Ninguém teve o trabalho destruído, o decréscimo foi igualitário. Ou seja, todos os jogadores perderam pontos igualmente. Por exemplo: se dois jogadores tinham chute 95 e 90 e aí foram para, respectivamente, 90 e 85, o que era melhor continua sendo melhor – e pela mesma diferença de pontos.
A única coisa que vai acontecer é que o sistema novo vai começar a fazer diferença mais cedo do que faria, caso o decrescimo não tivesse acontecido. Achamos que isso seria muito mais interessante do que a alternativa.
Para além disso destroem o trabalho de quem anda várias épocas a fazer crescer jogadores.
Pois mas não faz sentido nenhum fazer alterações a meio das épocas…..e a justificação também não faz sentido…….. se a ideia é haver melhores jogadores porque piorar os existentes?
@Dcaniva: o motivo de diminuir as skills dos jogadores é para acelerar o impacto das mudanças recentes que ocorreram na geração de jogadores de forma que em algumas temporadas os jovens gerados no novo sistema já se tornarão melhores do que os jogadores mais experientes atuais. A mudança não deveria prejudicar ninguém ou ao menos ter um impacto mínimo, já que todos foram afetados igualmente.
English version
The question was about reducing player skills in the middle of the season. I explained the reason behind the reduction is to bring forward the impact of recent changes in the player generation logic so that in a few seasons the younger players generated after the changes have a chance of surpassing the exisiting experienced players. The change should not negatively affect anyone as everyone was equally impacted.
Qual é a lógica de mudar os Skills dos jogadores a meio de um Campeonato?
I have just reduced player skills as previously announced. Scout reports for those players were also updated to reflect their new current skills.
This result can mean one of two things:
1) The coach failed to do a proper evaluation of the player
2) The player has already reached his full potential
It is important to notice that existing players reached their full potential too early when compared to the new model, so these reports may indeed be useless for such players. As younger players start replacing existing ones they will make more sense and will also give you an idea of the diversity we now have in terms of player evolution. I understand these changes may take time to have a real impact on the gameplay, but I’m sure you’ll appreciate the improvement once they do.
For now I’d say it’s best to focus the reports on younger players. For older ones (and by older I mean even 25 year old players sometimes) you may get results such as your for most reports and a result of “This player is close or has reached his full potential” to the Evolution Stage report, meaning the player has truly reached his full potential, most likely even before the new model was put in place.
Hope this helps!
My recent report for a player with a star:
Full Potential
I am not sure about when this player will reach his full potential.
This report is not adding value, not much point having it as an option.
I have just started adding more player statistics to the game and the first two additions are goal assists and effective tackles average per match. You can find the assists information in the match report and in the player and team players statistics screens. Effective tackles average per match can be found in the player and team players statistics screens.
Bear in mind that existing statistics have not been updated and this data will start being collected from now on. That means your averages for the current season may be inaccurate if your team is in the middle of a competition at the moment and that for old seasons and existing match reports these new values will show as zero.
Players now have a new attribute called “pressure handling” that can be seen in the player info screen. This will be used instead of stadium level to determine the penalty the player will receive when playing away matches. For now this attribute cannot be improved and in all existing players it has been set to “Poor”, whereas newly generated players can also have it as “Reasonable” or “Good”.
We will reduce the player skills of existing players to speed up the effect of the two main changes done to the player generation process: reduced likelihood of great players for lower ranked countries and new evolution model. Without this skills reduction it will take too many seasons for these changes to have a real impact and there is no real negative effect in doing them as everybody is going to be affected the same and whoever has the best players today will continue to have the best players after the change.
The reduction will be of 5 points in all skills for players 21 years old and over on FastTicker and 19 years old and over in MediumTicker. You can expect this to happen some time in the next 48 hours.
FastTicker had some issues, I will look into it in a bit.
We’re a bit late but RubySoccer’s Christmas gift to you is the new player evolution model. We’re still working on finishing touches related to CPU behaviour and proper game help about the new system but as the mechanics are all ready to go so I’ve decided to release it earlier. As usual, your feedback is important to fine tune the system and make it work better for everyone.
Here is a summary of the changes:
Hopefully that’s enough information to start with. Please write in the forums or in our Facebook page if you have any questions about in the new system so we can make sure the answers go out to everyone and also make sure the system is working as intended.
From now on, you will be able to know how long each team spent on each area of the field (defense, attack or midfield) – when in possession. The information is on the match report. Old matches will show 0% everywhere, as these calculations were just added. Merry Christmas!
Well, most clubs in real life use only one GK for years and only use subs if their main one is injured. Given that, it seemed unfair to have them complaining in RubySoccer of lack of playtime. Maybe after the new player evolution model is in place we can come up with a way to have morale for GKs.
Why are GK’s excluded from morale? They seem to be the only people I can keep happy, maybe I should get 11 of them!
Bummer, just below the threshold. I will see what can be done, but the danger is changing this and breaking stuff for other devices… Thanks for the screenshot BTW, it really helps.
New player evolution model development update: the foundation of the new model is ready, meaning all the logic to determine the player evolution profiles, evolution steps and player progression is tested and working. Before releasing that though we need to finalise the changes to coaching and scouting, not to mention CPU negotiation behavior. Without this additional changes these other aspects of the game will be “broken”.
In the past few days some users reported strange player rating in international cup matches. After some investigation I’ve found out it was related to the team expectation generation for international cups. The issue has now been rectified for the current season and shouldn’t happen in future seasons either.
Found what the issue was, it shouldn’t happen for next season. I’ve also rectified the values for the current season, please let me know if it happens again.
Ah, I see what the issue is now! It is a bug in the way we determine the team’s quality/expectation for international competitions taking into account the previous season’s performance. For teams that were not part of international competitions in the previous season the calculation went wrong and the numbers are too low, causing the starting rating and board reactions to be exaggerated.
Thanks for reporting guys, I’ll have a look into it.
I had it twice, both times in a CL match. Also in both cases it was a bad result according to the board though.
Happened again in my next CL game.
Gabriel, it is most likely a bug. Same thing has been happening on Copa Libertadores
Check this, just to give a few examples:
This only really seems to happen in the Champions League. It just seems a little odd when you win a game 2-1 but none of your outfield players get a rating over 5.
Here is the size:
The site is full screen, by sidebar is hidden. The width of the body as shown in the picture is 1305px.
Some players now are very strict during contract negotiations and that must be the case for your player. The best way to avoid situations such as yours is to have the Negotiations investment area with a high level so that the suggested wage you see when offering a contract is as close as possible to a value the player would accept. There is no 100% guarantee the suggested wage will be enough but in practice I’ve had no issues so far (I’m on level 10, but if you have a bit less you can just offer a bit over the suggested wage and still be safe).
It wouldn’t be fair to revert the situation for you because we have declined to do so for other managers in the past. I’ve lost a player this way myself before the Negotiations area was created. The best course of action in this case is try to sell him as soon as possible.
You could say it’s a bug, but it can be explained by the way player ratings currently work. Each player start the match with a rating that is based on your opponent’s quality compared to your team’s quality. If you’re playing an easier opponent, your starting ratings will be lower, if you’re playing a harder opponent your starting ratings will be higher. This is to mimic the fact that more is expected from your players if the opponent is worse than your team and vice-versa.
During the match, all player actions add up to the starting rating. If they tackle an opponent, pass successfully, score goals, their ratings go up, if they commit fouls, get cards, miss a pass, etc, their ratings go down. The final rating is then a result of the starting rating plus the actions the player performed during the match.
We know this is a simplistic way of rating players that ignores the overall player contribution to the match and also ignores the position the player is playing, i.e. an attacker missing a tackle should not be a big deal whereas it is a big deal for a defender to miss it. The final rating should also consider how the player contributed to the final match result. For example, if a player gives his team the victory in the last minute, he should get a big bonus to his rating.
All the changes outlined above are already planned to be done, it is good that you brought this up so we can raise awareness of how this works and what we plan to do about it.
Hi there.
I have a player for many seasons, he started his career in my club.
Now, in the renewal process I offered a bit higher salary than he currently has and he doesn’t wish to negotiate anymore and will leave soon.
Can this be changed? I would like to keep this player, it has been an important player in my team and I would pay a higher salary but I don’t have the chance to.
Yes, it is maximized. It happens on a Macbook Air. I use the toolbar on the left side, which probably means the available resolution is a bit less than that one you mentioned.
Is it possible to decrease a bit the breakpoint from the current 1366 to something like 1200px?