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November 13, 2015 20:13

4,300 posts(s)



I probably did for that one, any other players to watch?


November 13, 2015 19:12

4,300 posts(s)



It’s running again!



November 13, 2015 18:21

1 posts(s)


Fast ticker stuck at 9%


November 13, 2015 13:15

96 posts(s)


It was Steven Cass (fast ticker) but now his morale has shot up and he will renew. Not sure if you did something to fix this or not?


November 13, 2015 11:30

1,003 posts(s)



I see, so Neymar should be ok with not playing until he is 25…? Just checking.


November 13, 2015 04:17

828 posts(s)


an 18 year old should not have a critical moral how the fuck does he expect to get 1st team play critical should only effect 25 year olds and higher


November 13, 2015 04:10

4,300 posts(s)



Wait, I couldn’t see it happening on the test I just did. Can you please let me know here or via in-game message which player are you concerned about so I can keep an eye on him?


November 13, 2015 01:08

4,300 posts(s)



Critical and bad morale players have the same small penalty on their own performance. They don’t affect the performance of their teammates.


November 13, 2015 00:58

4,300 posts(s)



That is definitely a bug! Anyone else on the same situation? I can fix it manually for you whilst the bug is not fixed.

Thanks for reporting, Sniff!


November 12, 2015 18:25

96 posts(s)


So I loaned a young player out and his morale doesn’t improve when he plays games at the CPU team and now his contract is running down he doesn’t want to renew. This seems to be a problem, if players morale doesn’t improve whilst playing for CPU teams.

I can’t play all my squad players so my thought was to loan them out to improve morale, but it would appear that for loans to work you have to loan out players with good morale, which sort of defeats the purpose of either the loan or the morale, does it not?


November 12, 2015 12:30

157 posts(s)


And what is the effect of morale on performance?


November 11, 2015 22:56

296 posts(s)


Yes Gabriel your right that’s what I mean! I haven’t accessed the game yet on a desktop, I’ve been using the mobile version.


November 11, 2015 22:43

4,300 posts(s)



@Joseppi: I think I know what you mean about the formation, you mean make the field section of the screen come before the tactics section. On a mobile device that means formation on top, on desktop it means formation on the left, maybe that’s what got Danilo confused…or maybe misunderstood as well. For the strategies and match report screens I’m not too sure about the change, it could make it too ugly for the desktop version.

@Dirk: I agree that is not very nice on mobile devices, we’ll see if it makes the desktop version too ugly.

These are some of the challenges you have when trying to make the same screen work on desktop and mobile devices :-)


November 11, 2015 20:49

637 posts(s)


In the inbox the new messages detail is shown below all the existing messages. Isn’t it possible to show them above the new messages? It would be much better on mobile devices.


November 11, 2015 13:55

1,003 posts(s)



I want you guys to start communicating more, so I’ve spent some time to make the forum more usable on a mobile device. There’s still some things that need to be done but the current changes should already make the experience much better.


November 11, 2015 13:34

1,003 posts(s)



Do you mean like it was before, inside of the grey header of that box? Also, the challenge with the match report is real estate – and getting a screen that is not too sparse. I’m not 100% sure what you mean, do you think you could quickly use paintbrush to manipulate a screenshot and demonstrate visually what you mean?


November 11, 2015 11:53

296 posts(s)


Hi, quick improvement here I think would really help a lot. When you go into the formation screen, should the formation not be at the top and the tactics below? Same in the strategies section. Also I match report can we have the stats at the top and then the player ratings of both teams? Would be nice if player ratings could also go side by side.


November 11, 2015 11:40

4,300 posts(s)



@Fabio: each player individually will have an individual impact between 1% and 8% and the total impact will be the sum of all your critical players impact. The more experienced the player more likely he is to causing a greater impact. For example, let’s say you have 2 critical players, one with a 2% impact and the other with a 5% impact making the total 7%. If you hire a new player and he plays his first match in your squad his morale would go to 93% instead of 100% due to your critical players bad influence. It also impacts players that are not playing. Let’s say one of your players would go to morale level of 10% even without playing his first match in your club, either because he is low on stamina or he acknowledges he is not on par with your club level yet…in the example above he would go to 3% instead.

@Dimitri: it doesn’t matter if they are transfer listed or not.


November 11, 2015 11:02

639 posts(s)



And does it matter if they are transfer listed or not?


November 11, 2015 10:14

157 posts(s)


Can we have an idea on the intensity of the critical morale player on the rest of the squad’s morale?


November 11, 2015 04:39

4,300 posts(s)



And by soon I meant now! The morale changes are now in place, you can remove your critical players from the transfer list but don’t forget they will start to negatively impact everyone else’s morale, so you’d better give them some match time or get rid of them.


November 10, 2015 23:04

4,300 posts(s)



The morale system will be improved soon to give back some more control and decision power to the managers. Critical morale players will not be automatically transfer listed, they will instead negatively affect the morale of other players as time goes by. It will be up to managers to decide whether to transfer list them, try to recover their morale or ignore them. Bear in mind they will still refuse to renew their contracts, so if you don’t want to lose them you need to get them out of critical in time.


November 10, 2015 22:58

4,300 posts(s)



If you hire stars from abroad you would temporarily boost number of stars in the country in the current season and potentially in the next season, because players will lost at most one star in between seasons. Eventually it would even out again unless people keep hiring stars from abroad :-)


November 10, 2015 13:08

1,003 posts(s)



Do we have a volunteer to write our “What is?” page and take the screenshots that should be included in it? I will discuss with Gabriel and think of a nice reward for the fine gentleman that does it. Or madam… The only problem is that it would be nice if we could have it done asap.


November 10, 2015 12:25

1,003 posts(s)



Our portuguese (brazil) translations have been updated. Still have to update some help screens, but the game itself has been fully translated


November 10, 2015 11:58

96 posts(s)


Ok this seems a reasonable and fair explanation. It’s weird though as, he is my star player! Without him, my team are nothing, as a midfielder it seems like he scores every game, the stats say he scores every other game, but when looking at results if he doesn’t score I am surprised!

With regard to the limited number of stars per country, does this mean that if somehow I acquired 11 new players with stars from abroad this would then impact on the star players the following season? By importing 11 star players, between my new 11 star players and the rest of the league there would essentially be 11 stars lost, or re-allocated?


November 10, 2015 03:29

4,300 posts(s)



Bug fixes:
-Manager info page properly displaying club name / national squad name for managers who manage both
-Ranking link beside manager name on team info page now takes you to the right ranking page
-Manager ranking filter by country do not display the national squad manager in the list anymore
-Several admin screens adjusted to new look and feel


November 10, 2015 01:11

4,300 posts(s)



Nah, you’re not complaining, just questioning why a good players has lost a star, that’s reasonable. He does have good stats but the way things work at the moment we have a limited number of stars of each type per country, so he wasn’t good enough when compared to other players who got their 2 silver stars or gold star. You can certainly argue the way we measure how good a player performed and I’ll probably agree it is not as good as it could be, but that’s a different topic. In addition to that, his “natural star factor” may impact his ability to get a star. This represents how a player is naturally considered a star by other people and can have a positive or negative impact in the likelihood of a player becoming a star and is randomly generated for each player.


November 09, 2015 23:46

4,300 posts(s)



I have re-generated the board expectations on FastTicker because it wasn’t aligning with the number your team was going to be measured against, so it was not real. Something went wrong in the calculation during the season tick, I’m still investigating. I’ll probably have to do the same, if I can, with the national cups and international cups expectations, assuming they are also wrong.

Update: expectations for national and international cups have been re-generated as well


November 09, 2015 22:43

96 posts(s)


Looking at his stats he has got better every season in goal ratio and performance. I am not comparing him to other players, only looking at what he has done. I still believe he should be gaining stars rather than losing them, especially as he is a midfielder that scored 15 goals last season. When you get a moment, can you look into this to see if I am completely wrong, or something is not working optimally, or just tell me to stop complaining? :)