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July 06, 2009 01:24

241 posts(s)


I think Santo Andre deserved to win the title and i wouldnt want to take anything from Dot who seems like a classy guy .

However i just dont understand why Gremio would field a reserve team against them the last game of the season having not guaranteid a LA spot.

I would respect Gremio’s decision if they already secured a LA spot and wanted to rest their players for the upcoming international cup game but right now i dont know what to think.


July 06, 2009 10:37

4,303 posts(s)



Maybe he is happy with the Sudamericana spot. And it wasn’t worth anyway as he lost the international cup semi-finals.


July 06, 2009 13:19

12 posts(s)



Hi.. I’m the gremio’s manager. I understand that you might be pissed with me, but I can see that Vitoria Manager did the same against you, right?
Well.. I had some reasons to use my reserve team.
The Santo Andre manager is a great friend of mine and offered me $7,5M to use the reserve team (he will buy weak player from gremio when I have one), my team is not good enought to play LA thats why Sudamericana would fit much better, and it would be good to my tired players to rest a little before the match on Sudamericana (btw, I won the match but wasn’t enought).
I hope you understand.


July 06, 2009 13:47

678 posts(s)


offered money? :)


July 06, 2009 13:57

12 posts(s)



Rubysoccer money.. :)


July 06, 2009 14:01

387 posts(s)


Meninao (Hilton), i guess i understand your point correctly, but i’m afraid i’m absolutely not with you!
It’s just not within the un/written rules.
Though you talk about it very frankly: Santo Andre bought your match, that’s illegal and should be punished IMO.


July 06, 2009 14:03

678 posts(s)


hahaha, even so :). It meens you took bribe money :)
In real life football, that’s not allowed, so why should it be allowed here?One tip for the future. Next time, don’t tell anyone you got offered money and actually accpeted it :-). That’s how they do it in real life. Just deny it :)


July 06, 2009 14:07

40 posts(s)



Think this like a Gentlemen’s deal :D

As Meninao has said, Gremio would rather win S.A than L.A and he was hurrying to win against Corinthians. So why not spare his main team like Vitoria did?

I’m sure that I could win the game because it was in my home and my team was still fresh. But as a I’ve said: a deal would fit better and I was owing Gremio some money… now is all fine :D


July 06, 2009 14:08

40 posts(s)



I agree with Sly:

“Next time, don’t tell anyone you got offered money and actually accpeted it :-). That’s how they do it in real life. Just deny it :)”



July 06, 2009 14:12

678 posts(s)


I might be a rookie in this game compared to others who have played for 25 season, but explain me how you can owe a team money in this game?


July 06, 2009 14:12

387 posts(s)


@Dot: “I’m sure that I could win the game (…).”
If you were sure, you wouldnt have spend 7,5M


July 06, 2009 14:16

40 posts(s)



@Philipp: But in the doubt… XD


July 06, 2009 14:16

241 posts(s)


Your loss!! i could have offered you more lol

Seriously is this a joke? By the way didnt you win Copa do Brazil which puts you in SA in turn 52 and you waited last game to tank..interesting


July 06, 2009 14:37

4,303 posts(s)



@Sly: they probably made some over priced deals in the past.
Let’s put things straight, I think that using your reserves in a match is pretty common in this game in situations where you want to rest your best players for a more important match or to help a friend or whatever, but using money to do that is something I’ve never heard before in the game (I’m not saying it never happened).
I agree with those saying it’s not a good thing to do but there is no way to prevent / detect it (at least not a simple way). As soon as I read Amac’s first post I suspected that some kind of arrangement between the managers could have happened, as Meninao is a co-worker of mine and I am aware that he and Dot know each other. But what if I didn’t knew any of the involved managers and they denied it as Sly suggested? How could we prove they did something like that? A manager could simply say he was resting his players for the international match and didn’t want to qualify to Libertadores, but Sudamericana. Should we have punished them in this case as well? Should we punish all managers who use their reserves in an official match?
To be honest, I don’t know what (if something) should be done.
Alright, wrote a lot, now you guys can proceed with your comments ;)


July 06, 2009 14:38

4,303 posts(s)



@amacb: winning Copa do Brasil didn’t gives the team a spot in any competition. In real life it gives you a spot in Libertadores and I think in Europe winning the national cup gives you a spot in UEFA, but we didn’t want to implement that in the game to make things simpler instead of adding lots of specific rules.


July 06, 2009 14:48

40 posts(s)



I was sure that Vitoria would be lining up the reserve team and Gama would be benefited from that.
So why meninao with Gremio couldn’t? His situation was also for that. Maybe I could have just asked Meninao to use his reserves, but instead I asked him and decided to give some compensation for his kindness and previous transactions…
As Gabriel said, this kind of deals can’t be monitored and YES they happen in game. But Meninao was honest and told to everyone what happened.


July 06, 2009 14:50

387 posts(s)


IMO there is not much against using a reserve team. I use reserve team in national cup and a 2nd best team in league during the CL (but no youths!). But i always try to avoid to give the fight for the best spots a spin. So I line-up an equally strong formation against the top ~7-8 teams, so no one is really hurt.
If you wanna start rather in UEFA/CS than in CL/Lib, you should start losing points in (earlier) matches which are not so decisive for the final table of the league!
It’s just “sportsmanship” that should lead everybodys actions, not just what’s written and what’s been monitored.


July 06, 2009 14:58

241 posts(s)


Guys as i mentioned in my first post fielding a reserve team for me is ok if you have no reason to win. But passing a chance to play in better competition for money i can not agree.

Anyway i have no hard feelings and winning now in Brazil just got better


July 06, 2009 15:27

12 posts(s)



I particulary prefer to play S.A. because the field is more compatible to my team. But would be great if I could win the League, so I played hard until the 36th game. On the 37th game I had no more chances to win the League, so as you guys can see, I used almost the whole reserve team (using my youths too), but unfortunately (or not) the match was in my home and against the last team in brazil (Palmeiras), so I won by 1×0.
In the final game I would use the same reserve team to help Dot ( as I helped some other teams before, like I did against CRB (my cousin’s team) before, if you guys can remember), but I would never say it to Dot. But when he offered me the money I decided to use an even worst team, to make sure that nothing wrong could happen.
What I want to make clear for everyone is that I would let he win anyway because he is my friend and I didn’t want to play L.A.
If you think that it need to be punished, I will accept. I didn’t receive the money yet, but I can be punished. But if you decide that, please guarantee to me and everyone that any other suspect result will be punished even if the manager says that he didnt receive the money. Because if I were not honest and say it in the forum, you guys would never now. And I’m pretty sure that it have happened before.


July 06, 2009 15:44

609 posts(s)


Punishing is a big word. Think it’s better to make big dissapointment at your board which results in say like drop 50% in happyness or something like that which in the end can result in you getting fired (talked about this in an other post).

On the other hand, if i look at my own spot, i use friendly lineup every time i’m guarenteed of uefa/cl/league when i can’t be catched anymore. Should that be counted to? Say like last match..i couldn’t get #1 and i couldn’t get #3 so i used my friendly team against a rubbisch team on the bottom hoping my yought would grow abit.


July 06, 2009 15:48

4,303 posts(s)



@Philipp: “It’s just “sportsmanship” that should lead everybodys actions, not just what’s written and what’s been monitored.” – very well said ;)
@amacb: I’m glad to know you feel this way
@Meninao: I think everybody understands your reasons but most users didn’t like it. I don’t think this is good for the game but as I said before I don’t feel like punishing anybody because it would be unfair not punishing other managers with the same behavior, which would require a precious amount of time to investigate
When people have friends playing the game it is inevitable they try to help each other somehow. I’ve had friends who lost games on purpose (when there was nothing else they wanted to fight for in the competition) to help me without me asking them to do so. Is this bad for fair play and competition? Yes, of course, and I discourage this behavior, even when this is done with good faith.
Hope you guys understand our situation and have the same spirit as Amac, who is now even more motivated to win the league next season ;)


July 06, 2009 15:51

4,303 posts(s)



Oh, and I’ve also used my friendly squad in the past in situations like the one Vaughn described in order to give my youths some experience. I didn’t care whether or not the opponent was fighting for the title or a international cup spot. I haven’t done that in a while though. Shame on me! :(


July 06, 2009 16:09

609 posts(s)


who haven’t helped a friend? loaning players etc, i won’t say how we did it cause it might be considered “not fair” :)


July 06, 2009 16:43

803 posts(s)


I understand all the positions here, but I think something can be done to avoid this kind of situations. I read somewhere the performance penalty for losing a match has now a max of 10 points. I think that should not exist and the penalty for results like 9 or 10 goals difference should be penalty even with more points than the usual. This way managers will have to be careful sparing their team…



July 06, 2009 19:59

1,003 posts(s)



Now I think Dot should not pay Meninao. muhahahah! :)


July 06, 2009 20:05

35 posts(s)


Remember the Incident with PSG and Monaco this is what I am talking about. this is Unethical remember what happened in Italy a few years ago, this is in the same ball park, I see no difference between buying a Referee and Buying the other team.

in (RS) Brazil’s case there was an amount 7.5M, in France (Monaco 21 X 0 PSG) we do not know if there was an agreement between the 2 coaches (wich I personaly think that it did happen.) if everyone actualy stops and thinks about what happened, line in my previos comment about this related incident in France just think what will happen in the furute.


July 06, 2009 20:07

1,003 posts(s)



The way I see it, the only way we can efficiently prevent this is to adjust the board – so they become very unhappy if you have a 10 x nil result, for example. But let’s see where the discussion goes.


July 06, 2009 20:16

40 posts(s)



“Now I think Dot should not pay Meninao. muhahahah! :)”
I totally agree with you Danilo! XD


July 06, 2009 21:39

678 posts(s)


PSG didn’t play reserves though. He only played a youth goaly because his own goaly got injured. I don’t like accusations towards teams in my country. Please keep them out of it :)…we are Boo – ing at Santo Andre for bribing team!! :)…BOOOO!!! BAD BOY!!! :p


July 06, 2009 21:51

4,303 posts(s)



I’ll remove the board 10 points penalty limit ;)

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