No second chance contract negotiations?

Subscribe to No second chance contract negotiations? 23 post(s), 9 voice(s)


September 06, 2015 12:45

5 posts(s)


Hi there, there may be a topic about it already but I couldn’t find it yet. In Medium ticker I wanted to hire a youth player but apparently I did not meet the expectations of the player. Does this mean I can’t hire him anymore? Do I only have but one chance to come with contract terms?


September 06, 2015 18:02

639 posts(s)



It will take some time for the player to forget the ‘insult’. By that time he is probably hired by another team, but if not you can try again.

(I have the same problem with a player I really really wanted)


September 07, 2015 06:22

5 posts(s)


That’s a shame… I accidentally misjudged how good my player was and now I’ve lost him. I guess you can’t make one mistake now :’(

Do you know what the maximum and minimum range is for a player in terms of salary? I’ve read somewhere that this can be different per player. But what is the salary range one player can have if he is very forgiven and what is the range when he is a pain in the ass?

And is there any information about how much time it takes for a player to forget this insult?


September 07, 2015 06:43

4,303 posts(s)



We know it can be a bit harsh some times but not all players will be a pain in the ass. The main goal with this change was to stop people (myself included) from abusing the system and offering a ridiculous wage just to get a counter proposal from the player. It is a controversial area and it will take some time (especially with star players) to gauge how much is safe to be offered to players, but I hope most of you face this as a fresh challenge introduced in the game.

One of the things I discussed with Danilo just today was the creation of a Negotiations investment area that would give a hand when negotiation contracts with players. They could tell you beforehand (with a high enough level) what is the minimum wage you should offer or how many counter proposals would the player accept. We haven’t agreed if that’s going to be the approach, but we’ll most likely do something to give a hand on contract negotiations.


September 07, 2015 08:00

639 posts(s)



@Guus: my guess is that it’s in the range of 36-72 turns (based on "long enough so that if you are trying to renew a contract and he gets pissed off you won’t be able to renew before he forgets about it. ")

The disadvantage of the system is that you can lose players, the advantage is that there will be more good players on the transfermarket.


September 07, 2015 11:46

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks Dimitri, I forgot to answer that part of the question. Your guess is right, the exact number is 37 turns. No harm in revealing this I suppose.


September 08, 2015 08:38

5 posts(s)


Thanks for the clarification!


October 17, 2015 17:43

68 posts(s)


Sorry Gabriel but im coming to the end of my patience with this game now. I had to renew a contract with my player, i offered 2k more than what he wanted and he comes back and says, “decided not to proceed with contract negotiations. He feels your offer was too far apart from his expectations”.

Why?? I offered him 2k more than what HE was asking for!! Now i cannot even try again so im going to loose a good young player needlessly when yet again ive done everything correct and offered MORE than what the player asks for.


October 18, 2015 07:49

828 posts(s)


^ agreed


October 18, 2015 08:52

639 posts(s)



“I offered him 2k more than what HE was asking for!! "

Why would you ever do that?


October 18, 2015 10:40

1,003 posts(s)



What happened exactly, northstar, and in what order?


October 18, 2015 10:55

4,303 posts(s)



Northstar, are you sure it was what the player asked for or was it what your negotiations department suggested? If it was your first offer to the player there is no such thing as what the player asked for, the only information you have is how much he currently earns and a suggestion from your negotiations department, which may or may not be good enough (the higher your level the better the suggestion). Once the player rejects your initial offer and reply with a value then yes, the value you see in the wage field is what the player is asking for.

There is no need to lose patience, let’s investigate if this is really a bug or not. I don’t understand why people are so pissed off for losing players or why managers are trying to aim so low in the wage offers. Since I’ve introduced this change I’ve been trying to offer higher wages than usual and it has worked so far, I only lost one player. With the negotiations department I don’t even worry about it any more because I kept it at level 8 which I’m hoping will be good enough for the vast majority of the players.

Feel free to send me an in-game message if you prefer to discuss there.



October 18, 2015 13:44

68 posts(s)


The players current wage is 9k. The negotiation department suggested 12k. I then made a first offer of 14k. If that offer isnt enough u shud told its not enough and given a chance to make a higher offer. As things stand we are not given that oppertunity. All we get is “Player has decided not to proceed with contract negotiations. He feels your offer was too far apart from his expectations”.

We are not mind readers, how are we suppost to know what his expectations are? Yes we know what the negotiation department tell us and we can offer over that figure which i did but not to be able to revise an offer and worse be then prevented from making a fresh contract renewal is stupid. Its simply not realistic the way things are now.


October 18, 2015 17:07

637 posts(s)


I don’t know which level of negotation department you have but for an older player I also would expect 5k more would be enough. I have seen you have young players so I assume you are talking about a young player. You must know they develop a lot during their 3 year contract. This means 5k more wouldn’t be enough since they aren’t the same quality players as previous negotiations at the age 18 y.o.
In this case I would give him 20k or more to be sure. Certainly when you don’t want to loose the player.

I don’t have problems with the recent changes. They make the game more challenging, intresting. You really have to do something as manager. My negotiation department levels are 3 and 8.


October 18, 2015 17:25

68 posts(s)


You should still be given a chance to negotiate tho even if the player deems ur first offer to be too low. Thats why its called negotiations. The way it is now is that if u dont hit the right figure with ur first offer then ur stuffed and ur player leaves. No negotiation, no chance to make an improved offer and no chance to start a fresh contract renewal. Your locked out and have to say goodbye to the player u want to keep.

All thats going to happen now is managers having to offer silly wages just to ensure they keep the player which will means clubs will run into debt.


October 18, 2015 22:11

4,303 posts(s)



If the player always replied to your first offer there would be no challenge at all, as you would know how much he wanted. It would only make sense if the player rejected your offer but didn’t tell you how much he wanted, then you have to do a second guess. Even then, much less challenging than it is now. Another option is to completely change the negotiation process and make players first tell you how much they want, with an inflated value and then have the manager decide to either accept that or try his luck in offering less.


October 18, 2015 22:21

68 posts(s)


The problem is that they are rejecting ur first offer and giving u no chance to make an improved offer. In real life both parties wud say what salary they want or are offering and then u negotiate towards an agreeable figure. Obviously if it goes on too long then the player wud cancel negotiations and that is fair. However as things stand in RubySoccer if u dont get ur first offer correct that its, game over, uve lost the player and thats not right.


October 18, 2015 23:18

4,303 posts(s)



So the change I’ve proposed would make it better I suppose? That is, the player always comes up with his offer first and if you reduce it too much for his liking or keep failing to reach his expectations he then could decide to cancel negotiations with you. What do you say?


October 19, 2015 00:41

68 posts(s)


Yeah thats alot fairer and least gives managers a chance to give the player the wage he wants. That or the negotiation department cud give u a range, for example the player wud like a wage between 15-25k. That way u cud offer say 20k as ur opening offer, the player mite accept it but if not then have a chance to make an improved offer which cud be a little bit more or u cud just offer the top figure of 25k.


October 19, 2015 07:15

296 posts(s)


Don’t change it, you can’t keep making the game easier for players, the point of all this is you do lose good players!

So far since the changes I have lost ZERO players to contract negotiations, I look at the player, see how far they have progressed and then offer a suitable wage, if I really want the player to stay I add on 3-4K to what I believe he will accept.

It’s actually really simple


October 19, 2015 10:00

4,303 posts(s)



I’m not doing it as my next task, I’ll keep an eye on this topic and hopefully the discussion will have progressed further when it’s time for us to decide what to do, if anything. I tend to agree with your view Joseppi, I think the way things are it’s an additional challenge and actually adds something that could go wrong during contract negotiations where in the past it was a straightforward process. The Negotiations department is there for those who few it’s too hard to estimate a safe wage, as long as you have a high enough level you will be on the safe side most of the time just by following the suggested wage, if you have a low level the suggested wage will be occasionally too high or too low.


October 20, 2015 08:10

637 posts(s)


Well Gabriel, here is my opinion.

I agree with Joseppi. I lost 1 player but that was my own fault and it wasn’t with the opening negotationbid. I took a risk to offer a lower bid in the second negotiation round and he refused and stopped negotiations. For a key players I won’t take the risk. Allthough I don’t directly give what my player asks for but I stay in what should be a safe margin to me.
The contract negotiations are fine the way the are now. Only extra contractclauses would be nice in the future.


October 20, 2015 12:14

157 posts(s)


Agree. Just play it safe, check if you have any major contract renewals the following season, plan accordingly (i.e. set your Negotiations to 10) and offer 10-20% more than recommended to every player you really want. Every 10k in salary means ~500k per season – it should not make real difference in the budget and it is definitely not worth it to lose a player for such low amounts