suggestions but it didn’t work very well :) what I need to do is a bit the opposite of the suggestion, I want to replace a specific player (an attacker) in case of any of the other 10 gets a red card, this part is ok, but I need the new player (the one in from the bench) positioned where the red card happened, so that i can keep the formation, sparing the position I choosed to replace (the attacker).
I really think this would be usefull to keep our formations, and the generic options would help, at least, we would gain more flexibility.



May 17, 2008 15:21

1,003 posts(s)



Well, then I guess we need 2 new conditions: “RedCard to anyone” and “Anyone injured” :). Piece of cake, I will add that with the other suggestions we have.



May 18, 2008 22:54

85 posts(s)



Well, I think we already have the “Anyone injured”, divided by goalkeeper/defender/midfielder/attacker, which is good because depending on the injured player position we can create a rule to replace him with another player belonging to the same position, and keeping our formations.
The problem with the red cards is that we can’t keep the same formation, we have to adapt to the forced circunstances. I was giving my intention as an example but I was trying to achieve more flexibility in my suggestion, in my case I choosed to spare an attacker to replace a red carded goalkeeper/defender/midfielder, but these options vary from manager to manager, from formation to formation.
That’s why I proposed a Red Carded Attacker, Red Carded Defender, Red Carded Midfielder, Red Carded Goalkeeper, in a way that we can choose which player leaves the game, which player enters the game, to the same position the red card happened, these could also be a new check option in the existing red card events.
Thanks for the effort and cheers…


May 19, 2008 03:16

1,003 posts(s)



oh-oh, sorry Hugo, it seems that I didnt pay enough attention to your situation. Well, right now the only way to achieve the result you want is by creating strategies for all the combinations of possible events which may happen, like I have described in a previous post. But I will try to come up with something to make this easier. I am planning to work on this screen soon, so I hope we can have this shortly.



May 19, 2008 05:13

130 posts(s)


Is the “position for position” replacement in place already? I’ve lost the count of how many matches the cpu turned my 4-4-2 into a 5-3-2…



May 19, 2008 10:00

4,303 posts(s)



Yes, Ricardo. If you’re talking about replacements due to injured or suspended players it has been implemented last week (or the week before, not sure). If you’re talking about replacements due to injuries during the matches we’ve always been replacing the injured player by someone in the same position.



May 19, 2008 16:33

637 posts(s)


If it’s already implemented then I think I had a bug during the last leaguematch against Reggina (tick 108). I normally play 4-4-2 but Filagrossi (attacker) was suspended for this match and the cpu turned my line-up into a 4-5-1. The best available player was my midfielder Alvares de Oliveira.
I lost the match but it isn’t that bad because I have a hugh lead.



May 19, 2008 18:20

4,303 posts(s)



We’ll have to investigate thorpedo. Thanks for reporting.



May 20, 2008 15:26

130 posts(s)


Same here, 4 league matches ago:

My best available player was a D, turning the 4-4-2 into a 5-3-2.


May 20, 2008 18:52

4,303 posts(s)



Damn! I thought I’ve solved this one…sorry for that guys, apparently I was wrong :-P


August 13, 2008 12:16

375 posts(s)


Looks like when I have suspended players the AI can change my formation terribly.


August 13, 2008 13:26

4,303 posts(s)



The AI will replace the suspended player with the best player available, not necessarily in the suspended player position. This is an annoying bug that I’ve already tried to fix twice. Last time I did I caused errors on other places that I haven’t had the chance to investigate yet, but I will. When I’m done the suspended player will be replaced by the best available player in the same position.



August 20, 2008 23:04

53 posts(s)


Hy Gabriel,

What could happen with my team position. I put 4:4:2 and it plays 4:3:3. My attacker Guido Ros was in the middle and other players change his positions. I went to set the players configuration right after the 18:00 O’clock update!
PS. This game was against you with Flamengo! And I win it.: ) just don’t know how!

And congrats for the last inprovements in coaching and phisio, they really don’t take any time lkike you said before!



August 21, 2008 18:41

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks Stramazi! I think you came here just to tell everybody you won the match against me even using the wrong formation…just kidding man :D

I see some options for what happened:

1) The old bug where an unavailable player is not automatically replaced by someone in the same position (in your case an unavailable midfielder was replaced by an attacker)
2) A 4:3:3 formation you have was setup for the match against me while a different formation was 4:4:2
3) Another bug we are not aware of yet.

As always, I’ll take a look to make sure everything looks fine and will let everybody know if there is a bug.


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