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August 07, 2008 20:20

4,300 posts(s)



It is possible Jesus, if I’m not mistaken SSIM list was based on the players’ value. This could be a good start point. In fact, we have the whole newspaper idea on our list of enhancements, this Hot Prospect list can definitely be there!



August 07, 2008 18:23

35 posts(s)


What I also miss is the the area where all the Hot Prospects were, in SSIM ther was a place in the Newspaper where it listed all the Hot Prospects (Youth Players) for the Nation, it was a report of the best Youth Players that had the potential of becoming great players in a future,

is it possible to get the stats and Rank Youth Players from every nation and decide on the best players and come up with a list?


August 05, 2008 14:25

1,003 posts(s)



A schedule is not a doable thing for us, anyway :(. We can only work on RubySoccer on our free time, which is unpredictable.


August 05, 2008 14:11

375 posts(s)


Hehe, I just hope these updates will help me to promote back to the Série A =))


August 05, 2008 13:18

375 posts(s)


I think there was a great of fun in Soccersim in developing talented young players into megastars.

So it is in real life – some players reach their maximum when they are almost at the end of their career.

I would like attributes to grow until maybe 23 years, but I also think that players should be able to add a bit more points than their potential after a high number of international matches, cup finals and etc. Experience should make them better, smarter, increase their average rating. I think something like that is presented in Fifa Manager series, I’d say that some attributes will not grow, like speed, for example, but other should improve.


August 05, 2008 13:09

637 posts(s)


Indeed. That’s why I suggest a coach report. Separated of the coach department.

But if there would be a poll for this subject I would vote against. I think the game is better the way it is right now.


August 05, 2008 12:03

375 posts(s)


I just don’t understand. If lvl 10 coaching helps to see the potential, everyone will invest in coaching. And then young players will get enormous wages….and it will all spoil the game I think


August 05, 2008 10:35

27 posts(s)


I think mustafa’s idea is better.


August 05, 2008 10:27

637 posts(s)


I also agree with Alban about knowing the player level. Altough I understand Polat. Maybe a coach report every… i don’t know 48 turns… is a possibility. That’s 3 times every season. This coach report gives a hint about the level of some players.
e.g. Player x has to play more matches. Player Y won’t improve much. Things like that…

This way you know something about the level of your players but not much. So the game is still fun…
Let the system pick every coach report 5 players random. Then there will be players who have more coach reports and there will be ones who have none. But that’s part of the game.
So there is a possibility that the system gives a coach report of most of your players in 2 seasons. (6 times coach report x 5 players every report = +/- 30 players possible.



August 05, 2008 10:23

27 posts(s)


Fair enough. cheers..


August 05, 2008 10:14

27 posts(s)


Whats so fun about that Alban, the game will be to unrealistic mate. sit back and enjoy dont make it to PREDICTABLE as you said earlier. :) You never know it might also influence the financial system. :( We dont want that do we


August 05, 2008 10:11

27 posts(s)


Excelent idea Mustafa and thanks for agreeing with me. Top bloke. ;)


August 05, 2008 10:07

4 posts(s)


I agree with Mr. Alemdar on this one and i think that you should know what level your youth is at DEPENDING on what level your coach and i also love the idea about extending the group stages of the european cups. groups of 4, 1 match each, keep it simple. I just thought of something and i relised the difference of level 10 and level 9 coaching is barely anything exept that level 10 you need $100,000 more money per 3 turns. no offence but thats a jipp. I think it would be a great insentive if you give the level 10 coaching the right to see what level there youths are at.


August 05, 2008 09:53

27 posts(s)


That is good enough as long as we know when the player has reached his maximum potential. What inflation mate all there is to it is theres more variety to the game there is a soccersim game on another site that has 20 different countries. How sick is that. And also the european cups would be interesting. I also want to add that i would like the champions league to have group stages now and to make it go for longer as it is much more important than the other cups. To me its more important than the league.


August 05, 2008 09:50

375 posts(s)


I wanted to add that adding new leagues will possibly influence the game’s economy critically, I mean I am afraid of the inflation.

And staff departments is a very good tool against the inflation, that was very smart ;)


August 05, 2008 09:47

4,300 posts(s)



Hi Polat,

I have to agree with Alban, knowing the player level may spoil some fun in trying to improve players. Knowing that a player has reached his maximum from coaches is a possibility, I’ll consider that.

About new leagues we are not getting sick of you, I’m really looking forward for adding them, we are just waiting for more managers to get teams so we don’t have lots of CPU teams when new countries are added. We’ve been getting lots of new users lately and after finishing our coming soon list we’ll advertise the game somehow. I believe we’ll be able to add new countries soon, FastTicker should get them first though, as the number of CPU teams is lower there.



August 05, 2008 09:47

27 posts(s)


Im sure in real life the coaches will relise that the player is not improveing and i would like to have an idea were my players are heading. I dont want to waste my money on useless players inspecially when money nowerdays is harder to earn.


August 05, 2008 09:40

4,300 posts(s)



Thanks Alban!

It’s hard to give dates for new features, what we have is a coming soon list where everybody can see the next main features to be expected. We’ll try to give you guys an update whenever we are working on something big. I’m currently working on small fixes / changes but the next big feature I’ll work on will probably be bankruptcy. Danilo is working on Advanced Tactics.



August 05, 2008 09:36

4,300 posts(s)



When we first reduced the stadiums the size was based on the average amount teams paid on player wages. As this average was much higher on FastTicker the stadiums there were bigger than in MediumTicker. The other reason for a large difference now is the fast pace of FastTicker compared to MediumTicker.



August 05, 2008 09:12

375 posts(s)


Hi !

I’ve checked your list of updates on Bugzilla and you have very very interesting plans for this game’s future !!!

Can we have a bit more fun and get a schedule or something like that ?

For example:

[Critical Update] “Let manager choose kickers” expected August 15th

Or "the next update will be "headers""


August 05, 2008 09:04

375 posts(s)


Thanks, Gabriel, I hope everything will be balanced !

Polat, what is the fun if we know exactly that the player will improve ? It’s unrealistic and too predictable


August 05, 2008 07:18

27 posts(s)


Why are the stadiums in medium ticker so low. How do use expect us to make money, buy players, expand stadiums etc. without hardly any money comeing in.


August 05, 2008 06:40

27 posts(s)


Can we see what level the player is at (like 1-40). Also i think that only the manager should see what level he is at and it shouldnt be shown on the transfer list. This will make the game more fun. And also i have relised that the tick time has been reduced and i know i have brought up this topic before and you guys are getting sick of me but i would like to have more choice in teams (more leagues). With more teams we can bring in group stages in champions league and uefa cup wich would be alot of fun. These are some of the leagues that can be added;

  • Holland league
  • Turkish league
  • Russian league
  • USA (MLS) league
  • Greek league



August 04, 2008 22:48

4,300 posts(s)



I remember we had some problems with Fulham at that time. We had removed the same network restriction at that time and didn’t have a minimum price restriction. Anyway, other managers were able to get some players from Fulham by ridiculously low prices and nothing was proven against Liverpool. We kept an eye on Fulham but the manager apparently quit the game afterwards. Was someone trying to cheat? Probably, but I think it was partially my fault for removing the same network restriction without having a good admin system to investigate such cases.

By the way, now we have a better way of investigating suspicious managers (another cheater was identified and fired a couple weeks ago) and we’ll soon work on some screens for moderators to help us in keeping everything clean around here.

I really appreciate your concern, people like you are very important in identifying potential flaws and pointing out strange activities. As always, I hope everybody understand when subjects like this are put on the table and how important they are to make RubySoccer better and better.



August 04, 2008 22:32

4,300 posts(s)



Excellent summary Alban! You should write something in our game help :-D

Just a few comments on your topics:

1. Even though a player may become 17 in just a few turns it doesn’t affect how long it will take for him to ask for a contract. This will happen from 60 to 276 turns after the player joined the team (he will have between 16 and 18 years old) and is defined when the player is generated.

3. You are right, we have plans for players to improve without playing, at most until level 20 and at a slow pace if compared with the improvement due to playing matches.

6. When heading is added players will improve a little bit more in the average, as a new skill will be developed. To make things interesting keepers will use this skill instead of keeping to defend headers.



August 04, 2008 19:13

64 posts(s)


Jack Baraclough and Andy Gray, and Chris Kissock, might not be a names that any of you are very familiar with, Jack in a Forward and Andy is a Defender, and Chris an attacker. They have a lot of things in common, the first and most obvious, is that they all 3 play for Liverpool, one of the best teams in FastTicker that has won Premiership 7 times, FA Cup 3 times, UEFA Cup 1 time, and Champions League 2 times. Back to the 3 players one more thing they have in common, is that they are young none of them are older that 26 years, they have very good stats, (Average of 90 in their main skill), they also make VERY good money they add a total of $252,082 in salary (only them 3) and here is here is where the interesting part comes, they were only worth a combined price of …….not $50M,…….not $25M, not even $5M….all 3 were worth a combined $74,512!!!! WHAT A DEAL!!!! And yet an other thing in common is that they were all players from Fulham, and they were all purchased in Turn 75 of season 10 right when andreas ulice was the manager of Fulham for only 71 Turns, it is very strange that andreas ulice only managed for 71 turns and in these 3 great players were sold for an average price of less than $25,000. This sounds like if there is something not right. I know that there is a restriction that prevents users using the same computer to do trades between them (even if it is true that there are 2 different managers using 1 computer) but there is nothing to prevent form me creating a user from a different computer (for example at work) and use it for 1 team and use an other computer (at home) for my main team then sell and loan players from one team to the other. I know that there is no way that this can be prevented, but I think that it can be caught.

My question to the developers:
Is there a report that you guys see when there is a transfer (as far as database information) where you can see if there are transfers that look suspicious?

Do you have a current plan to prevent the single user with one 2 computers and 2 teams one in a each computer?

I know that this might sound rude pointing people out, in this case Liverpool but it is just a game we are all here to have fun and when you subscribed it asked you not to cheat if you agreed and you are cheating you are breaking the rules and you should be reprimanded for it. If Liverpool is not doing not cheating and it was just a coincidence that these players were put on sale at the same time and at a cheap price and by the same team and then the manager disappears. it all just does not sound good, my apologies to him.

Hope the developers can investigate this issue and have some information in the future or at least an explanation.

I think that it is not fair that some of us get fired from our teams just because some bad results and try our best WITH OUT CHEATING, and others are still there since day 1 with the same team and worst of all CHEATING.


August 04, 2008 14:37

375 posts(s)


Gabriel, thanks for the fast answer !

So does this mean that only very talented players will suffer from weak coaching departments ?

Ok, can I try to sum up what I’ve found on the players’ improvement so far ? :)

1. All players come to the youth squad at the age of 16, but they have no birthdays and sometimes they become 17 in just a few turns.
2. All players come to the youth squad with current and potential abilities (potential are hidden, but they depend on their team’s division and their country’s international rating)
3. Players can improve only playing matches (but some managers hope that good coaching departments will help them improve without playing in future, like in real life….I would say it can help only until high 70-s, because good players must play a lot to gain experience and develop in real life)
4. Players have 40 hidden levels and can improve maximum 39 times (lvl 1-40)
5. Players currently have 8 attributes (but in future Heading will be added) and they preferably develop skills needed for their position most, but also develop secondary attributes.
6. Each of 39 times they can improve in 1-6 attributes, the chances depend on their coaching department level, which means that after Heading will be added the players will either improve less or (as I would recommend) field players will stop improving Keeping and keepers will not develop Heading.
7. If your coaching department is low, there is a threat that your youth player with high potential will not be able to reach it.


August 04, 2008 08:53

4,300 posts(s)



When the player is generated he already has a maximum potential for each skill. Players can improve at most 39 times, from level 1 to level 40. When he reaches level 40 any remaining skill points he has not earned will be lost. All skills with remaining skill points have equal chance to improve when a player level up, so there is no way to know how many points a player will get in his main skill, specially cause we don’t know how many skill points he has left to improve. The only thing we guarantee when a player level up is that a non-keeper player will improve at least 1 point in a skill different than keeping (unless there is only keeping left to improve) and a keeper will improve at least 1 point on keeping, passing or speed (unless there are no skill points left on these skills). I’ve been adding stuff about coaching and scouting in the game help, I think this information about players improvement should also be there, in more details.

Hope this helps.


August 04, 2008 08:05

375 posts(s)


and how many times players will improve ?

at least Minimum/Average/Maximum ?

and also what is the chance to improve main/secondary attributes

for example, if I have a 16 years old youth midfielder with 70 pas and, for example, 10 improvement times left, how many passing points will he get ? 50% or 70% ? Because if Coaching level is 4 (+2 on average) and it is 50%, he will reach 80 pas after 10 improvements and will also get 10 points in other attributes.

And if level 4 gives average improvement of 2, what’s on level 10 ?


August 03, 2008 11:05

11 posts(s)


Thank you very much Gabriel!