I’m sure it was for the best of the game, however, for me it makes the game less interesting, so I’m not sure how long I will continue to play. If only there was another game like the old Soccersim…
hehe, common…. you should know better. The transfer list doesn’t show how much money there is around, it shows that people don’t have a good understanding of what players are actually worth :). Then again, a player is worth as much as anyone is willing to pay for it :).
well, obviously there is still too much money around, just take a look at the transfer lists…. :)
Gabriel, I think this was the best thing to do, just to have like this ‘reset’. Some people will be hurt they lost all their money, but it had to happen
I asked around what budgets are from other teams, and I feel people in general do have a large budget though and there are not such big differences. I wonder when performing bad, will really start to effect your budget.
You said it’s based on the performance of last season, but what if you switch teams? I assume it’s based on the teams last season performance and not you as a manager right? So if you had a great season and then go somewhere else. Your previous performance as a manager was good, but you simply joined a bad team, thus get a crappy budget? Is that how that works?
The wages may be huge but the wage limit should be enough to cater for that. With the changes managers will have to worry about balancing all the areas and the strategies will definitely be different than before. But I understand the pain with player development, I envisaged it would be harder to keep high coaching levels with the new concept so what I’ll have to do is tweak the player development speed a little bit to compensate for that. But first let’s see where teams will stand after having established their new investment levels.
Even if I set all my board points to the coaches I can’t reach level 10.
I manage a team that was the last in Brazilian 2nd division and I sold every old player, made a lot of cash, and started using only young players with low wages, investing on their development. Now those players have huge wages for their level, I’m broke and can’t hardly invest on their development. That is not good at all.
dude dont be mad that i wont buy shitty players that you try to sugar coat they arnt good enough for the price your putting for them 1) and 2) they are shit jeez dont cry
The current sum of wages is displayed in the team information screen, right below the wage limit. It is also displayed when you are making contract or loan proposals (if I’m not mistaken).
Yes, it abolishes those aspects of the game but introduces the challenge of managing the investment levels each season :-)
Where can I find the current sum of wages?
And the new system abolishes at least part of the idea of building up a club, right? No saving up money, no patiently improving the stadium.
Thx Gabriel.
Ok for me it all clear…..
Best Regards
@Antonio Pinto: vou reduzir manualmente seu nivel de coaching para aumentar seu nivel de wage limit, afinal os valores definidos arbitrariamente durante a migração não necessariamente refletem as necessidades do seu clube. Esse será um dos novos desafios na virada da temporada, distribuir os pontos nas areas de investimento de forma a ter uma margem suficiente de salarios para gastar.
Antonio is complaining about not being able to renew contracts due to his wage limit. I’ll manually adjust that in this case (reduce coaching to increase wage limit) as the values arbitrarily defined during the migration not necessarily suits his teams needs. Starting next season this is one of the challenges, establishing an appropriate level of wage limit so that you have enough for raises and new hires.
@Dcaniva: posso te garantir que não tiveram consequencias e já te explico porque. Como vc pode ver agora a tela de investimentos no Medium tem uma tabela extra onde vc define os niveis da nova temporada. Essa tabela extra estara disponivel ate o turno 12. O que o jogo faz na virada da temporada é zerar todos os niveis da tabela nova, calcular o numero de pontos que vc vai ter pra gastar nessa tabela nova e ja distribuir alguns automaticamente pra tentar fazer a tabela nova (temporada atual) ficar igual a tabela de baixo (temporada passada). Se o numero de pontos que vc ganhou na temporada atual forem suficientes pra fazer isso vc vai ver os niveis nas duas tabelas iguais no turno 1, e a sobre de pontos sera mostrada acima. Se o seu numero de pontos pra nova temporada nao forem suficientes pra manter os niveis da temporada passada vc vai ver a tabela de cima com niveis menores do que na temporada passada, indicando que os investimentos pioraram entre uma temporada e outra. Espero que não tenha ficado muito confuso :-)
Diogo’s concern is that the initial “mistakes” in the determination of investment levels when the new economy took place had consequences in the new MediumTicker season as the investments table for the new season displayed the same levels as the investments table for the previous season. What I explained to him is that there are no consequences and in each season the team starts fresh with regards to investments. The way it works is, during the season tick, the new season investment levels start all at 0 again, the amount of points you will have to spend is calculated and then the game automatically tries to spend them in such a way that the new season levels are equal to the previous season levels. If you have enough points for that what you will see on turn 1 is the same levels on the 2 tables (current and previous seasons) and the excess of points will be displayed at the top. In case your amount of points wasn’t enough you will see the new season table with lower levels than the previous one, meaning the investment levels got worse when compared to the previous season. Hope this is not too confusing :-)
Felix nao ligues; esse Davison tem a mania que é esperto; acha todos os jogadores que outros jogadores colocam a venda sao maus mas olhando para a equipa dele sao muito melhor que os jogadores que ele tem; nem sei o porque de ele vir ca provocar com certos tipo de comentarios; alem que ele vende piores e coloca a precos exurbitantes; agora com as mudancas penso que nao o podera fazer e ca para mim se os despedes ele seria dos primeiros a querer os comprar lolol é uma comedia que praticamente nunca ganhou nada e esta sempre a criticar os outros
Bem, agora não consigo renovar contratos de jogadores. Com a mudança, o valor dos salários ficou no topo. Agora a direcção não aceita qualquer valor que os jogadores proponham, porque excede o limite. Wage Limit: $759,660 Current Wage Total: $758,322.
Num clube de um campeonato secundário que é gerido a tostões, como o Malmoe, que nunca teve salários altos, vejo-me nesta contingência e à beira de ver sair bons jogadores por não conseguir renovar os contratos.
Mas há pior. Tenho um jovem talento na academia que não posso passar para a equipa principal porque não posso oferecer o dinheiro que o jogador pede e o jogador vai sair dentro de 10 turnos.
Qual é o remédio? Mandar jogadores embora a custo ZERO, para ter “espaço salarial” para oferecer contrato ao junior ?
Yes it is gone. Now your money is “held” by the board and they will give you a specific amount of money for the season transfer budget depending on the level you set up for the transfer budget investment area between turns 1 and 12.
Regarding the money everybody had, yes it is gone. Now your money is “held” by the board and they will give you a specific amount of money for the season transfer budget depending on the level you set up for the transfer budget investment area between turns 1 and 12.
I had about 350M before new economy, now I’ve about 30M. where is my money? why I’ve lost them? thanks
i guess the word " good" is very opnionated. those players arnt “good” they are “bad” your better off fireing them
Sly, I too have suggested the player value being removed, better to have a transfer price tag instead, something like, on the player screen:
Transferred from TeamX for XXM.
Then when doing the investments round (turns 1-12), stating to board: “we need to raise X number of millions to get a player at position X” and the board (agents) would try to work out deals for you. That would be other staffs job, and in fact it could be another entity in the investments screen.
Say if you had staff department, no only for coaching but even for scouts (not number of searches) but the level of involvement scouts do.
With lower levels you could just list players among “known” players in your area. The higher the number of scouting department the bigger the perks, such as you give them targets and they do the scouting, delivering best possible suggestions. Some levels would even allow you to scout on team and on individual player.
Say level 1-5 scouting is only for number of searches you can do (or search every X turns)
6: ability to scout team (option on team level saying scout this team)
7: ability to scout individual player (on player screen)
8: ability to scout youths (on team list)
9: ability to scout league (on league table)
10: ability to scout continent (the map??)
and by ability I do not mean that you could click only on “scout xxxx” but even give more specific details on the higher levels.
I had +800M too.
Now i have only Transfer Budget 10 $287,300,000.
San Martin Tucuman
Boas Gabriel,
Tal como eu estava à espera (era o que fazia mais sentido) os niveis da época passada serviram de base para a nova época por isso os erros na migração tiveram consequências.
A Principal como já sabia e como também já vi referido aqui no forum alguns jogadores foram beneficiados em termos de dinheiro para transferências e outros perderem muito do que tinham… não me parece muito justo… nem vejo justificação para tal….
As menos graves nos niveis dos departamentos…
De qualquer forma este post serve apenas de nota informativa para vocês…..
Agora vou-me dedicar ao melhor do jogo……………. jogá-lo….
Diogo Silva
looking for oa striker any age; shooting +96 tackle +86 speed +90 heading + 85 i have some money …
Sly i was talking about my team at meduim ticker which i been managing for 30+ seasons anyway i want my money back :)
Well I had 69 mill, and investment now says 200mill. This was simply needed to bring order to chaos I guess. In your case you lost money, in my case I gained.
It is a fresh start, and knowing you…..I’m sure you like the challange. Afterall you just switched teams yet again :)
I had ~850M in the bank now in invstment screen it says transfer Budget 10 $344,300,000
Where is my 500M gone? surely other investment doesnt cost that much please clarify
BK, personally I never cared about player value at all. I think I even suggested to just remove it from the game, because of all the hassle about it. The downside of this now might be, that young players will suddenly be expensive, making it harder for people to build new teams. I think time will tell. Personally I agree with other posts that, when it comes to the economy, any change would be a good one. Let’s just ‘wait and see’ where it all takes us.
@Davison: Wether you are on coaching 5 or 10 doesn’t matter for the player potential. Coaching 10 just makes them unlock their stats faster i.e.: With coaching 10, 15 xp points is enough to increase a player on an X amount of stats, which meens you he’ll have to play him in 5 league games or 15 friendlies to increase him in stats.
Boas Gabriel,
Obrigado pelos esclarecimentos.
Ok. Por mim tudo esclarecido.
Pensei que os niveis actuais fossem a base para a temporada seguinte. Dessa forma todos os jogadores vão começar com os mesmo numero de pontos nesta época?
Diogo Silva
hey i dont mind it, if my youth are finally developing with 10 coaching bout fkn time like. i like the new set up now next would be nice for custom training regiments for our team ie shooting, passing, tackling , speed and conditioning ect ect ect
Gabriel, the youth value being high for potentially great players was there earlier as well.
I just got one such player before the changes were made, moved to first team with value of 12M, now after the changes, most of my other youths are around 10-12M as well. I am thinking that the value calculation is the cause, and not the potential, as they used to be 4-6M valued before the changes. It’s going to be interesting if we can see youth team players with value of 50M+ out there.