I think others may think like you. Let me try to make it clear. A player with position DA is equals to a player with position AD, this means they can play in any defense or attack position and his tackle and shooting tend to have similar values (it’s not certain though). The order of the positions (DA or AD) doesn’t affect the player improvement at all, as I said, it only changes the list where he will be displayed in the team setup screen and also can help the manager organizing his squad. In my case I put DA on players whose tackle is greater than shooting and AD on players whose shooting is greater than tackle, so I know which field area I should use them. But again, no matter which way you use it (DA or AD), the player can be used both on attack and defense and will improve the same way.
Feel free to ask more questions when things are not clear like this, it is also important for us in designing the game help :-)
So a DA with tackle 80 and shooting 75 won’t improve untill his shooting is better than his tackle??
Then I was wrong all the time. I thought that:
If I see a DA (Tackle 80, shooting75) on the transferlist I know because of his position his shooting skills will be better than his tackling skills. So this player will improveBut if this same player was original a AD ( so his tackling is better than his shooting) AND he is swapped to a DA by the manager I think with the information I have, his shooting will be better than his tackle cause I see the DA but actually he is a AD (so his tackle will be better than his shooting).
Same with MA <→ AM and DM<→MD
This was my point. But if I was wrong I ’m sorry
Not really, DA and AD work exactly the same way. Swapping the player position doesn’t change their potential to improve or give any priority to one skill over another. It’s just a way to identify what’s his main position at the moment.
I find the possibility to swap player’s possition a good option for the team set up. But I have problems with it when a player is transferlisted. For example when a player is transferlisted as a DA with Tackle 80 and Shooting 70, does this mean he is a original DA of a swapped AD. In the 2e possibility he can improve his shooting to 81. If he is a original DA there is a chance he won’t improve.
So I suggest that a transferlisted player receive again his original position (only on the transferlist).
Dylan Alix
Age: 26
Club: Hertha BSC Berlin
Position: DA
Side: C
Tackle: 80
Passing: 57
Shooting: 70
Speed: 80
Dribble: 81
Control: 90
Aggressiveness: 44
Price: 2,4 M !!!
Not yet. Currently the sponsorship jumps from a value from another when you reach a certain performance, that’s what happened to you. Changes will be made to sponsorship at the same time staff departments are added, the value will increase or decrease gradually, and it’s overall value will be higher.
Are there any changes? My sponsorship is like two times what it was!!!
keep the suggestions coming guys. I will start implementing this probably on next week. This will be very useful when I start.
a sua sugestão não é difícil de implementar, e acho que é interessante. vou adicionar à nossa lista. obrigado!
eu jogo travian(www.travian.pt) e no jogo tem um funcionalidade mto show para saber se sua msg foi lida.
mas para isso deveria ter 1º uma forma de ver as msg enviadas como uma opção de msg enviadas.
ai para a msg enviada ficaria como não lida até ele ler a msg clicando no link para ver a msg essa mensagem ou excluindo então para mim que enviou apareceria como lida….
mas é só uma sugestão…
abr e parabens pelo jogo….
In Individual Tactics, i’d like to be able to choose:
Tackling – easy, medium, hard.
Shooting – close, normal, far.
Passing – short, medium, long.
Marking – man on man, zonal.
Positioning – with and without ball.
Crossing – yes, no. If yes, from deep or entering the area.
Playmaker – yes, no.
And of course, selecting the kickers.
Good suggestion presented ….Dirceu Semighini…Excellent idea…
About subs and squad selection in friendlies it’s likely to change in order to select your worst players automatically when the squad is incomplete or someone is injured.
Hugo, I was having the same problem with the subs in friendlies…. CPU always picking the best attacker or mid or def… so set up a sub!!!
Pick a guy you don’t use much, and make HIM the sub for any injury to a D or M or A. Just set it up in the “formation strategies” for your reserve lineup (or whatever you call your friendly lineup).
BTW… I’m OK with whatever you want to do with the individual tactics. I mostly would like to pick who takes the penalty kicks.
I think this matter is well driven, I agree with most of people!
Please, arrange some time to give us a SQUAD BENCH too!!! I’m a bit tired and frustrated with the cpu always moving my (only) 90 defender to friendlies… Since the begin of this season he (only 90 I have, defender) is (un)officially my sub for friendlies, and he’s doing such a great job I even moved him out of the A team because of his stamina…
Henrique, old managersim will sure have a great influence. So all the things you have mentioned are very good candidates – but we will always try to improve the idea in general.
Tatics for corners would be good.
Here’s my suggestions:
1- personal orders about passing, running and kicking. General orders like we have nowadays makes players who can’t pass to pass and who can’t run to run, just to follow general tactics.
2- defensive orders: man to man or zone defense.
3- going to: some tactical order saying “when the player x gets the ball, run though the left/right side and cross the ball”. nowadays, the game engine makes it difficult to use the sides of the field, since all offensive players tend to go to the center. because of it sided attackers are cheap and useless. It also makes almost all teams (at least in brazilian league) to use similar tactics. It’s boring.
In my opinion should have:
Select penalty kick/fault player option
offside positioning tatic
what should happen to the tatic when the team own the ball and when the team doesn’t own the ball.
haverar a possibilidade de marcação homem-a-homem…
ou 2jogadores marcarem um do outro time….
imagino isso por uma marcação melhor quando vc joga com um time mto melhor que o seu
In the “keep it simple” approach I was thinking something like the old ManagerSim; individual player positioning when attacking and when defending. And also like ManagerSim who shoots the free kicks, penalties and corners.
Time to talk about I. Tactics. As we don’t want a very complex game here, this will probably be the last tab, from that perspective, on rubysoccer. I already have a good idea of what I would like to do, but I don’t want to kick-off the subject: I first want to know what other possibilities are you guys expecting from the team match intelligence perspective.
Speak up!
É hora de falarmos de táticas individuais. Como nós não queremos um jogo muito complexo, essa provavelmente será a última aba, nesse sentido, no rubysoccer. Eu já tenho uma boa idéia do que eu gostaria de fazer, mas eu não quero iniciar o assunto: primeiro quero saber que outras possibilidades vocês esperam do ponto de vista da inteligência do time para a partida.
Certo, vou observar suas partidas pra tentar descobrir o que pode ter acontecido.
I’ll pay attention to Baudamix matches and try to figure out what have happened.
Samir is right, it must be done step by step, so to move your coach dept from 0 to 10 would cost you 8,778,000, plus a maintenance cost of 300,000 every 3 turns when you are on level 10. We haven’t planned a period for the upgrade to complete, it would be done instantly, the only limitation for that is your financial situation should be at least regular after the upgrade is done.
I think it needs to be step by step. Also, once you ask for an upgrade it shouldn’t be done in one turn. It will not make sense. In 9 turns you moved from a team with no department to a 100% one. It should take some turns to do it. Maybe incremental.
obrigado por me responder….
sim isso aconteceu ontem….
e fiquei com 4 jogadores fora……
obrigado + uma vez lepa atenção…
Do you have to upgrade step by step or lets say jump from level 0 to 10?
3M is nothing for most of the teams and they will probably get level 10 right away.
That bug never happend to me, but a friend of mine said it happend to him already. I thought he was wrong but now this…
Você viu acontecer isso de novo? Se sim temos que investigar pois realmente é um bug sério.
Baudamix says cards received on friendlies are having effect on league matches. If he or anybody else can confirm that is happening please let us know as it would be a serious bug.
veio esse bug é mto errado…
seu time joga um amistoso e se algum jogador leva cartão ele vai para a liga e prejudica o seu time e jogo