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October 14, 2015 09:07

637 posts(s)


Again another dimension added to the game. I’m anxoius to find out how it will be when it’s for real.

For totally newbies it will be strange at the beginning. Prevoiusly they had time to find out how the game worked. Now they have to understand morale right away, otherwise they will loose important players. Since there isn’t a manual at the moment and it will be hard to find everything on the forum they wouldn’t understand it entirely

Btw Is it possible to remove all the players that were ‘critical’ during the test phase from the transferlist. They pollute the transferlist.


October 14, 2015 06:41

296 posts(s)


He always does a good job! Good luck in Portugal


October 14, 2015 01:54

4,303 posts(s)



Morale effects are now for real! The trial is over and morale has been reset for all players. Here is what changed since the last reset:

- Critical morale players will not renew contract
- Critical morale players will be transfer listed by a price that is between 7 and 10 times their estimated values
- Maximum number of players in a team has been increased from 30 to 40
- It is a bit easier to go out of critical morale now, you only have to take the player back to what would be a Neutral level for him instead of Good as it was previously



October 13, 2015 21:57

4,303 posts(s)



All good. Schedule has changed a bit, if people think it’s a big deal I can delay the ticks to get them as they were before.



October 13, 2015 20:17

4,303 posts(s)



It’s been a while since my changes broke stuff. Here we are again :-)
Easy fix but I need to get to work first…give it another hour or two.


October 13, 2015 16:52

637 posts(s)


Both dimensions are stuck at 87% and I want to know if I have won the club world cup. :-)


October 13, 2015 14:49

157 posts(s)


Fast is stuck again


October 13, 2015 11:39

4,303 posts(s)



We now have a revised way to calculate the player overall quality and the team overall quality. Every season the formula for player quality will get updated based on what real managers consider a good player. The result will be a better relative estimated value and wage calculation and improved CPU buy/sell behaviour. The team quality calculation will benefit from this revised player quality calculation, but it has also been improved in itself in order to assist the board expectations calculations and manager performance evaluation. There is an additional task in our short term plans to further improve the way manager performance and expectations are managed, but the changes included today are an important step in that direction.


October 13, 2015 10:59

96 posts(s)


Great job at Reading, enjoy your new club.


October 12, 2015 22:08

4,303 posts(s)



Ah, no need to get rid of him, I see he is being sold :-)
But I take your point and I agree with you, we need to relax these restrictions and build proper tools to investigate suspicious situations. We have something in place but it’s become obsolete now but rebuilding it is one of the key things in our list in order to be able to handle and attract more users.


October 12, 2015 22:04

4,303 posts(s)



This was a kind of anti-cheat measure, to prevent managers from letting good players go on purpose. The issue that needs to be fixed here is the calculation that makes this player be considered good for your team when you don’t consider him to be. Another issue is to have proper anti-cheat tools to investigate each scenario rather than block manager actions such as yours that are not cheating related. For the moment I’ll get rid of that player for you, alright?


October 12, 2015 21:37

803 posts(s)


Hi guys, like the old days, a post to anounce my resignation from managing Reading.

As the game is changing so much lately I feel its a good oportunity for a new start over and see how this this new feauters work in a growing team…

About the time in Reading, I leave with the feeling I did a good job, but for the first time since I play RS, is not a wining sensation. Mostly because of the great competition, I would say the best RS has seen, its nice not to be the “special one” lol

For the future, probably return home now… Since Benfica is taken, I’ll see what other portuguese team I choose… Take a chance and come join me in the fight…


October 12, 2015 10:24

96 posts(s)


“Juan Demichelis’s contract has been renewed. We couldn’t let him leave the club.”

But I didn’t want to keep him, hence the reason for letting his contract run down. I don’t really feel as if I am managing the club(s) in this game any more. If a player gets annoyed, he is automatically transfer listed, the board decide to keep players I want to get rid of. I don’t understand what aspect of management I am partaking in here. Can these issues be fixed? Otherwise I don’t see how people are going to become attached to clubs in the game, unless they are a dedicated Sunderland fan!


October 08, 2015 10:30

4,303 posts(s)



Morale has been reset and the third and (hopefully) final phase of the morale trial has begun! Stamina and relative player skill will be taken into consideration when players don’t play a match and give a small increase to the rating instead of zero contribution. This shouldn’t make much difference for older players but will definitely help managing younger players morale, even though they will still have to play every now and then.

If this proves to be the last trial what I’ll do once it is over is reset the morale once again, reduce the transfer multiplier for critical morale players to what we originally intended (the price you see now divided by 10), change the contract renewal process so critical morale players will not accept renewal offers and finally increase the maximum numbers of players in a team to 40. This last one has been requested for a while, not so sure managers will be so eager to have that many players now that morale is in place ;-)



October 07, 2015 23:32

4,303 posts(s)



We did not give this options because the scout reports belong to the team, not to the manager.


October 07, 2015 13:14

639 posts(s)



Is it possible to get an option to remove old scouting reports from ?


October 07, 2015 09:44

4,303 posts(s)



Small improvements to the players morale screen:
-fixed sorting
-included morale rating column


October 07, 2015 08:14

637 posts(s)


I would only add 1 morale status like excellent. This way ‘neutral’ is really in the middle and is in fact neutral. E.g. excellent – good – neutral – bad – critical.
This 2nd trial phase looks fine to me. I just need to figure out how to manage my youths.


October 06, 2015 22:41

4,303 posts(s)



I think I’ll add a morale rating column with a % to give more detailed information to managers on morale, along with some other changes for the last trial phase. That will be quicker than catering for additional statuses as you suggested, Joseppi. Not saying we’re not going to do it in the future, I just want to simplify the initial design so we can deliver it quickly.


October 06, 2015 12:20

296 posts(s)


That’s because it’s in TRIAL MODE Davison. Things will change once the balance is correct.

On the whole player morale part, as I suggested in another post, I would like to have more morale settings. Eg very happy, happy, content, poor, bad, very unhappy.

It means it won’t jump from bad to critical really fast, which seems to be happening, look how full the transfer list is! Some of my top players are critical even though they have played 20+ games lol, I just think adding in the extra morale levels will give better control to the managers.


October 06, 2015 04:30

828 posts(s)


this moral thing is being retarded…. look at all the transfer listed players now 2432432423432423 price


October 05, 2015 22:17

4,303 posts(s)



@Sniff: we’ll introduce the squad status thing in a later stage, but it’s definitely a great idea. Morale is not really linear, we have three different stages based on player age, within those stages it is somewhat linear, but the percentage of matches played demanded is very different between different stages.

@Dr. Gullit: agreed, I’ll wait a few more days and inroduce additional changes for a 3rd and final trial


October 05, 2015 21:19

37 posts(s)


Comparing with the 1st trial phase, the 2nd trial is much better … However, I am very happy with the morale situation for the younger players which are lowering morale still too fast.


October 05, 2015 21:16

37 posts(s)


Participating in 20 % of official match should not bring down the morale of young players. As I remember, they are being punished in on the road matches because they are young …


October 05, 2015 12:54

96 posts(s)


How about the idea (slightly borrowed from FM) that when you sign a player you can offer them a certain squad status. The squad status would then relate to their morale level. So if you sign a player and say they will be a first team player then never play them their morale will go bad very quickly, but if you signed a youth and said they’d be a squad player or a potential future player their morale would go down at a much slower rate from not playing.

At present it appears that morale is implemented on a linear scale, having different squad status’ would possibly make this more manageable for managers.


October 05, 2015 10:13

4,303 posts(s)



That’s because they evaluate the last x matches, starting from when I last reset morale (or from when you or they joined your team, whatever is later) and up to a pre-determined number of matches, but they only change morale for the first time after 3-5 matches, so even if you played them in the last match it could mean they played 1 out of 5 which would give them a 20% match participation ration that could take their morale to bad level depending on their profiles.


October 05, 2015 07:00

40 posts(s)


I’ve players that have played last game, and morale has gone bad. why?


October 05, 2015 03:22

4,303 posts(s)



Glad to see this back to life after trial phase 2 started. First of all let me reinforce that nobody is at risk of losing their players during the trial, they will still renew their contracts even if they are at Critical morale level and I doubt anyone will pay the transfer price currently being set. That said I’ll give my directed responses as usual:

@midcheshire: don’t worry about losing players just yet, we will announce when morale is there for real and reset the values once again. Regarding friendlies…no, they don’t count for morale.

@Joseppi: from a starting point (when morale is reset or a player joins a new team for example) it takes between 3 and 5 matches for the player to first evaluate his match participation and his morale to move accordingly to Good or Bad and it takes between 7 to 12 matches for the player morale to go to Critical if he has not played enough in that period. From that point onwards each match will be included in the calculations and the morale may change after every match. Remember this is done as “percentage of last x matches that I’ve played”.

@Filipe: took the words from my mouth…or from my fingers in this case

@Northstar: as I’ve pointed out in a different topic and poll, there are too many good players so I think most teams end up hiring instead of loaning. I’ve changed the player generation process to rectify this, but it will take some time to see the results as existing players start to age. CPU teams may loan some good players but then we may have another issue related to how they evaluate if a player is good for their squads…this is going to improved soon.

Is this second phase of the trial any better? I feel I’m able to control morale a bit better…I still have 2 critical players that I wish were not critical but that’s because I didn’t setup my team properly over the weekend and used my default formation in most matches. I still have to field some really unskilled players from time to time so that they won’t go to critical, but that should be ok.

I have some additional ideas to put in place (apart from what has been suggested already) but I want to have further feedback before either starting the morale for real or starting a trial phase 3.


October 05, 2015 03:06

4,303 posts(s)



Morale is still under trial, that’s the only reason why the players accept renewals and the transfer prices are silly. Once we are happy with the parameters and the trial is over the transfer prices will be what you see now divided by 10 and the players will NOT renew contract. You’re right, that’s the whole purpose of the thing :-)


October 04, 2015 21:52

96 posts(s)


Not sure if this is a bug or just how morale is implemented, but I believe that something is wrong/incorrect.

A player with critical morale automatically gets listed for a silly price (which is something I dislike, but that’s another story). However, if a player has critical morale and is listed, but their contract is running out, you can still get them to re-sign for you. Surely this defeats the whole purpose of critical morale levels? If I’d not played any games and my morale was at a critically low level, why would I sign a new contract?

If this were to be implemented in a slightly better way, managers would actually have to manage their squads and if they failed to do so, players would leave or want to leave and this might finally spark the transfer market into life as managers would be forced to sell players that they probably wanted to keep as squad players. Therefore the more active managers would be able to make offers for players that would otherwise be unavailable and possibly we would have an active transfer market.