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October 19, 2015 23:16

4,300 posts(s)



1) I was thinking about that when trying to manage my players’ morale as well :-D

2) CPU teams had been artificially assigned coaching level 10 for a long time but that’s been changed. The new minimum level for them is 5 but of course they can go beyond that by spending their own investment points. That said, I don’t think many of them have coaching level 10 anymore so I suggest you try reducing your coaching requirements.


October 19, 2015 22:16

4,300 posts(s)



Retiring players are not affected by morale. The idea is that they are not looking to change clubs in their last year as a football player so their rating will remain as 0% and they will never go out of Neutral.


October 19, 2015 11:44

157 posts(s)


2 quick suggestions on this topic, Gabriel:

1) Can you change the Morale panel so that we can sort by morale status and rank by the morale %? It will make it easier for visualizing and thus managing morale

2) Loan market seems dead in the Fast Ticker. I have from Tac 94 to Sho 96 that I have been trying to loan for over 1 season. I find it hard to believe that no CPU teams can benefit from having those players (I do demand coaching 10, but I imagine there are plenty of teams with that feature). Having loaned players will help control morale levels for upcoming youths. Moreover, it can make the game more competitive as CPU teams will have better squads


October 19, 2015 10:00

4,300 posts(s)



I’m not doing it as my next task, I’ll keep an eye on this topic and hopefully the discussion will have progressed further when it’s time for us to decide what to do, if anything. I tend to agree with your view Joseppi, I think the way things are it’s an additional challenge and actually adds something that could go wrong during contract negotiations where in the past it was a straightforward process. The Negotiations department is there for those who few it’s too hard to estimate a safe wage, as long as you have a high enough level you will be on the safe side most of the time just by following the suggested wage, if you have a low level the suggested wage will be occasionally too high or too low.


October 19, 2015 09:12

637 posts(s)


Gabriel, can you take a look at player morale of retiring players. Seems player morale of these players doesn’t change. Craig Mountford and Laurencio Silva who are retiring after this season stay at neutral 0%. They both played 3 of 6 matches but I haven’t seen changes in their morale since the reset.

Btw Same with Maron in mediumticker and he played all matches.


October 19, 2015 07:15

296 posts(s)


Don’t change it, you can’t keep making the game easier for players, the point of all this is you do lose good players!

So far since the changes I have lost ZERO players to contract negotiations, I look at the player, see how far they have progressed and then offer a suitable wage, if I really want the player to stay I add on 3-4K to what I believe he will accept.

It’s actually really simple


October 19, 2015 00:41

68 posts(s)


Yeah thats alot fairer and least gives managers a chance to give the player the wage he wants. That or the negotiation department cud give u a range, for example the player wud like a wage between 15-25k. That way u cud offer say 20k as ur opening offer, the player mite accept it but if not then have a chance to make an improved offer which cud be a little bit more or u cud just offer the top figure of 25k.


October 18, 2015 23:18

4,300 posts(s)



So the change I’ve proposed would make it better I suppose? That is, the player always comes up with his offer first and if you reduce it too much for his liking or keep failing to reach his expectations he then could decide to cancel negotiations with you. What do you say?


October 18, 2015 22:21

68 posts(s)


The problem is that they are rejecting ur first offer and giving u no chance to make an improved offer. In real life both parties wud say what salary they want or are offering and then u negotiate towards an agreeable figure. Obviously if it goes on too long then the player wud cancel negotiations and that is fair. However as things stand in RubySoccer if u dont get ur first offer correct that its, game over, uve lost the player and thats not right.


October 18, 2015 22:11

4,300 posts(s)



If the player always replied to your first offer there would be no challenge at all, as you would know how much he wanted. It would only make sense if the player rejected your offer but didn’t tell you how much he wanted, then you have to do a second guess. Even then, much less challenging than it is now. Another option is to completely change the negotiation process and make players first tell you how much they want, with an inflated value and then have the manager decide to either accept that or try his luck in offering less.


October 18, 2015 17:25

68 posts(s)


You should still be given a chance to negotiate tho even if the player deems ur first offer to be too low. Thats why its called negotiations. The way it is now is that if u dont hit the right figure with ur first offer then ur stuffed and ur player leaves. No negotiation, no chance to make an improved offer and no chance to start a fresh contract renewal. Your locked out and have to say goodbye to the player u want to keep.

All thats going to happen now is managers having to offer silly wages just to ensure they keep the player which will means clubs will run into debt.


October 18, 2015 17:07

637 posts(s)


I don’t know which level of negotation department you have but for an older player I also would expect 5k more would be enough. I have seen you have young players so I assume you are talking about a young player. You must know they develop a lot during their 3 year contract. This means 5k more wouldn’t be enough since they aren’t the same quality players as previous negotiations at the age 18 y.o.
In this case I would give him 20k or more to be sure. Certainly when you don’t want to loose the player.

I don’t have problems with the recent changes. They make the game more challenging, intresting. You really have to do something as manager. My negotiation department levels are 3 and 8.


October 18, 2015 13:44

68 posts(s)


The players current wage is 9k. The negotiation department suggested 12k. I then made a first offer of 14k. If that offer isnt enough u shud told its not enough and given a chance to make a higher offer. As things stand we are not given that oppertunity. All we get is “Player has decided not to proceed with contract negotiations. He feels your offer was too far apart from his expectations”.

We are not mind readers, how are we suppost to know what his expectations are? Yes we know what the negotiation department tell us and we can offer over that figure which i did but not to be able to revise an offer and worse be then prevented from making a fresh contract renewal is stupid. Its simply not realistic the way things are now.


October 18, 2015 10:55

4,300 posts(s)



Northstar, are you sure it was what the player asked for or was it what your negotiations department suggested? If it was your first offer to the player there is no such thing as what the player asked for, the only information you have is how much he currently earns and a suggestion from your negotiations department, which may or may not be good enough (the higher your level the better the suggestion). Once the player rejects your initial offer and reply with a value then yes, the value you see in the wage field is what the player is asking for.

There is no need to lose patience, let’s investigate if this is really a bug or not. I don’t understand why people are so pissed off for losing players or why managers are trying to aim so low in the wage offers. Since I’ve introduced this change I’ve been trying to offer higher wages than usual and it has worked so far, I only lost one player. With the negotiations department I don’t even worry about it any more because I kept it at level 8 which I’m hoping will be good enough for the vast majority of the players.

Feel free to send me an in-game message if you prefer to discuss there.



October 18, 2015 10:40

1,003 posts(s)



What happened exactly, northstar, and in what order?


October 18, 2015 08:52

639 posts(s)



“I offered him 2k more than what HE was asking for!! "

Why would you ever do that?


October 18, 2015 07:49

828 posts(s)


October 17, 2015 17:43

68 posts(s)


Sorry Gabriel but im coming to the end of my patience with this game now. I had to renew a contract with my player, i offered 2k more than what he wanted and he comes back and says, “decided not to proceed with contract negotiations. He feels your offer was too far apart from his expectations”.

Why?? I offered him 2k more than what HE was asking for!! Now i cannot even try again so im going to loose a good young player needlessly when yet again ive done everything correct and offered MORE than what the player asks for.


October 17, 2015 11:10

4,300 posts(s)



That rating is really the percentage of last x matches played. Since the last morale reset there has been no matches played, so it should really say N/A or something like that. The rating is not linear so Neutral will not necessarily be 50%, in fact 50% will be Good in most cases.


October 17, 2015 11:02

4,300 posts(s)



Completely agree. I’ll change it so CPU teams don’t loan players between the season end and the turn were investments are defined, it’s just silly.


October 17, 2015 10:22

96 posts(s)


In the fast ticker it is pre-season. So therefore my first team players are getting a little rest.

Due to the implementation of the morale all the players have a morale status of neutral, but their morale rating is at 0%. Is this correct? If they have neutral moral should their morale rating not be at 50%?


October 16, 2015 23:24

639 posts(s)



I had the same. But even more annoying: he was even returned before he was loaned!

Turn 12: Mariano Toedtli has returned from Dynamo Barnaul. Their coaching level has dropped below the level allowed by contract.
Turn 13: We have loaned Mariano Toedtli to Dynamo Barnaul. He will stay with them until season 121, turn 49.

(currently he is for loan again)


October 16, 2015 18:25

637 posts(s)


Maybe not really a bug but a bit annoying.

3 different Cpu teams loaned 3 of my players when the last league matches of the season were played. Now the investments are updated and loans are stopped without playing a single match because their investments are dropped below the level allowed by the contract.
I know cpu teams aren’t that smart but why they loan players when they don’t have matches to play.

Isn’t it possible to create a loan stop for cpu teams after the last league match until the investments are uodated?


October 15, 2015 22:04

4,300 posts(s)



Injuries are now a bit more likely during matches and the average length of injuries has been increased. It was too easy to manage injuries and most managers didn’t even bother having a high level in physiotherapy, hopefully this will raise the importance of this area. In the future we are going to introduce training injuries, meaning players may get injured even without playing a match.

In addition to that we have also decreased the amount of time the board may override your decision to sell a player or let him go for free from 3 to 1 season after joining the club.


October 14, 2015 22:22

4,300 posts(s)



We acknowledge the game lacks a proper guide or manual for newbies. Once we catch up with the list of features we missed in the past couple years (more or less) we’ll have to do something about it so RubySoccer can attract and retain new users. The in-game help was a small step in that direction, but of course it is not complete yet.

Back to morale…yes, I’m anxious too! I didn’t remove the players from TL because I thought managers would do it themselves. And Dirk’s reply to Fabio’s question is spot on.


October 14, 2015 18:03

637 posts(s)


I thought it was 35 minutes. Initial 11 or replacement has no influence, every player played 35 minutes will count for morale.


October 14, 2015 17:41

157 posts(s)


How many minutes must a player play for him to consider he was used in the match?

Does number of minutes played or playing in the initial 11 have any influence?


October 14, 2015 09:07

637 posts(s)


Again another dimension added to the game. I’m anxoius to find out how it will be when it’s for real.

For totally newbies it will be strange at the beginning. Prevoiusly they had time to find out how the game worked. Now they have to understand morale right away, otherwise they will loose important players. Since there isn’t a manual at the moment and it will be hard to find everything on the forum they wouldn’t understand it entirely

Btw Is it possible to remove all the players that were ‘critical’ during the test phase from the transferlist. They pollute the transferlist.


October 14, 2015 06:41

296 posts(s)


He always does a good job! Good luck in Portugal


October 14, 2015 01:54

4,300 posts(s)



Morale effects are now for real! The trial is over and morale has been reset for all players. Here is what changed since the last reset:

- Critical morale players will not renew contract
- Critical morale players will be transfer listed by a price that is between 7 and 10 times their estimated values
- Maximum number of players in a team has been increased from 30 to 40
- It is a bit easier to go out of critical morale now, you only have to take the player back to what would be a Neutral level for him instead of Good as it was previously
