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Individual Tactics

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July 23, 2008 19:02

1,003 posts(s)



Time to talk about I. Tactics. As we don’t want a very complex game here, this will probably be the last tab, from that perspective, on rubysoccer. I already have a good idea of what I would like to do, but I don’t want to kick-off the subject: I first want to know what other possibilities are you guys expecting from the team match intelligence perspective.
Speak up!

É hora de falarmos de táticas individuais. Como nós não queremos um jogo muito complexo, essa provavelmente será a última aba, nesse sentido, no rubysoccer. Eu já tenho uma boa idéia do que eu gostaria de fazer, mas eu não quero iniciar o assunto: primeiro quero saber que outras possibilidades vocês esperam do ponto de vista da inteligência do time para a partida.


July 23, 2008 19:20

42 posts(s)



In the “keep it simple” approach I was thinking something like the old ManagerSim; individual player positioning when attacking and when defending. And also like ManagerSim who shoots the free kicks, penalties and corners.


July 23, 2008 19:24

7 posts(s)


haverar a possibilidade de marcação homem-a-homem…
ou 2jogadores marcarem um do outro time….
imagino isso por uma marcação melhor quando vc joga com um time mto melhor que o seu


July 23, 2008 19:24

6 posts(s)


In my opinion should have:
Select penalty kick/fault player option
offside positioning tatic
what should happen to the tatic when the team own the ball and when the team doesn’t own the ball.


July 23, 2008 19:26

18 posts(s)


Here’s my suggestions:

1- personal orders about passing, running and kicking. General orders like we have nowadays makes players who can’t pass to pass and who can’t run to run, just to follow general tactics.

2- defensive orders: man to man or zone defense.

3- going to: some tactical order saying “when the player x gets the ball, run though the left/right side and cross the ball”. nowadays, the game engine makes it difficult to use the sides of the field, since all offensive players tend to go to the center. because of it sided attackers are cheap and useless. It also makes almost all teams (at least in brazilian league) to use similar tactics. It’s boring.


July 23, 2008 19:27

55 posts(s)



Tatics for corners would be good.



July 23, 2008 19:42

1,003 posts(s)



Henrique, old managersim will sure have a great influence. So all the things you have mentioned are very good candidates – but we will always try to improve the idea in general.


July 23, 2008 20:48

85 posts(s)



I think this matter is well driven, I agree with most of people!
Please, arrange some time to give us a SQUAD BENCH too!!! I’m a bit tired and frustrated with the cpu always moving my (only) 90 defender to friendlies… Since the begin of this season he (only 90 I have, defender) is (un)officially my sub for friendlies, and he’s doing such a great job I even moved him out of the A team because of his stamina…


July 23, 2008 21:21

120 posts(s)



Hugo, I was having the same problem with the subs in friendlies…. CPU always picking the best attacker or mid or def… so set up a sub!!!

Pick a guy you don’t use much, and make HIM the sub for any injury to a D or M or A. Just set it up in the “formation strategies” for your reserve lineup (or whatever you call your friendly lineup).

BTW… I’m OK with whatever you want to do with the individual tactics. I mostly would like to pick who takes the penalty kicks.


July 23, 2008 23:01

4,300 posts(s)



About subs and squad selection in friendlies it’s likely to change in order to select your worst players automatically when the squad is incomplete or someone is injured.


July 24, 2008 02:28

1 posts(s)


Good suggestion presented ….Dirceu Semighini…Excellent idea…


July 24, 2008 05:33

130 posts(s)


In Individual Tactics, i’d like to be able to choose:

Tackling – easy, medium, hard.
Shooting – close, normal, far.
Passing – short, medium, long.
Marking – man on man, zonal.
Positioning – with and without ball.
Crossing – yes, no. If yes, from deep or entering the area.
Playmaker – yes, no.

And of course, selecting the kickers.



July 24, 2008 21:12

1,003 posts(s)



keep the suggestions coming guys. I will start implementing this probably on next week. This will be very useful when I start.

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