Recent Posts by Filipe Silva

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July 20, 2009 08:31

803 posts(s)


The base problem I see is this: we need to get more people to play RS…

The network communities can help with that but I think we could do better. What if we encourage the actual players to invite people to the game? We could have a inviting sistem where people would get money (RS money) for bringing more players to the game. This would have to be moderated so we could avoid cheeters etc…



July 16, 2009 17:00

803 posts(s)


Very nice screen, excellent way to have a newspaper dinamic and very easy to use. I’ve made an article, when I have more time I’ll try to make some more.

Just an observation, is it necessary to have the %{} %{} tags? I think with the other 2 and the category of the article those are not necessary. Also a suggestion for the next tag it could be the manager names. “Fans sung (’s name all night” :D



July 16, 2009 10:33

803 posts(s)


I think that is planned, at least the fist and second suggestion, we just need to wait till there are enough countries to implement that.



July 14, 2009 22:40

803 posts(s)


I remember that 75M. I said to Roberto it was too much, guess we were both wrong Vaughn :D He may become the best keeper in the game…



July 14, 2009 20:59

803 posts(s)


V. Guimarães: Tiago Domingues contratado

Como vinha-mos anunciando Tiago Domingues foi efectivamente contratado pelo V. Guimarães onde permanecerá pelo menos mais uma época. O jogador reagiu assim à pergunta de porquê esta escolha:

“O Vitória é um clube histórico em Portugal e contou bastante o facto de poder voltar a trabalhar com o meu antigo treinador.” “Além disso ganho bastante mais pelo que tenho que pensar na minha reforma” acrescentou sorrindo.

Fim :)


July 14, 2009 19:24

803 posts(s)


Sorry non-portuguese speakers, it came to me in portuguese :D

Benfica: Tiago Domingues dispensado.

Gabriel Cesario, novo treinador do Benfica tem agradado os adeptos com os recentes resultados mas já criou controvérsia com a dispensa de um dos elementos mais carismáticos do clube, Tiago Domingues. Relatos de alguns adeptos desconsolados ao ver um jogador da casa e que tantas alegrias deu aos adeptos ser dispensado. Conhecia-se a vontade de Domingues terminar a carreira no clube e possivelmente assumir cargos administrativos mas vê-se assim forçado a relançar a carreira, sendo já vários os clubes interessados, entre os quais o actual clube do seu antigo treinador Filipe Silva, conhecido admirador dos talentos de Domingues.
Gabriel Cesario justifica esta decisão dizendo que com as novas contratações já não havia mais espaço para Domingues no clube.
“Estamos com um número elevado de jogadores e Domingues não estava sendo aproveitado. Sabemos como é difícil vender um jogador de 31 anos, ainda que de qualidade. Espero que ele seja contratado logo e tenha sucesso em seu novo clube.”
A decisão sobre o novo clube de Domingues está para breve pelo que se esperam desenvolvimentos nas próximas horas…



July 12, 2009 20:18

803 posts(s)


BENFICA Parag :P Don’t mess with the 6 millions portuguese fans of this great club :D

Good luck Gabriel, all the best for you, at least till I get there and win the league with Guimarães :p :p



July 12, 2009 12:28

803 posts(s)


Eheh I’m the new Guimarães manager, as I thought they have a good bank acount :D

I’m accepting friendlies for all ticks :)


July 12, 2009 10:06

803 posts(s)


I think I’ll stay in Portugal at least for now, but I won’t stay to longer in the same team anymore :D


July 11, 2009 21:53

803 posts(s)


Hi guys, I believe it is time for a new rubysoccer challenge for me so I will leave my beloved Benfica and start again with some small team.

I’m just posting to get attention so anyone how wants to manage Benfica has a chance to apply, I will probably do it tomorrow after the 1pm (Portugal) tick. Hope the new manager can do better specially in CL :D



July 10, 2009 23:56

803 posts(s)


Players morale would be great, become unhappy and won’t renewal contract, etc…

Alban, the super stars are still in Brasil, we have some minor stars. And it is not true we woud have great european (exept spanish) stars in our teams, at least not to compete with spanish or Brasilian (World cup), they come much less often and are not that great. You see most of the best players of eupean teams are Brasilian or Spanish…



July 10, 2009 16:52

803 posts(s)


We know all players develop an average of 20 points each skill, that gives us a clue if the player can or can’t become a star. Even if he wont become that star we can give him a contract in order to be able to sell him. We just need to manage the number of players we have in the main team. I have 29 players now, just because I will give a contract to my youth keeper, if there comes another good youth I will haver to sell a player from the main squad (lowering prices)…

If your idea goes ahead I believe the gap between Brasil and the other countries will be even greater. No star will leave Brasil leaving the other countries in disadvantage in the long turn…



July 10, 2009 13:14

803 posts(s)


I’m not sure I reed correctly but you are complaining that you have to fire excellent players because the team is too good? :P

At least in the Portuguese league that is not a problem :P

Now seriously, you only fire the player because you believe he will not become as good or better than the ones in your team. But that player can be a star in a lower country… My best players are Brasilian an yet they would probably not be used by you if you had them on America-RN, because you had better ones…


July 10, 2009 10:35

803 posts(s)


The experience and morale are the attributes missing right now, so much to do… eheh



July 10, 2009 10:30

803 posts(s)


Yeah, raise your coaching level and get my young stars :P


July 08, 2009 23:47

803 posts(s)


They say the team is too small because they don’t count the loaned and transfer/loan list players. You just have to remove someone from the transfer/loan list to fire the other player.



July 08, 2009 19:55

803 posts(s)


Now that we will see, only if the portuguese crew can’t stop you :P

We too have some teams rising very fast, Beira Mar, Estrela, Rio Ave have promising squads and the last season was the most competitive ever :)

Good luck for us all :D


July 08, 2009 19:46

803 posts(s)


I’m thinking about start a new challenge too, only there’s still no guts (don’t know how to write it :P) to left Benfica :D

Good luck with CSKA, already have a great keeper :)


July 07, 2009 13:05

803 posts(s)


I’m not sure I understand what thorpedo but I agree there should be an extra penalty for very bad results.

In this example if Gremio’s manager had 100% performance he would only lose something like 10%… even if had not the 100% it would just cost more money from Santo André.



July 06, 2009 16:43

803 posts(s)


I understand all the positions here, but I think something can be done to avoid this kind of situations. I read somewhere the performance penalty for losing a match has now a max of 10 points. I think that should not exist and the penalty for results like 9 or 10 goals difference should be penalty even with more points than the usual. This way managers will have to be careful sparing their team…



July 02, 2009 20:49

803 posts(s)


It seems like Real Madrid buying Cristiano Ronaldo, too many speculation but in the end they were right :D

A millionaire transfer in times of needs :p


June 28, 2009 10:16

803 posts(s)


I agree with Parag, with the reset of missed matches the manager have margin to manage the stamina of the player. That is not important for us who loan the players out but it is for the loaner team…


June 27, 2009 19:23

803 posts(s)


Young promising stars, experienced allaround skilled top players, some of the best scorers in Europe and much more…

All available for transfer and/or loan in one place…


Take a look…


June 24, 2009 18:51

803 posts(s)


Nice work Dirk, someone is apllying for the Italian team :P

Gabriel I believe the national matches should not be in the same turns of club matches to avoid that kind of problems.

Having human managers the natonal teams must have high objectives and have a more rigid manager performance so if he doen’t acomplish he would be fired and another one take the place. That way managers would have to choose the best players (and not his ones or opponents) and more managers would be able to manage a national team.



June 20, 2009 11:42

803 posts(s)


Yeah It can be helpful when we have national teams… How is that going Gabriel? something new?


June 20, 2009 11:39

803 posts(s)


That is the fun of the thing, if you make too much experiments you can suffer some bad results but you learn something… It is like that in real life, we just need to find a balance.
PS: I used wings in the CL last season and it worked fine, some other teams are having good results too.


June 19, 2009 23:40

803 posts(s)


It is nice Gabriel.

So few portuguese in my team lol


June 17, 2009 23:37

803 posts(s)


That would be great, an incentive to the use of wing players…


June 17, 2009 23:34

803 posts(s)


Hi guys, I’m tring to balance my finances so I’m selling a lot of players on Veendam.

Take a look, they are not top players, but have good prices and negotiable…


EDIT: My 100th post is the first in this section :D


June 15, 2009 19:39

803 posts(s)


Don’t know about the participation clause or the “Jack Pot”, but the add of more ticks could be a solution.