Forums Bugs

fast tick stuck and i need to

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May 18, 2015 22:13

828 posts(s)


set vacation mode… ffs well i told you first :) i have to leave right now…and its been stuck for ages…. dont have time to wait for it… wont have access to ruby for the next 4-5 days

ty for not having me fired in advance :)


May 18, 2015 22:18

296 posts(s)


It’s true it’s stuck on 85%


May 18, 2015 22:40

639 posts(s)



I guess the same thing as happend to MT a few days ago.


May 18, 2015 22:53

4,303 posts(s)



Resolved…ticks getting stuck are getting annoying! I’ll dedicate some time to investigate it with Danilo.

@Davison: I’ll put you in holiday mode


June 06, 2015 01:54

828 posts(s)


fast ticker stuck at 88% and once again im going away for the weekend… put holiday mode for medium was unable to for fast tick… ;/ thanks in advance again gabriel


June 06, 2015 12:51

4,303 posts(s)





October 13, 2015 14:49

157 posts(s)


Fast is stuck again


October 13, 2015 16:52

637 posts(s)


Both dimensions are stuck at 87% and I want to know if I have won the club world cup. :-)


October 13, 2015 20:17

4,303 posts(s)



It’s been a while since my changes broke stuff. Here we are again :-)
Easy fix but I need to get to work first…give it another hour or two.


October 13, 2015 21:57

4,303 posts(s)



All good. Schedule has changed a bit, if people think it’s a big deal I can delay the ticks to get them as they were before.



December 26, 2015 21:20

4,303 posts(s)



FastTicker had some issues, I will look into it in a bit.

Forums Bugs