International Competitions

Subscribe to International Competitions 22 post(s), 6 voice(s)


December 23, 2007 04:07

223 posts(s)


Should be interesting to have the games in brackets with the cup in the center. I’ll try to explain, to have the right side and the left side, and then you’d know you would not play against teams on the other side, except for the final. All set up and really pretty should be interesting to have.

When do you plan to incorporate more teams in the international competitions? I’m not understanding something that is happening now: In CL only tottenham is there representing England but there are two french teams, what was the criteria?



December 23, 2007 05:46

4,303 posts(s)



Nice suggestion about the “games in brakcets”, the only problem now is that we generate the games dynamically, I mean, we don’t know who will play against who in the next round until the current round is over, there is no such thing as the winner of game A against the winner of game B. Not that we can’t do it, it’s just not ready for your suggestion yet. I’ll put that on our list though :-)

About CL, what we do is the following, we have 21 teams in CL, so we need a first round with 5 matches, so that 16 will continue in the competition. To choose this 10 teams for the first round we go through each country, from the worst to the best in the ranking and get the last one to qualify for the CL. If it is not enough (and currently it isn’t as we have 6 european countries) we do that again getting the second “worst” team. Doing that we had 2 teams from Italy, France, Portugal and Germany and 1 team from England and Spain in the first round this season. Hope it is not too confusing :-)



January 03, 2008 10:56

387 posts(s)


in fast ticker, Champions League, First round:
Stuttgart (Ger) vs Karlsruhe (Ger)

In RL two clubs of the same country don’t play each other in early stages …


January 03, 2008 13:50

4,303 posts(s)



I assume you prefer real life way then :-)

You can face that as a pre-qualifying round for Germany ;-)

Anyway, we may follow real life rules more closely when we add more countries, or maybe we can just let these radomly generated matches create unexpected situations. We’ll see.



January 03, 2008 14:02

223 posts(s)


well i’m with philipp in this one, i agree with him. I prefer the real way also :p



January 04, 2008 07:14

387 posts(s)


well, i see it as an disadvantage for the (in this case German) League with regard on the Nation ranking/ UEFA points b/c the number of teams that may collect points for their nation/league is reduced automatically in early stages.


January 04, 2008 08:24

4,303 posts(s)



Got your point Philipp. In which stage would make sense for two teams from the same country play against each other, or how is it in real life? We don’t have much stages right now, but we can start taking care of that right away.



January 04, 2008 08:49

223 posts(s)


I think in reality in works this way:

In pre-qualifying rounds same country teams cannot face each other (I think there are 3 qualifying rounds for CL).
When it Comes to Group stage, same thing occurs, teams from the same country cannot be facing each other in group stage. After that its random.

Dont know how it works in Uefa Cup though.



January 04, 2008 10:46

4,303 posts(s)



Ok, right now we don’t have the 3 qualifying rounds for CL, but the first round works like a qualifying round, so I’ll make sure teams from the same country doesn’t play against each other in the first round of all international cups we have so far. When we have appropriate group stages and qualyfing rounds I’ll make things similar to real life.

Thanks for the information, Alexandre.


January 18, 2008 17:38

47 posts(s)


A little question, sorry if it was said somewhere :

If you win your national cup without being in the league in the places qualifying for an international cup , does it give you a place there ?
I believe it’s not the case for the moment is it ?
I just won the national cup in "medium ticker " but I’m in second division :p


January 18, 2008 17:45

4,303 posts(s)



No, it doesn’t Franek. But congratulations for your title! :-D



January 18, 2008 18:41

47 posts(s)


Too bad ;-)
I will have to wait at least for another season to be back in Serie A^^


January 19, 2008 09:09

223 posts(s)


yeah, winning the cup should give the winner a spot in the uefa cup.



January 21, 2008 06:14

387 posts(s)


TEams from pre-qualification round in Cl shouldn’t play each other in the 2nd round (of 16).


January 21, 2008 10:39

4,303 posts(s)



Agreed, makes sense.



March 09, 2008 12:07

803 posts(s)


I think the second round is still to early for teams from the same country to play against each other… This stage can be compared to the group stage on real life (all the participant teams are there).

This season Portugal only have 2 teams on that round of CL, and we will play already against the other so only 1 will pass to the next stage… Last season something similar hapend, and Portugal don’t get more points because of that…



March 09, 2008 12:10

4,303 posts(s)



Maybe the best thing to do is always prevent same country matches unless it is inevitable, like having 3 teams from the same country on the semi-finals for instance.



March 09, 2008 12:25

803 posts(s)


I think it’s not necessary, only for the 2 firt turns to prevent situations like the one I mensioned… After that any one has great chances to go to the final so if any team eliminate another fror his country there still be 1 for the few stages left.

ah, Good luck for Sporting, but I hope I win :D



May 12, 2008 20:31

42 posts(s)



Can you please change something about matches between same countrie teams in the first rounds .. after 1st match on CL, when all teams come together … two teams of the same countrie (Portugal) against each other. Not “fair”


May 12, 2008 20:53

4,303 posts(s)



Don’t worry JD, we have a bug about that. I’m working on something else right now, maybe I can do this one right after.



August 20, 2008 06:51

387 posts(s)


fast ticker > Champions League > 1st round > Hannover 96 x VfL Wolfsburg …
both german teams. Thought this instance isn’t possible anymore (in 1st rounds) ???


August 20, 2008 09:34

4,303 posts(s)



It is still possible, but that will change. I gotta find some time to change these old requested enhancements :P
