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July 10, 2009 08:02

651 posts(s)


1. Player Growth Difference
Is there any difference of player growth between lower division and premier division?? (obviously for the same coaching level)… ?? I mean do the players in lower division have slower growth rates for same coaching level??

2. Home Players Skills
Which one is better?? to give home teams +3 skill advantage or to reduce -3 from the visiting players?? Either way home players will have the advantage, but i don’t see how any player can gain +3 skill points just bcoz they are playing in home. But away teams are likely to suffer on some of their skills because of travel disorder, fatigue during travel, adjusting to new scenario etc. May be if we had some attribute like “WillPower”, it would have made more sense to increase that attribute for home players.

This could also be somewhat helpful in reducing some factors like passing accuracy, shooting accuracy and effective tackles as players will then have less overall skills, although the difference between teams remains the same.


July 10, 2009 08:47

387 posts(s)


regarding ‘Home Players Skills’: i agree, reduce the visiting players skills.
playing home brings out the best of a player, 100% of his skill values (not more). playing away can reduce the values (-5%), could differ within the players – e.g. the factor “experience” could have a positive influence on the player skills in away matches (just minus 1-3%).


July 10, 2009 10:35

803 posts(s)


The experience and morale are the attributes missing right now, so much to do… eheh



July 10, 2009 10:47

4,300 posts(s)



Player growth difference: the answer is yes, players in the lower division needs 10% more experience points to improve. When we add a third division it will be 20% more and so on.
Home players skills: it makes sense…I also like the idea of experience positively influencing this skill reduction.


July 12, 2009 03:56

651 posts(s)


and gabriel long time back we had something like having more experienced ( over 30 players ) in a team would increase the skill of your players by +1 points) in discussion?? that was to persuade managers not to fire their ageing players… any progress on it???


July 12, 2009 14:44

4,300 posts(s)



Not really. There are already other suggestions, like more experienced players not being penalized by playing away matches. We’ll certainly do something, not sure what exactly yet :)


July 14, 2009 12:30

678 posts(s)


i won’t like the idea of having more players in your team giving them +1 on all stats. I would rather see the opposite. Smaller team is better teamplay should be rewarded. That way you have to have a choice….lots of youth players to try and devellop a new talent but not get +1….or…. just main team players who get +1, but no room for training youths, which will eventually get you in trouble in the future.
That way you have an intresting choice….


July 15, 2009 02:59

651 posts(s)


that was not about having more players in the team… it was about positive effect of having experienced players around the youngsters… for eg, having ryan giggs, paul scholes etc in the team certainly uplifts the morale of the youngsters performing around them… (or sometimes could lead the youngsters to too much pressure, thus some guys might try to over-do things and lose their head). but then exceptions aside, having some experienced players share their thoughts to youngsters most of the time helps the youngsters. that might be what arsenal sometimes lack in the field and manU don’t.

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