This being the first season of implementation, I have a question before I lose out on money.
- I chose the second lowest possible transfer budget (level 1) at 22M.
- I also chose the lowest possible “Money from players sold added to transfer budget” (level 0) at %20.
Now, I’ve sold a lot of players in these first few ticks, and managed to raise my transfer budget to $59,707,000. This is great, I could buy some players right now if I wanted.
Here comes the question: If I chose not to buy anyone this season, and NEXT season I keep my transfer budget at level 1, will the value be $59,707,000?
Or, if I don’t spent it this year, is it just…lost? Do the teams keep an invisible bank balance of overall money and if so, how does it affect the FOLLOWING year’s investments?
Are the different “levels” of Transfer Budget that you select within the first 12 turns just ascending percentages of that invisible overall bank balance of the club?
I don’t want to have sold a bunch of players, saved my transfer budget, just to have it reset to 22M for level 1 because it’s tied to something stupid like my stadium size. If it were tied to that overall bank balance, I’d like to see that total bank balance somewhere so I can plan for next year’s investments.
Julgo que é um bug mas como o tópico dos bugs já não é utilizado há muito tempo optei por colocar aqui a questão.Tenho um keeper que pretendo colocar em loan mas não me é permitido porque a minha equipa já é muito pequena. Ora eu tenho 25 jogadores e se eu pretender listá-lo para transferência já não há problema.Gabriel pode verificar isto por favor?
Most of davisons ideas are legit. They are ideas most of us want to see implemented. But like Will said, we need to give this first change some time so see HOW it would be best to implement some of the other items on the list. In a couple of seasons we’ll know how the market will be trending and i’m sure admins will be able to implement other things to kick start it if need be. but this is a big change and I definitely think its a change in the right direction. A direction which will allow the admins to NOW focus on other aspects of the game now that the economy factor has been “fixed”. Good stuff by everyone, lots of good input.
im looking to buy youth strikers. would like the best possible for 120m ( i dont care what you post as your transfer price THIS is what i will pay regardless) if you can provide me a 90 shooting under 23 year old i wont hold my breath
Just wait till maybe end of the season to judge if the transfer market is killed. Many teams who already had a good team might not spend there money before end of the season. And the biggest problem might still be that the manager himself is asking way to much for a player, we humans always want more and more and more money.
I’ve expirienced the transfer budget from the board in a bad way last tick, they allowed me to bid max 26m for a player while the price was 29.9m. Well, to bad….deal with it i would say! There are many more players in the future.
“i guess i need to develop some patience.” – you talked your way to it on your own! also, for the most part, good ideas! in the meantime, just breathe brother. breathe.
could even add player bonus’s % per win ect to maintain moral . these are just some of many ideas of mine. so far pretty much everything ive thought of is being implimented at some degree which i am happy about. i guess i need to develop some patience.
there is absolutely zero incentive to sell players currently. having a transfer budget of 300m per season and having no where to spend it is frustrating not to mention pointless. no one is selling anything of the quality that deserves a 120m price, yet we have to settle of crap players realisticly worth 50m but buying them for 100m and and really bad players going for 50m. no one is going to sell any good players at a reasonable price. i think the est value and max allowed is currently useless. also with that said the price needs to match that of the quality of the player. the est value needs fixed properly and shouldnt be based on the market but based on the actual skill. also at the end of contracts i think we should be able to ask the player to come play for our team. allowing the player to choose free agency or signing a contract with another team during negotiations at the end of a contract. the manager should be able to put clauses in like Restricted free agent clause, ( meaning the current team he plays for must be able to negotiate a contract only no other. but with that said. i think that if the player does not want to continue his career at your club. he can regect the offers and choose free agency. the player could also if no clause in place choose to just leave. this will pressure managers to get some profit from players whom do not want to be at the club. once a player is bought. player moral i think will definately play a key role in this. so in summary
the transfer market needs a “player demands a transfer” which means the player will play bad untill he is changed clubs
player contract clauses ( no transfer clause if the player loves your club, cannot be transfered unless no contract renewal) ( unrestricted and restricted free agent option)
player moral
player stars
improvement on youth system training as gabriel said. focus on attack or defense ( this way the randomness is still in play. ill rather have this option than non at all)
i expect managers and board to have contracts also this keeps us managers working hard to do well. if we do not meet expectations then we are fired.
define “kill the transfer market.” to what are you alluding?
yeh lets just kill the transfer market completely yeh good plan ( sar)
What happends if u have 500k wages limit and the current balance is 495k and a player asks for a 10k extra wages (assuming you can’t get it down lower).
Will he leave?
Let me clarify the wages thing. Once you get above your wage limit you won’t be able to hire new players or renew contracts (unless during the renewal the players asks for less and that new amount makes your total wages become lower than your limit) and also your transfer budget will be reduced by your wage deficit every 3 turns.
I agree with you about the other games Charles, I prefer to have real life teams rather than nonsense named teams. What I mean by customized training is not being able to simply focus on a single skill and have the player develop it exclusively, but maybe some tendencies like defense / attack or training intensity. We don’t have a decision on that yet so when we start we can have a topic to discuss the options.
Actually I think there were other ways to solve the economic situation. Wages could have been made more important, they were too low compared to transfer prices. Also the strategy of making a lot of money by just selling a lot of (young) players can be avoided by setting a max to the amount of players sold per year. And some stadium seats can get lost (perhaps when a manager leaves a club).
Regarding customized training: I think opening this up will change the way the game is being played. So far, the ONLY games i’ve seen where there is customized training are games where your team is created with your own name. These games have different economy settings and definitely “feel” different than Ruby or SS. I think its important to keep ruby the way it was originally designed to be. A simulation game in a game world thats fictitious. but a game world that has its own divisions based on REAL LIFE. All these other simulation games i see have 10 divs per country, a bunch of team names that don’t make sense (cause they were created by the manager) and in my opinion, don’t seem to be genuine. I like Ruby a lot because of the fact that the teams are all based on their real life counterparts.
Now maybe its just me and the fact that i’ve seen customized training in these other types of simulation which makes me not like the idea… but as gabriel said, adding other aspects to player manager such as star rating moral etc etc would definitely add to the game and my hope is it will reduce these rumblings from Davison about customized training :)
I have to agree with Sly though, making training generic across all teams levels the playing field and randomizes the game. I think thats what we are all looking for, a game that keeps us guessing. Like he said, if we were to customize, you’d have 100 shots all over the place which really isn’t realistic… i feel like the randomness allows this game to remain within realistic measure.
i’d rather mock you over how bad you think the game is and how addicted to playing it you seem to be :P
About the wages, I can tell you that it’ll just show up as a negative amount. The previous season I had wages of $723,882, and with the changes I’m limited to $683,812. So, you won’t lose players, but your available wage budget will say -$40,000. They won’t punish you for selecting a lower budget by firing people :)
These changes made the game less interesting for me as well. I know its intended to make the economical model better but it killed other aspects.
No way to apply long term strategy. Whats the point of trying to sell players if you can not save your money. If you dont spend it your bankroll will be reset. So we are forced to spend it even we dont want to.
The stadium upgrade is not just about getting your investment back. Its about prestige, it shows how much time and money you have invested. Right now you can get lvl 10 stadium with just few clicks in seconds.
Have a question about wages also . If i can not get enough board points or simply can not sign on during first 12 ticks to maintain my wage limit lvl whats going to happen? Are my players get automatically get fired?
Pls clarify
“there is literally no transfer market for any quality.”
you say that a lot…
There will always be a lot of shit in this game, but we do expect to add more squad management aspects such as player morale, contract clauses, detailed training :-)
We just had to do something about the economy and the latest changes were a huge step in that direction (hopefully the right direction). Now we can adjust it a little bit and move on to add more fun!
so let me get this straight, being able to customize training focus is something you guys want to mock me over ? looks to me that you want zero actual managing input in this game.
and btw if you included me in the developing team as idea creation, this game would be alot funner with alot of options for managers. less shit
there is literally no transfer market for any quality.
Hello all,
Same as Roberto, I also was very addicted to soccersim many years ago. After playing Rubysoccer Aboutaleb 4 years ago I am happy to be back and see all The great changes, good work creators!
Is there an another addiction coming up ;-)
É verdade Felix… mas se formos para clubes mais pequenos as diferenças são certamente bem maiores… e de certeza que o Pepe não é o jogador mais mal pago do plantel do Real…. e por isso 4x é pouco… ainda assim antes da actualização isto já era possivel aliás como se pode ver neste mesmo topico eu mesmo já fui acuado disso antes da actualização….e a verdade é que supostamente esta mudança era para a economia deixar de ter influencia….. e afinal…………….
O que me parece é que cada um deve fazer o que é melhor para a sua equipa.. e principlamente como me parece que já ouvi o importante são os resultados desportivos…..logo…. como se ouve um pouco por todo o mundo… clube com passivo de não sei quantos milhoes… etc…
Verdade também é que dantes havia mais influencia destas situações a longo prazo… e agora nem por isso… aliás como já foi referido aqui por alguns jogadores a verdade é que este novo sistema deixa de ser aliciante para quem gostava de uma gestão mais a longo prazo…
Por mim como já disse eu defendia… ou gostava mais e achava mais justo o sistema antido… que claro precisava de uns ajustes… mas eu pessoalmente utilizo as regras sejam elas quais forem em beneficio próprio… isto é, para ter as melhores equipas e para ganhar o mais possivel…. se outros pensam de outra forma estão no ser direito… o mais importante é cada um tirar a maior diversão possivel do jogo…
Diogo Silva
Well, that happens if the team loaning the player can’t keep the minimum coaching level. Managers loaning players need to remember that. I believe we’ll have to request slightly lower coach levels when loaning out players. I understand the average coaching level may be reduced with the new economy, but we are already planning changes to compensate that.
Lince, estou confiando nisso mesmo.
Espero que essa nova atualização que o Gabriel pretende implementar resolva o problema.
Não vou entrar nessa onda de super salários, prefiro manter o time da forma que está e aguardar as novas mudanças.
Felix ; na minha opiniao esta bem como esta e como disse o gabriel se ira haver moral nos jogadores futuramente de certo quem comprar um ou dois jogadores com altos salarios ira prejudicar a equipa…. e claro o limite do budget para ordenado ira diminiuir o que a longo prazo nao podera comprar jogadores em condicoes…
O que acho que poderia ser alterado visto que ira haver moral nos jogadores é a perca de pontos dos jogadores nos jogo fora por serem jovens; ora ha muitos jogadores jovens bons que ate sao mais motivados nos jogos fora de casa; agora a moral dos jogadores poderia aumentar jogando em em casa ou diminiuir um pouco a jogar fora mas nao perder caracteristicas; ao meu ver teria mais logica e seria mais justo pois nem todos irao ter os mesmo pontos para utilizar
7 players in return :(
Eu acredito que a primeira medida a ser tomada para equilibrar o MT seria tirar o limite de valor para colocar um jogador no mercado.
Se o cara tá disposto a pagar 500 mil de salário, também pagar 300 milhões em um jogador com valor de face de 30 milhões.
Diogo, vc comparou o salário do 2º melhor jogador do mundo, e talvez o jogador que mais gere receitas de publicidade no mundo, com o salário de um zagueiro mediano.
E se for realmente essa a diferença, é de apenas 4×.
Não tem como trazer essa comparação pro jogo.. está muito aquém ainda.
Estamos tendo absurdos maiores com esse novo sistema.
O que me parece é que o tiro saiu pela culatra.
Vejo times com mais poder aquisitivo e um mercado mais desequilibrado com os super salários.
O Chacarita paga 890 mil de salário e meu wage limite nível 9 é de 1.75 mi..
Mas acho totalmente fora da realidade pagar a um único jogador a metade do salário de todos os outros jogadores do meu time.
Espero que o sistema que o Gabriel pretende implementar, afete de maneira bem negativa o pessoal que está começando a desvirtuar o mercado com os super salários, ou que pensem em uma outra forma pro MT.