Player nationality flag

Subscribe to Player nationality flag 37 post(s), 10 voice(s)


June 19, 2009 22:43

4,303 posts(s)



What do you guys think of the new flags in the team playes page? Did you like it?


June 19, 2009 23:40

803 posts(s)


It is nice Gabriel.

So few portuguese in my team lol


June 19, 2009 23:46

609 posts(s)


now u say it’s there i see it…hhm..kinda chaotic if you ask it really helpfull?


June 20, 2009 01:58

4,303 posts(s)



It’s just informative, not really helpful…the first time I looked at it on my machine I liked, now I think it’s somewhere between nice and chaotic :P
Who else?


June 20, 2009 04:37

375 posts(s)


Wow I thought I had more than just 4 foreigners ! I like the flags idea, it is so simple and cool !


June 20, 2009 07:08

120 posts(s)



Too much color!!!
I do not like very much, too much patriotic as well, and like i said (just personal) “un patriota, un idiota”.
Maybe can be implement in a different way, but i´m careless, only thing i cant wait it is a real world cup, and i´m getting sick of waiting, the game it is getting boring with out it. Or the other option,,,,,, manager mobility, it is suck for me to build a good team and get stock with it…….not real ….


June 20, 2009 10:07

387 posts(s)


first i liked it, but for me it’s too turbulent with all the colors. But let’s keep it: I would flag the nationalities on a secondary tab like “contracts”.
On the skills page i just would love to see the flag (on the right hand side) for players who are current players for a national team. Therefore we need national teams ;)


June 20, 2009 11:42

803 posts(s)


Yeah It can be helpful when we have national teams… How is that going Gabriel? something new?


June 20, 2009 14:51

299 posts(s)


Very nice, but please don’t tell Platini that I have only 4 French players in my team =)


June 20, 2009 17:00

71 posts(s)



First thought , “what the hell”, but now i actually quite like it :)


June 20, 2009 19:22

651 posts(s)


its good to watch, but then it has caused me one problem.
i actually maintain a spreadsheet and maintain an instance of my players skills whenever there is any change. So, when ever there is any change in the players skills level or any players are being transacted, i update my spreadsheet. players names were the first columns but now, with this flag in place, the country name is concatenated to the player names (although, with a space in between). earlier it was a simple copy paste thing, whereas now i need to manually add a tab in between and load to excel using its data loader, and finally delete the first column. i know i am complaining about not having my luxury anymore, but then, it has given me the problem…
if we could have a tab in between the flags and the player names, my problem would be solved. ( i guess a lot of other guys might have the same problem). i could exaggerate the problem a lil bit more, if that would help u add that small tab in between :) )


June 21, 2009 02:30

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks for the opinions guys. I have a similar problem, Parag :)
I’m thinking about not displaying the flags when you enter the page and add a checkbox like the “colorize” one saying something like “show flags” or “show nationalities”, whatever…when checked the flags would show up, when unchecked they’d be hidden.
How does that sound?


June 21, 2009 02:34

4,303 posts(s)



@DaMaGo and Filipe: be patient guys, these are not simple features but they will be added…currently I don’t have any big feature planned, just working on small bug fixes / improvements, maybe my next big feature could be one of these ;)


June 21, 2009 09:27

651 posts(s)


show flag option would be nice… we can have it enabled by default.


June 21, 2009 11:55

609 posts(s)


“show flags” as check box would be alot better.


June 21, 2009 16:57

4,303 posts(s)



I added a “hide flags” check box ;)


June 22, 2009 23:20

609 posts(s)


doesn’t work gabriel :( they are stilling coming in excel.


June 23, 2009 06:00

651 posts(s)


yah… they are still there when u copy the data, and moreover, the player information appears twice, in case anyone has not noticed.


June 23, 2009 06:11

609 posts(s)


only the player names appears twice here :)


June 23, 2009 07:39

651 posts(s)


player loaned, player_transfer etc are also appearing on mine… although card information is not there.
EDIT:hopefully it doesn’t sound like i need those information…

2ND EDIT: (card information is also present )
Italy Sebastiano Quaglieri Player_loaned Player_yellow_card Sebastiano Quaglieri Player_loaned Player_yellow_card D C 21 34 90 66 63 64 75 75 84 20 100 $3,196 $1,260,600


June 23, 2009 10:30

4,303 posts(s)



Cards, loan, transfer and injury info was already there. Now we have the player names twice and the country name :)
Unfortunately there’s not much we can do, except maybe add an export to excel button, but that’s definitely low priority.


June 23, 2009 12:28

609 posts(s)


not much? just remove it…people are just to lazy to click on a player to see the nationallity!!!!


June 23, 2009 12:39

4,303 posts(s)



But it would require a lot of work to check the nationality of all your players :)


June 23, 2009 13:34

651 posts(s)


i won’t say remove it, just make those previously available information available again:)
and i guess removing that duplicacy would also be good:)


June 23, 2009 16:32

609 posts(s)


isn’t it an option to place them in there own table gabriel? Maybe then it’s easier to remove them in excel


June 23, 2009 16:34

4,303 posts(s)



If you mean in their own column, I’ve tried it and got some weird results when I clicked on hide flags…let’s see if I can figure out a way to fix it.


June 23, 2009 20:30

651 posts(s)


if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…, but u fixed it anyway and finally it broke down … :( doesnt make things any better:S


June 23, 2009 21:38

4,303 posts(s)



I didn’t fix anything, just added an option for those who didn’t like the flags to hide them ;)


June 24, 2009 05:04

651 posts(s)


gab, there must be some way to remove that duplicacy… its killing me every time i need to load the data… you know what it feels like… or simply lets have an export procedure:)


June 24, 2009 11:16

4,303 posts(s)



I’ll try something later today, let’s see if it works.