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February 24, 2013 12:15

678 posts(s)


I don’t feel you should take the randomness out of the game. There is not much randomness, so why take the last thing you can’t control out of the game. I don’t like that idea one bit. Infact I find it unrealistic aswell. Players are born with some form of talent. Training normally only gives minor improvements. You actually think Messi had to train to get his type of ‘flair’? For you as an englishman, you think Gerrard had to practise hard to get his cannon of a shot? He was born with that talent mate :)

When I said fair I ment, we would all get the same type of teams, since anyone could easely train an attacker on high shooting or defender on high tackle. The fact you can’t control what stats players get makes it hard and thus intresting. All you seem to want is to make things easier for managers. Good managers will always find a way. Managers like Charles Cimitier, Filipe Silva, Dhimitier, Francois, myself and so and so on (for those I forgot). They all proven to always be able to start over and create a winning team.

I rather see things like player morale being implemented.


February 24, 2013 12:07

803 posts(s)


Started yo understand it better with Middlesbough, the team lost a lot of board points, it’s still manageable but for new managers that just started in a weak team I believe it will be much harder now than before the changes… Maybe some kind of board easiness for new managers would be a good idea…

The opposite thinking for teams that already have it all, the more improved your team is, the more points you should lose, same for manager ranking and experience… My board in MT’s Ajax should be more harsh on me :D


February 24, 2013 10:50

678 posts(s)


Funny how I have the opposite feeling. i was thinking about quiting. Ruby was getting boring. These changes now bring a new dimension to the game and lots of options. I guess we play the game differently.

First off, increasing your stadium was always a waste of money. The amount of money you put it, you could never ever earn back. I think 1 investment was like 20 seasons to earn it back. Also, I never ever had a bankroll at all :). My money was on the pitch. I’ve read more posts on the forum about “omg i lost my 800 mill”. Now it’s pretty cool and all you managed to get 800mill as a bankroll, but money in the bank doesn’t win you prizes, which is what football normally is about :). So personally I don’t understand that, but that could be me…..

I enjoy this game because of the strategic gameplay aspect. Mixing up lineups to make sure stamina is perfect for my games and I use the right guy’s vs the right opponents, this all to be as competative as long as possible in all area’s (league, international, cup)

I’m sorry to see you feel like this. It’s your right to play the game as you like, but personally I don’t quite understand. How you can enjoy yourself for that long playing just CPU opponents is beyond me :)

I hope you can change your mind about the new economy. Perhaps it’s an idea (now that you are back to 0 again) to change teams and experience how it is to play vs players in a league instead of cpu’s? May I suggest division 1 in England :)



February 24, 2013 09:38

828 posts(s)


id call a training facility investment upgrade option. you can choose to have it at w.e level or not, depending on the level of coaching however have the upgrade investment only be able to match the ability of coaching , the upgrade to training facility would allow for more options like how fast they earn + attributes the coaching currently is completely not good enoguh for that


February 24, 2013 09:33

828 posts(s)


how wouldnt it make it fair ? and wtf is this fair shit. build your team the way you want it what do we acturally manage here ? having training I.E an investment upgrade 1-10 and a point system that can potentially help the player grow better, he may not. however if the player pays attention and learns then he gets better, just like real life.

im talking about each individual player focus on finishing, tackle, passing, speed, strength, header ect ect ect ect stamina, fitness ect

i really dont see how this at all wouldnt be fair in fact it gives the manager more actural managing other than set a formation, hope your high attribute players that look good on paper perform, throw in some very primative tactical options, subs, and the basic mentallity ( which also is bear minimum)

you decide what you want that player to be focusing on, you get to change it after lets say 10 ticks to something else, or the manager can option ( pick himself) ( in your case) an automatic training that does it for the manager.

w.e still think my idea would bring greatly much needed excitement in regards to home grown training facility ( thats what id call it)
customizing your own team is in no way unfair. this isnt about fairness anyway we are not friends in this game, we are enemies, we play to win, not to shake hands and call it a draw. fuck fairness in regards to managing, cheating is one thing but saying having the option of custom training schedules and skill focuses would be unfair is just bullshit


February 24, 2013 08:47

25 posts(s)


Fail to see the point in this financial system other than you controlling the economy 100%… I feel like im being put under administration, for me this is a very sad change in the game, and i hate that i cannot myself decide in which way i wish to spend my money. So all the money i builded up is gone, the stadium i spent 10 seasons to build is gone, and the board is controlling every aspect of my game leaving only a few decisions up to me. Sad…..

Will give this a couple of seasons to see if its as bad as it looks, but i lost a lot of interest for the game here…


February 23, 2013 21:19

609 posts(s)


Works, thx.


February 23, 2013 21:09

78 posts(s)


Did you seriously buy Soccersim?


February 23, 2013 16:47

803 posts(s)


you need to open rubysoccer page with, if you dont use the www for some reason those links wont work (as they have the www)


February 23, 2013 15:33

609 posts(s)



When i get a mail with a link to a player then the link sends me to the login screen.

From: Assistant
Subject: Lower transfer proposal

TEAM has made a transfer proposal for PLAYER whose value is lower than the specified price. You must lower the transfer price if you wish to accept this proposal.


February 23, 2013 10:58

678 posts(s)


Being able to train certain stats wouldn’t make it fair. The randomness keeps it fair, otherwise we would all be stacked with 100 shooting attackers. In managersim you could train ‘attacking skills’ or ‘teamplay’, but I believe this was more fiction then fact. I always felt it had really minor advantages.

So i don’t think it will be in the advantage of the game to train in specific skills.

Player Morale would be awesome. Again, just like in managersim, that just stacking your team with youths for friendlies would seriously hurt your team performance, since they were unhappy most of the time because of lack of officials. This WOULD bring a new dimension to the game.

Even though I’m happy something like rubysoccer is around, and that it perhaps has surpassed Managersim on some levels, I still feel that even after 5-6 years since Managersim is down, it has not exceeded it. I still miss features that game had, which ruby does not. Rubysoccer to some level feels like an ‘easier’ game, since things are less random and more visible. I think others who played managersim can confirm, that that game had alot of ‘hidden’ things. Hidden stats or features, which made the game pretty dynamic.

But hey, a free game like this is absolutely awesome, and I thank gabriel/danillo for creating it for us. Doing it all in there spare time and letting alot of people enjoy it FOR FREE!

Keep up the great work!! Who knows where this game could eventually end up!!!



February 23, 2013 10:12

678 posts(s)


Nice one :). Middlesbrough was in my thoughts aswell, since I managed it for like 4 years in Managersim (in eurotest)


February 22, 2013 21:38

828 posts(s)


- homesick, – doesnt like manager – wants to play elsewhere – deported due to arrest lol i want to see these things. give us managers more ability with our players performance

training should be an option also be able to pick what area per training session to work on.

a star system for fan favorates at the club. ect

make it happen


February 22, 2013 21:13

37 posts(s)


Great idea to transfer some points based on money saved!


February 22, 2013 20:04

301 posts(s)


good point on all counts Filipe. I think this is something we need to check out. Like my other post says, we need to see how everything plays out to before making more modifications so we know WHAT to tweak to best balance the game out.


February 22, 2013 19:14

803 posts(s)


I’m not sure this is the best way to go, managers now need to spend all their money every time but at the same time there wont be much to spend it on because there is no incentive to selling players, why sell when you just need to wait for the next season?

Also, how does a team loses board points? Only by preforming bad? If so you should probably get board’s expectations a little high, after a season or two in a team you get 100% performance every year… won’t this board points become irrelevant when teams get all their departments to 10? in a near future this seems likely to happen to many teams


February 22, 2013 13:40

301 posts(s)


I’m assuming this is in regards to the transfer market?
If so, i believe the market will run dry really quickly based on the current changes. I think what might “normalize” the market is introducing another variable such as player moral.
this way, not everyone will have the easy ability to just resign all their players. some will NOT want to sign with the teams and you would have no choice but to TL that player.
I guess in due time, once we see how the current markets become based on the new model, something will be introduced to kick start the markets again. (if its needed)


February 22, 2013 13:39

803 posts(s)


Wow, the gang is all here, I have been somewhat away these days, but with the competition the league will have It will certainly be an incentive :D

Next stop: Middlesbrough :D


February 22, 2013 13:38

301 posts(s)


any transfers only affects the CURRENT season vaughn. like the posts mentioned, if you sella player, the money you get is added only to the current season. the following season, the budget is reset by the board based on your performance. this is what will make improving teams a challenge. you can’t sell all your guys and fill it with youth in 1 shot (about a 20 player turnaround) you need to slowly build your team while making sure you achieve your boards expectations.


February 22, 2013 11:20

609 posts(s)


How about the transfers you do now, if you get payed (say like 20m for a player) where does the money go? Is it given to you in the next seasons budget? That sounds abit harse tbh. You get like 200m in a season due to transfers and might get only 50m back from the board? And if you don’t sell anything u still get 50m?

The money from players sold option is a cool feature, but goes it directly into your transfer budget from this season or for next season?


February 22, 2013 10:14

1 posts(s)


Hello there,

Decided to give it a try again after a few years, Soccersim was one of the most addictive online game ever!! Loved it!!!
Is the game a bit a live and good to wotk with?



February 22, 2013 09:29

104 posts(s)


Eu concordo com troca de jogadores seria interessante nas negociacoes directas com outros treinadores para ter um determinado jogador sem que outros pudessem estragar o negocio.
Felix por exemplo quero et comprar um jogador e dou te dinheiro + um da minha equipa que estejas interessado… aparece outro e rouba te esse jogador olha eu fico a ganhar mas tu a perderes ehehe; com troca de jogadores isso nao poderia acontecer; no entanto devia claro pra evitar tipo de batota ser limitado a uma ou duas trocas por epoca entre utilisadores


February 22, 2013 09:02

678 posts(s)


@Gabriel: Perhaps it’s an idea to keep a % of the money? Otherwise I support the idea of being able to spend some extra board points. This way any div2 team can perhaps improve his points and get a better and improved position to build their team and promote to div1.


February 22, 2013 08:51

678 posts(s)


@Filipe: You had your time and success with Manchester United, give someone else a chance to do some great things with it :). Also, it’s not just me who moved to England. “We all” joined England :). Charles Cimitier also just joined, but we made a choice to start from Div2 to make it a challange. Man U was relegating to div2, so I went for it. It will however be a great challange I think with this new Economy. My board won’t be happy with the relegation (which i obiously had no part in), so I will probebly get a shitty budget and lose board points :(.

But hey, ‘we’ wanted a new and real challange and some time ago someone said here on the forum, it’s only a real challange to join a div2 team in england and then promote and win prizes :). I’m sure you can think of someone who could have said that :).

@Felix: I plan on promoting as fast as possible to div1, so I’m affraid I’m going to have to keep some of the older high shooting attackers.


February 22, 2013 02:42

4 posts(s)


Caro Gabriel,

Espero que a mudança implementada tenha o sucesso que você imaginou e que o jogo ganhe em dinamismo.
A coisa ainda está muito obscura e é natural que assim seja, já que a mudança foi bastante grande.
No momento, tenho dúvida se, para o clube, é mais negócio zerar o caixa no final dessa temporada ou se é melhor deixar dinheiro em caixa e esse contará para os bônus da próxima temporada.

Um grande abraço, Rogerio.


February 21, 2013 23:23

58 posts(s)


Boas Gabriel,

No FT acabei agora de mudar de equipa e estou-me a deparar com aquela limitação de só poder oferecer o valor que os jogadores valem… ora com este nova economia isto deixa de fazer sentido… pois até as equipas do CPU estão a vender os jogadores acima do seu valor… acho que esta limitação devia ser revista…. senão primeiro que se consiga comprar um qualquer jogador leva não sei quantos turns….

Quanto ao dinheiro em caixa concordo com o que foi dito tem de haver uma compensação senão no fim da época começa tudo a gastar de qualquer maneira e dá obviamente para a malta da batota aproveitar-se disso…

Diogo Silva


February 21, 2013 21:21

116 posts(s)


i want spend my budget with Alfonso Plazuela.
Could be?



February 21, 2013 21:18

116 posts(s)


Pelo que eu entendi eu devo gastar TUDO o que tenho na temporada corrente, pois o valor não acumula.
Por isso eu disse que não compensava vender craques.
Eu acho troca de jogadores perigoso, pois não possibilita de outros managers entrarem na negociação, como em uma venda normal, onde qualquer um pode ofertar.


February 21, 2013 21:08

4,300 posts(s)



Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it and I believe the remaining transfer budget should have a positive effect in the next season…even if something indirect like giving additional board points to spend in the investment levels.


February 21, 2013 21:07

4,300 posts(s)



No momento o transfer budget restante é ignorado na temporada seguinte, mas acredito que vamos mudar isso pra que a sobra possa ter algum efeito positivo.