I am getting the same error page basically every time I try to make an offer. More recently it happened when trying to make an offer for players of my former team, and a player currently loaned to me
The logic is highest wage percentage, then longest loan period, then weakest team bidding. In terms of improvement if he only needs to play matches he’ll improve equally fast in any team, otherwise it depends on what is the player requirement. Did you set up anything specific in your loan clauses such as team playing international competitions or from higher ranked countries?
Percebemos sim Pedro e vamos corrigir em breve. Como esse é um problema que afeta apenas uma tela pra quem usa o jogo em Português não demos prioridade alta para esse problema. O motivo por trás disso é que a mesma letra de abreviação é usada pra mais de uma coisa (D para draw e defender e L para loss e left) e essa tela acabou usando a tradução incorreta (D como defensor e E como esquerda ao invés de E para empate e D para derrota).
What’s the logic behind the choice players make to join a club on loan? Now one of my players got the chance to join a club in the premier league of Spain/ Portugal and England. Much higher ranked leagues then the German league I’m in. Compared to the current players in their squads my player would definitely be part of the team and play matches. The experience of playing matches in one of the high ranked countries might even lead to some skill development. So why would this player choose for a club in Peru? A country that’s just a bit higher in rank than Germany.
Vocês ainda não perceberam que nas tabelas as siglas estão invertidas em português???
D = Empate
E = Derrota
Dá prá corrigir por favor
All you said is correct (the 35 minutes thing can be less, but that’s a safe number). Interesting suggestion, funny nobody thought about it for player development before morale was implemented. Well, I guess that’s because everybody played friendlies like crazy to develop their players before “training” came into the picture.
Anyway, added to our list! Let’s see if others have more improvement suggestions for the formation rules.
Doubling is fine, the restriction will remain there just to prevent some ludicrous values that would render a team useless too quickly.
If you say ‘replace x by y after minute 45 when ahead’ and the team scores 1-0 in minute 60, at that moment the substitution will take place, right? And for development or morale, a player needs to play at least 35 minutes in a match, correct?
If this is both correct, ‘after minute 45 before minute 55 when ahead’ would be nice.
I probably have too much money now to offer them? Lol I have little money but can double some players wages.
An MA or AM player can play without any penalties on any M or A position, so nothing to worry on that front. We leave it to the owner of the player to decide how he wants the player position to be presented and it mainly impacts in which list the player is displayed when building your formation. If we allowed the international squad manager to change it, then the player owner would see the position swapped, most likely against his/her will :-)
Not sure this is necessarily a bug, however, when managing an international side, you are unable to reallocate a player’s position. For example if they are a MAC for their club side that is how they are for the international side. When you click on the player, as an international manager you are not able to make them a AMC e.g. reverse their position.
I don’t know whether players get punished for playing out of position, despite the fact that technically it is a potential position that they can play at international level. Maybe something to have a think about?
Logic changed a bit, please let me know if things are still unmanageable.
I’ve realised players were now asking for exaggerated salary increases by considering teammates salaries. Even though they will continue to look for his teammates when asking for a new salary they will be less aggressive on their demands now. Also, the maximum wage allowed by the board now takes into account this smarter way players are asking for wages so you don’t end up losing players unnecessarily.
@Joseppi I was suspecting that was the case. I will have a look at your situation but I’m pretty sure I will have to review the board wage restriction, unless your finances are really bad. Maybe link the restriction to the suggested wage…
@Dirk players will not look at the wages of players who have more stars or are “better” than they are. I say “better” because I know the way the game calculates how good a player is does not always reflect the reality. But if you have a similar or worse player earning too much you can expect that to affect the wage asked by a player.
It’s a long weekend here in Australia, so I won’t promise to review the board logic in the next couple days as I’ll be out and about and about with my family.
Gabriel, how smart are the players? Do they look at players with similar skills or at wages in absolute numbers without taking skills into account.
I have a top earner with Mella but he’s one of the best players of fastticker and has a golden star season after season. A normal player can’t refer his wage to such a player.
The board won’t allow me anything over the players current wage, this forced me to sell Tony King and then 3 other top earners but I still can’t increase wages by even a small amount.
Hi Joseppi,
Are you saying the board won’t allow the increase or that the players are not accepting small increases? If it is the board I can definitely look into it, if it’s the players there was a change recently were players became smarter when asking for raises, especially if you have some high wages in your squad.
At Reading I’ve lost a lot of money and took steps to reduce the wage bill as I couldn’t increase wage offers. Now I’ve got rid of the big earners I still cant offer a small increase to current players contracts, is this a bug?
Small improvements pack:
- added ‘Hire Date’ column to players contracts screen; the ‘Contract Begin’ column now represents the last contract renewal date
- when modifying a scout search do not receive an alert about losing progress if current progress is zero
- player value is now periodically recalculated for CPU managed teams as well as human managed teams
Works just as well. Thanks!
I wouldn’t say revert, what I can do is add an extra column with the date the player joined the club. The renewal date information is also important as it now determines how soon you can offer a new renewal contract.
It is a minor thing on the same topic: we used to see the first time you signed a contract with a player when you ranked the players by “contract begin”. It was fun to see the vintage o players you purchased.
Now when a new contract is signed we only see the date of the latest contract. Can you revert to the previous model, Gabriel?
I’ve fixed a reported bug where managers were unable to transfer list a player that had renewed contract in the last 72 turns instead of the usual check of hired by the team in the last 72 turns.
In addition to that I’ve released a few more things related to non-transfer listed offers and player status, but they are just informational and are not active yet. There is a new Status tab from your players’ screen that will show you how happy he is with different aspects that matter to him. Once fully implemented this will be used to determine how easily he can be tempted by transfer offers (assuming such offers would potentially increase his status values) and decide to leave the club by requesting transfer and not accepting contract renewals.
Ok great
Take your time to fix it
Yeah, I figured the same when trying on one of mine. The issue is related to the new contract renewal model where the new contract takes place immediately and the contract start is updated with the season and turn of the renewal instead of remaining as the player original hire date. The logic to prevent the transfer is looking at that renewal date instead of looking at the original hiring date…I’ll try to fix it today, shouldn’t take long (I just need to find time to do it).
It seems that it is impossible to transfert list some players of my teams in both dimensions.
I have the message that they are not in my team for long enough (72 turns) but they are …
Medium ticker :
Palmeiras -> Joao Piquet, Juan Ruiz, Olavo Uchoa
Fast ticker :
Corinthians -> Fran Vilaseca, Luca Provenzani, Benido Rincon, Leandro Braganca, Alistair Sims, Benjamin Nunez (can’t change transfert parameters), Gilson Couto, Onofre Assuncao, John Schultheis, Peregrino Santamaria
For now it’s just that, you ignore the bid or message the other manager, it doesn’t affect your player or the other manager’s players in any way. I’m also not keen to allow managers to just drop bids as that could lead to some managers potentially dropping bids just to let a specific manager bid alone…we’d need some measures to prevent or inhibit that. When the feature is fully implemented your player may tell you he wants to leave (depending on how compelled he is to move to the bidder(s)‘s team(s)) and while it’s still up to you to decide whether to transfer list him he’ll not want to renew contract and may negatively impact the other players if you don’t accept his request.
If I do not accept a bid for one of my players I just do not TL the player?
How does the other manager knows the bid was not accepted?
Working now, thanks!
That was a tricky one…the issue was you had a non-listed offer against one of your players and that page assumed that player was listed, resulting in an error. This is now fixed.