Swap player's position

Subscribe to Swap player's position 9 post(s), 3 voice(s)


July 26, 2008 05:08

637 posts(s)


I find the possibility to swap player’s possition a good option for the team set up. But I have problems with it when a player is transferlisted. For example when a player is transferlisted as a DA with Tackle 80 and Shooting 70, does this mean he is a original DA of a swapped AD. In the 2e possibility he can improve his shooting to 81. If he is a original DA there is a chance he won’t improve.

So I suggest that a transferlisted player receive again his original position (only on the transferlist).



July 26, 2008 09:38

4,300 posts(s)



Not really, DA and AD work exactly the same way. Swapping the player position doesn’t change their potential to improve or give any priority to one skill over another. It’s just a way to identify what’s his main position at the moment.



July 26, 2008 10:19

637 posts(s)


So a DA with tackle 80 and shooting 75 won’t improve untill his shooting is better than his tackle??

Then I was wrong all the time. I thought that:

If I see a DA (Tackle 80, shooting75) on the transferlist I know because of his position his shooting skills will be better than his tackling skills. So this player will improve

But if this same player was original a AD ( so his tackling is better than his shooting) AND he is swapped to a DA by the manager I think with the information I have, his shooting will be better than his tackle cause I see the DA but actually he is a AD (so his tackle will be better than his shooting).

Same with MA <→ AM and DM<→MD

This was my point. But if I was wrong I ’m sorry


July 26, 2008 11:04

4,300 posts(s)



I think others may think like you. Let me try to make it clear. A player with position DA is equals to a player with position AD, this means they can play in any defense or attack position and his tackle and shooting tend to have similar values (it’s not certain though). The order of the positions (DA or AD) doesn’t affect the player improvement at all, as I said, it only changes the list where he will be displayed in the team setup screen and also can help the manager organizing his squad. In my case I put DA on players whose tackle is greater than shooting and AD on players whose shooting is greater than tackle, so I know which field area I should use them. But again, no matter which way you use it (DA or AD), the player can be used both on attack and defense and will improve the same way.

Feel free to ask more questions when things are not clear like this, it is also important for us in designing the game help :-)



July 26, 2008 12:59

637 posts(s)


Thanks. It’s clear now.


August 02, 2008 06:15

637 posts(s)


Another question. I bought a player in fastticker (Genoa) Jerônimo Vargas. He is a MD with tac 73, pass 78 and sho 88. Will he improve his tac or his pass to at least 88 cause shooting is a secondary skill?

In mediumticker (Cagliari) I have a similar situation with Henrique Horta. He is a D with Tac 77 and Sho 81. Will he improve to a tackle of at least 81? Shooting is also a secondary skill here?

Otherwise I have bought the wrong player… but another point in the game is clear :-)



August 02, 2008 09:09

4,300 posts(s)



There is no guarantee those players will improve their main skills above their secondaries, it just happens sometimes. When the skills are generated the secondary skills receive a penalty but due to the random factor applied situations like this are possible.



August 03, 2008 06:33

13 posts(s)


About this same issue, I loaned a player who can play both as a defender and midfielder and he has his main position defined as a MD. I’m using him as a defender, but I can’t swap his position because I don’t really own the player. Is this correct or should I be able to swap the player’s position the way I want as I’m the manager who is actually playing with him?


August 03, 2008 09:40

4,300 posts(s)



Interesting question. I have already discussed that with a co-worker and we ended up agreeing only the manager who owns the player should do that, specially cause it affects the player value calculation when the player improves. Good point, though.
