Other Announcements

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February 25, 2008 21:21

1,003 posts(s)



For announcements that should not appear on our main page.

Sorry for the unstable service today. Was trying to solve some memory-related problems. I hope i can get all this fixed soon.



March 13, 2008 18:35

1,003 posts(s)



Me and Gabriel will be out for ~ a week, traveling. We are going to try to check if things are ok once in a while, but we will be at a beach paradise with our girls, so it may be difficult.

That also explains my relative absence lately: was trying solve all my work problems before the trip. I will make it up for you guys.

cheers and have fun!!!


March 13, 2008 19:42

85 posts(s)



Oh no!!!!


I hope you enjoy your vacation! Best wishes for your trip….



March 14, 2008 06:25

50 posts(s)


What date will you be back, cause if servers break I will know how long we have to wait for a fix,



March 14, 2008 10:35

1,003 posts(s)



03/22-23 .



March 23, 2008 21:06

4,303 posts(s)



We’ll be traveling again tonight and return on Wednesday, we still had some vacation left :-D



April 24, 2008 12:59

1,003 posts(s)



the service has been very unstable today. sorry for the inconvenience.



April 24, 2008 16:31

1,003 posts(s)



this sucks. i had to put another application server online, bc the one we were using went crazy. you may experience some “proxy errors” messages, but i hope everything works. at least it is a lot better than it was a few hours ago.



April 25, 2008 13:31

1,003 posts(s)



i think i have finally isolated the problem. everything should be peachy keen now. if you experience any performance problems at all please let me know.



April 26, 2008 00:09

1,003 posts(s)



Another “hidden” improvement: I have adopted an alternate solution for our encoding problems. This will fix our match replay (for the not working cases) and will also dramatically improve the official games tick time (will only be able to check out the improvement in numbers on our next big tick, but i am sure you will all notice).



June 09, 2008 21:26

1,003 posts(s)



We had to get rid of all our existent match replays. All new match replays will stay on the server for one week. The reason for both statements is lack of disk space.



June 30, 2008 14:35

1,003 posts(s)



We had some downtime a while ago. The problem was with our service provider. Everything seems to be solved now.



July 01, 2008 16:44

4,303 posts(s)



All contract proposals for Fulham players in FastTicker has been deleted, and all its players have been removed from the transfer list. Fulham manager is under investigation of having multiple accounts. He has already been contacted in-game for clarifications. We’ll get back when we hear from him. Let’s not convict anyone prematurely.



July 08, 2008 22:32

4,303 posts(s)



I’ve just added a mechanism to translate automatic in-game messages (like proposal rejected, friendly invitation, player sold, etc). Almost all of them are already translated to Portuguese. There are a couple fixes yet to be done. Unfortunately you’ll be receiving message codes in your real email instead of the actual message content in the meanwhile.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


August 21, 2008 17:20

1,003 posts(s)



We were out for some hours, due to a problem in our server (not in rubysoccer itself). Sorry for any inconvenience. The ticks will be back to their correct schedule real soon – and we will not run the ticks that should be executed during the outage.


August 29, 2008 13:16

1,003 posts(s)



We have finally decided to not spend more time to improve the look of rubysoccer on internet explorer 6, for the following reasons:

1) IE 6 is an awful browser from the technical perspective and require tunings that no other browser requires
2) IE 6 number of users is dropping daily
3) We understand that about 20% of our users use this browser by choice or by the lack of, but RubySoccer is already usable and bareable on it – and our commitment to guarantee that this continues to be remains
4) With that decision we will be able to use more of our free time on improvements that would impact 100% of our community

I hope our IE 6 users understand and we apologize for any inconvenience. Anyway, the site doesn’t look that uglier in IE6, does it guys ? :)


August 29, 2008 21:08

1,003 posts(s)



Just to let you guys know that there is still more to come on our team setup section! Stay tuned!


September 15, 2008 20:07

1,003 posts(s)



Phew, I was having a software release on my real work, guys. Now that things are more calm I expect to have some more time free for RubySoccer. I can’t wait to implement some ideas we had and have been receiving lately!


October 29, 2008 12:32

4,303 posts(s)



Last update on FastTicker had some problems, so it is possible that some players have improved and the attributes are not blue and some red carded players are still unavailable for next league match. Unfortunately we don’t have enough time to fix that manually, sorry for the inconvenience.



November 06, 2008 11:10

1,003 posts(s)



Soon we are planning to start an initiative to expand our community. For that to happen, one of the things we need is a complete online help on our wiki, at least in english. This consumes a good amount of time, which we don’t have. And on some areas it is very difficult to get volunteers to help us. So here is what is on our mind:

To create a “contributions wanted” page, with rewards (in game money) that would be paid to the managers of the contributor choice. But for that to be fair, we would also have to reward our donators and our previous contributions.

We know that this goes against our initial ideas of “never give any advantage to anybody”, but it seems that there is no other way of efficiently expand this game. There is also the fact that the resulting contributions would benefit everybody.

Let’s hear some opinions on that.



November 06, 2008 16:35

375 posts(s)


Why not just post it like

“help needed in:


And maybe you wont need to give any advantage at all…


November 06, 2008 18:46

4,303 posts(s)



We’ve tried that once, didn’t work…but it’s worth trying again :)


December 12, 2008 20:06

1,003 posts(s)



We need about 4 people to be game masters. Those would help us to find potential cheaters, using tools that we are developing and will gradually improve. Those interested in the task please post an answer.


December 17, 2008 15:52

1,003 posts(s)





December 17, 2008 17:34

15 posts(s)



I haven’t been active in forums but i’m in this community since soccersim days and i like it. I’d be happy to help if i can.


December 17, 2008 17:56

55 posts(s)



Count me in!


December 18, 2008 10:40

387 posts(s)


Count me in!


December 18, 2008 10:52

12 posts(s)



Count me in! 3


December 18, 2008 11:12

637 posts(s)


You can count on me if you haven’t enough people but first I have to finish the dutch translation.


December 18, 2008 14:52

24 posts(s)



Well, there’s 4 or 5 people who have already applied, but count me in as replacement if anyone drops out :)

I’m a strictly Linux user, but I don’t suppose that’s a problem with Ruby tools ;)