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Best striker in the game :)

Subscribe to Best striker in the game :) 47 post(s), 15 voice(s)


May 06, 2009 09:21

678 posts(s)


The big difference with Managersim is that in Ruby there are tons and tons of great players. In Eurotest in Msim I knew the best attackers in the game from hart. So did most active players. Man U had his Machado, Middlesbrough had his Pimental and I even forgot 1 name. Barca had an english striker who managed to score 750 goals in his carreer :)
Now, to keep this forum intresting, let’s paste some names of certain players who are just out of this world :). There are just so many great players. I’m wondering if the good teams in here even know some of the attackers that will be mentioned :)I’LL START!
Colin Weber
Age: 24
Club: Hertha BSC Berlin
Position: A
Side: C
Keeping: 34
Tackle: 68
Passing: 78
Shooting: 100
Speed: 94
Dribble: 92
Control: 100
Header: 89
José Andrade
Age: 25
Club: Flamengo
Position: A
Side: LC
Keeping: 47
Tackle: 86
Passing: 89
Shooting: 98
Speed: 99
Dribble: 87
Control: 99
Header: 97


May 06, 2009 09:26

375 posts(s)


Alberto Chaves
Age: 24
Club: Santo André
Position: A
Side: RC
Keeping: 46
Tackle: 87
Passing: 80
Shooting: 100
Speed: 88
Dribble: 100
Control: 100
Header: 97

He has better tackle than Weber and also better dribble than Andrade


May 06, 2009 09:42

678 posts(s)


Yes true. forgot about this player :). Yup I think he’s the best for now.
Anyone out there who can beat this find? :P


May 06, 2009 13:53

387 posts(s)


best strikers are:
1 – Alberto Chaves [Santo André]
2 – Cirilo Arellanes [Blackpool]
3 – Salvatore Vidal Del Ojo [Atletico Madrid]
4 – Colin Weber [Hertha Berlin]
5 – Felipe Amaral [América-RN]
6 – Jorge Couñago [Athletic Bilbao]
7 – Julian Moor [Hertha Berlin]
8 – Pedro Carrasqueira [Blackpool]
9 – Rubens Prado [América-RN]
10 – Armando Barasa [Almeria]
11 – Leonard Schmidt [Hertha Berlin]
… all 96+ shooters with 85+ in dribbling & no lacks in secs, all 25 yro and younger


May 06, 2009 14:07

803 posts(s)


My top3:
1 – Alberto Chaves (Santo André)
2 – José Andrade (Flamengo)
3 – Salvatore Vidal Del Ojo( Atletico Madrid)

Also an old portuguese league legend… Patrick Bocquet, still scoring many goals in Argentina with his 36 years old… a total of 655 goals in 735 matches…



May 06, 2009 15:17

56 posts(s)


An what do you think about this?

Alfredo Vitoria
Age: 25
Club: Recreativo Huelva
Posición: A
Lado: LC
Portero: 46
Defensa: 94
Pase: 84
Tiro: 82
Velocidad: 99
Regate: 100
Control: 100
Juego aéreo: 97
Agresividad: 31
Energía: 95


May 06, 2009 16:51

4,303 posts(s)



I prefer Filipe’s list, at least there José Andrade figures in second ;)
Why did I sell Felipe Amaral? Imagine what an attack I’d have if I stil had him :(


May 06, 2009 18:01

387 posts(s)


why isnt José Andrade on my list, hmm … sure he’s top 3.

i remember Boucquet when he was young, 10-15 seasons ago, one of the first 90+ strikers in the game. tried to buy him backthan, missed.


May 06, 2009 18:29

375 posts(s)


@ Gabriel

Amaral was one of the fisrt 100M+ transfers =)
But I got Prado for cheap (Madruga + 40M)

I wonder what will be the price for such strikers nowadays…Anyway, Blackpool can’t sell Carrasqeira for 200M


May 06, 2009 19:42

678 posts(s)


he can’t sell, because only a few teams in the game have that kind of cash and they already have great strikers :)


May 07, 2009 09:43

387 posts(s)


Gabriel, how many teams with 100M+ & 250M+ are in the game?


May 07, 2009 09:49

53 posts(s)



Good question, Phillip, how many teams can pay those huge amounts of money?? :)


May 07, 2009 11:04

4,303 posts(s)



I can’t tell you the exact number, but the number is really small…even if you consider how many teams have more than 100M ;)


May 07, 2009 12:10

375 posts(s)


The question should be “how many managers can forget about the greed and spend that crazy sum on 1 player ?” =)

i should count my 100M+ purchases =)


May 07, 2009 13:00

387 posts(s)


i wouldnt spend 100M for a player (exept for a goalie). As long as i know that i can try to develop ten 10M player or 100 free transfer for the same money i would go that way. Then you get probably a superb player and minimum 5 other decent player that you can resell for good cash. That’s long term business thinking ;-)


May 07, 2009 13:12

678 posts(s)


I think there should be an instruction manual or something to help people list players for the right amount of money :). Some of those players listed have stupid asking prices…..


May 07, 2009 14:41

120 posts(s)



so many top strikers…… none of them is mine….. and now youths look like handicap players, not good not to improve…. it had been so long since a youth play an official game with Geta……
if i can get one i will get Andrade.



May 07, 2009 16:54

375 posts(s)


@ Philipp don’t forget we have a 30 player maximum. I bet that now when you have a very good squad and bench, you sometimes regret you can’t just go and sign 5 possible future stars.


May 07, 2009 18:23

387 posts(s)


@Alban that’s true. it’s now more a hire&fire of talents than before. but on the same time it makes you more picky in acquisations. That’s a benefit for minor clubs in getting promissing young players.


May 08, 2009 07:42

678 posts(s)


The new system surely is a benefit for small clubs. But Philipp, you have nothing to worry about. With the level in your league, you can easely sub 3 players when you are ahead by 2-3 goals can’t you? :)


May 08, 2009 08:34

387 posts(s)


i can’t complain there ;)
but it’s hard to decide who to fire, when your squad is full and youths are asking for a contract


May 08, 2009 10:11

387 posts(s)


come on, Gabriel, give us a number of “big clubs” (100M/250M/500M) – just to have smth to think about …


May 08, 2009 10:18

4,303 posts(s)



13 clubs have more than 100M in FastTicker.


May 08, 2009 12:12

53 posts(s)



yes, there are very few clubs with more than 100M in cash…

I would like to be one of them!!




May 08, 2009 13:15

120 posts(s)



my list, hard to say, i´m only almost sure of the first 3, i´m missing some in Brazil, England…..



May 08, 2009 13:18

120 posts(s)



my list, hard to say, i´m only almost sure of the first 3, i´m missing some in Brazil, England…..


FOLLOW BY: Fortaleza, flamengo, santo andré, napoli, benfica, geta, blackpool, genoa, brest, boca, recre huelva……..


May 08, 2009 16:24

375 posts(s)


I am not as rich as I were, only 102M at the moment with all departments 10’ed. But I could easily gather 200-300M if I need a couple of big players (of course, I’ll lose some of mine). My record was about 350M before I’ve bought my midfield and defense.


May 08, 2009 21:53

678 posts(s)


I don’t believe in having 100 mill in the bank….I’m not getting any intrest on it :P. I miss the old managersim day’s :). I at one point had 650+ mill and earned about 100 mill each from just tickets and merchandise because of the long term succes.
Your giving me to much credit here Damago. I have spend about 130 -140 mill in the last 2 seasons. I’m quite proud of that actually, but the key word is spend :P. At the moment I’m at < 10 million


May 09, 2009 01:47

803 posts(s)


eheh Benfica has at the moment 18M :D that is my secure margin to keep upgrading stadium and fire players :D


May 09, 2009 12:48

387 posts(s)


Thought there are more big player. my guess for the top spots … Hertha, Bayern, Napoli.
Only clubs who sell a lot of good players can be rich. just by ticket etc income you’re not getting big, when you increase stadium size continously. Besides you are bulding up a small team, you only sell good players when you have an even better player for certain positions.
That’s an advantage e.g. for my side. I started building up my cash stock, when i finished my team building process, where i had to re-invest the money i earned. I guess there are more team manager who have a superb squad for a long time and could have save up money since season ~16: Getafe, Athletico, Boca, Genoa, Recreativo, Benfica …
note: Though there are lotta good players, superb players are rare on adaquate prices – i bought only 4 players in the last 4 seasons, for 169M. Even if you have big money, you ’re not willing to pay senseless prices to greedy managers.

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