Can someone sack this cheater?

Subscribe to Can someone sack this cheater? 52 post(s), 15 voice(s)


November 23, 2007 02:43

23 posts(s)


Club: Académica
Previous club: Strasbourg
Estimated Value: $23,456
3-Turn Wage: $25,900
Contract Begin: Season 1, Turn 52
Contract End: Season 2, Turn 52
Buy player ($4,500,000)

This is fastticker

Buying a good player in france for 23k in tick 51…a player with estimated value of 800k ,buying for 23k and in tick 52 you transferlist the same player for 4,5 mil

well can someone tell me what is wrong?


November 23, 2007 02:44

23 posts(s)


player is Jean-Claude Richaud btw


November 23, 2007 04:15

4,303 posts(s)



We won’t allow a player to be transfer listed right after being hired. While we don’t add that to the game we’ll keep an eye on it. Thanks smithers.


November 23, 2007 15:44

23 posts(s)


Welcome….but take a real good look at the amounts….the player in this stage is pretty good…especially for 23k….


November 23, 2007 16:28

124 posts(s)


There were other teams after the player also. Who knows if the one got him who “was supposed to get him”.

Of course it is not right to try to sell him right away.

But the one who got him is not automatically a cheater. I myself was pretty close to getting the player, but didn´t get lucky. Of course the seller should be examined more closely.

Can you (Gabriel&Danilo) see all the teams who were bidding on the player?


November 23, 2007 16:47

4,303 posts(s)



Unfortunately we don’t store this information once the player has been sold. We’ll definitely have to implement a complete transfer history to help us on this kind of task.


November 26, 2007 07:58

7 posts(s)



I’m the manager who bought the player. I offered him the best salary and then I sold him… if the game permits this action, why should I be a “cheater” or have a special attention by the developers of the game? There are clearly cheaters in Rubysoccer (players who enter teams to fire or sell the players) and I don’t see any measure against them.

Best Regards

Ricardo Gamboa


November 26, 2007 08:34

4,303 posts(s)



Yeah, for now you’re able to sell a player right after buying him, soon we’ll require at least half season (72 turns) before being able to sell a player you’ve just hired. About the other “cheaters” who fire or sell all team players, we’ll also force all teams to have a minimum number of players per position, this will be accomplished by forbidding the manager to sell players, automatically renewing contracts and automatically hiring youths if the team had the minimum players for a position and some player in that position retired.


November 26, 2007 16:50

85 posts(s)



If you consider that Ricardo (Académica) is in a big development team from the same company, you have to consider his disadvantage, as he cannot sell players to half of the portuguese teams :) even among ourselves we discuss the resell practice policy, some follow as you can see in the portuguese market and others don’t…
I believe a topic about player market regulation with time to players express themselves would be very participative, an ingame message to participate with ideas can only benefit the game. I have heard and have many. And all should remember that this situation is temporary, in the end of the season a huge amount of players will be available to all top players teams, and the remain players don’t spend the time necessary to complaint with Académicas…


November 27, 2007 18:51

85 posts(s)



the market starts to regulate itself, but there are still some measures to improve the game…
I’d like to know if my opinion will have feed back or I can put some ideas in this topic, it is related after all…
Shortly… The one exposed by the developers (minimum contract time before resell), maximum number of players in a squad, negative budget manager sanctions and limited wage offers are some of the ideas I’d like to debate…


November 27, 2007 19:04

1,003 posts(s)



sure thing, Hugo.



November 29, 2007 16:46

85 posts(s)



Let’s try to animate the thing then (Player Market Regulation): half season (72 turns) before being able to sell a player you’ve just hired will not solve the problem if other rules don’t follow (in my opinion), and I guess the most important one is to sack a manager when his team is bankrupt!
I’d say a manager that enters in negative result should be sacked after 18 turns (6 league games) negative or if the result goes under -500.000$, this way there’s an opportunity to recover (sometimes the season calendar isn’t fair, that’s my reason to allow entering the negative result) and a STOP sign to crazy wages…
After a sacked manager, the most expensive (wages) players should be released free in the market, one by one, and some of the players (by value) should be for sale until the team gets positive again… A bit like reality lol A sacked manager should be relegated in favour to a none sacked when applying for a new team…


November 29, 2007 16:54

85 posts(s)



It’s easy to say a lot of things but implementing is another thing :)

To finish the first point, some situations shouldn’t happen, if you have 1.200.000$ and in a certain turn you try to buy 3 players of 1.000.000$, you might win them all in the end of the turn and finish with a -1.800.000$ result… Also, when negative, managers shouldn’t be able to buy players, even if they are free…

There is an alternative (as in reality) to the player 72 turns team fidelization, time windows to buy players, as there are in most leagues, a manager can sell the whole year but can only buy in certain time windows acording to each league…


November 29, 2007 17:21

4,303 posts(s)



We have bugs entered for most points you raised Hugo, they’re good points. Specially the manager being sacked with expensive players being fired and the rule to avoid the situation where you buy more than one player at once, leading you to bankruptcy.

About high wages, at least now we have a limit to the wage a manager can offer, depending on the player quality. I’ll post that on the improvements topic by the way.



December 15, 2007 06:32

50 posts(s)


If a manager gets sacked for going bankrupt then the team should lose 10 points also.


January 30, 2008 10:31

2 posts(s)


I’m a new player and i just got a job managing toulouse.
I have a douth, if for exemple same one sell a player at a highest price tham is estimated value thas the selling price became the new estimated price?
I post this here because i have a player that is estimed value is the double form the secund best,and that player was bougth,the question is that player thus not wroth so money money,and his estimed value is a very round nomber(6000000).
The question is:
Could it be resolt of same cheating?
How can i see a player previus transation?

regrads Masteraider


January 30, 2008 13:30

4,303 posts(s)



Your question was answered on this topic, masteraider:

Anyway, the estimated value becomes the price paid for the player when he is sold, and this value also changes when the player improves. There is no current way to check the previous transactions, but we in the future we’ll have at least the teams where the player has played during his lifetime and in which period.

Welcome to RubySoccer!



June 30, 2008 18:51

120 posts(s)



Not sure if you’d call it cheating or not… but there is a brand new manager in Fast ticker, England… Fulham… and he is selling top players for very low prices…


June 30, 2008 19:28

4,303 posts(s)



I’ve sent him a message asking about it. I could found only one player being sold by a very low price, the other ones are around the estimated value. Let’s hear what he has to say. :-)

Thanks Dave.


July 01, 2008 16:23

637 posts(s)


I had done a bid for Paul Picken from Fulham (fastticker). His transferprice is $241 837. It’s ridiculous. I had done a bid of $2 441 837 (a bit higher than his normal value). In the meanwhile I have cancelled my bid after seeing this message. I don’t want to negotiate with this manager untill I know more.
I think you have to stop all the transfers of a manager who is in an investigation (also in general).



July 01, 2008 16:48

4,303 posts(s)



I’ve just done that and now I see your message :-)

All Fulham players were removed from the transfer list and the proposals were cancelled. Let’s wait for them to get back to me.



July 01, 2008 18:06

120 posts(s)



It sort of ridiculous when a team buys a player for 12,000… then puts the guy he replaced on the transfer list at 10,000,000. And I am NOT saying that manager that purchased the “cut price” Fulham players cheated… far from it. He was just doing what he should do according to the rules. I’m just saying something is WRONG with that. There needs to be some sort of rule here. Clearly. Plainly. Obviously. The premiership is now basically a forgone conclusion. And I’ll be moving to a different team shortly.


July 01, 2008 18:51

4,303 posts(s)



Me and Danilo are chatting at the moment. He suggested some rules to prevent such low prices on player transfers. The Board wouldn’t accept this kind of transfer anyway :-)

Cheaters will not ruin the fun of the game, they’ll only make us work harder to prevent them from achieving their goals.



July 01, 2008 19:19

1,003 posts(s)



Among other ideas, we are thinking about a limit of team depreciation. In other words, the board would expect that you maintain a certain level of team quality – and avoid the sell of good players if you have reached the minimum level. But we still have to think about it all.


July 02, 2008 14:17

42 posts(s)



I “bought” 3 players from Fulham for those very low prices but I don’t know who is their manager.
I wasn’t the only one bidding on them but if you think that’s unfair feel free to take those players from Liverpool.

I’m not cheating but it’s a fact that I took advantage of someone who was trying to cheat…


July 02, 2008 16:21

4,303 posts(s)



Don’t worry Henrique, buying cheap players is fair, everybody has 3 turns to find those players and make an offer. Of course there is a cheating aspect involved, but so far we’ve not found anything against you. In fact there isn’t anything concrete yet against nobody. We’ve contacted a few people in game to ask for some clarifications but the only action taken so far was remove Fulham players from transfer list yesterday.



July 02, 2008 18:49

120 posts(s)



Henrique absolutely did NOT cheat. And I don’t think the Fulham manager cheated either. The problem is that some BRILLIANT players went up for sale, from a quality Premiership team… and hardly anyone knew about it… and they were sold for an insanely low price. In “real life” that does not happen. And while this game does not, and should not, behave in a “real life” manner at all times… this is one time where I believe it should more closely follow a realistic expectation. Those transfers are completely legal… but completely against what the spirit of this game should be. And the game needs to be amended so that something like that can’t happen again. It puts even great managers like Henrique in an awkward position. That shouldn’t happen.


July 02, 2008 20:07

4,303 posts(s)



I totally agree with you Dave, we’ll work on that :-)


July 03, 2008 04:35

42 posts(s)



I also agree with Dave, but I think it’s difficult to control the transfers value. A restriction not allowing a manager to sell players bellow their value couldn’t protect the great players from being sold; these players sometimes are worth 10 times their value. Value and real value it’s a complex issue and I’m afraid I can’t think of an automatic solution for that…

And Dave I am really sorry to see you part from the premiership…


July 03, 2008 13:34

387 posts(s)


Ups, i now just recognized Henrique bought this superb AC 92 shooter … congrats.
Everything went with the rules.
But even this splayer was 3 turn on TL, no one would look for brilliant players in the bottom section of the TL to find them. That’s the dissatisfying part of the action!

i would suggest to set the minimum sales price around 25% of the value. Otherwise the board would intefere. For player older than ~32 yro the minimum should be decreased to ~10%