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the new changes

Subscribe to the new changes 60 post(s), 16 voice(s)


February 19, 2013 08:28

340 posts(s)


I welcome any new changes, good or bad, just want to give feedback on my thoughts of the new changes.

- the investment screen is a step in the right direction, well done
- player wages went up a bit and that is good, I just wonder what happened to those players at 150-200k a week?
- the overall feeling of the economy seems very fair and realistic, I hope the developers/people will cope with all the complains that may follow this.
- transfer budget looks hard to understand, on the investments screen says 270M and on the club info 101M, and while bidding on player 80M or something like that, what’s going on? a feature or a bug?

just a thought:
- aren’t the youth players a bit over-priced?



February 19, 2013 09:05

678 posts(s)


I still got some questions of my own, but I can answer 1 thing for you. I am 1 of those teams that had a player on the roster for 300k wage. His wage has been reset to 67k.

I figured that the budget for now has been corrected for the fact the season is almost over. I’m assuming next season we’ll get a new budget and it will most likely be the amount you see in the investmentscreen. Atleast that’s what I think.

I agree with you ont he matter that i feel youths are a bit over prices. I had lots of them on 5-8k wage, which now suddenly is 20+k. Then again, I’m not the one who is allowed to complain about that for now :)


February 19, 2013 09:57

299 posts(s)


the 270M on the investment screen was the budget you supposedly got at the start of the season, and the 101M on the front screen is basically what’s left for you to spend to the end of the season, or to be more correct, to tick 12 of next season before the new budget is accorded.


February 19, 2013 10:14

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks for the feedback, BK. Sly and Dhimitri, you guys make me proud, the explanation about the transfer budget value being different in the 2 screens is perfect :-D

The youth players being overpriced has to do with the fact they have (in theory) a lot of potential to unleash. But their values / wages shouldn’t be a problem as the budget / wage limit are designed based on the new formulas.


February 19, 2013 10:15

340 posts(s)


good stuff guys, got answers..



February 19, 2013 10:21

340 posts(s)


Gabriel, the youth value being high for potentially great players was there earlier as well.

I just got one such player before the changes were made, moved to first team with value of 12M, now after the changes, most of my other youths are around 10-12M as well. I am thinking that the value calculation is the cause, and not the potential, as they used to be 4-6M valued before the changes. It’s going to be interesting if we can see youth team players with value of 50M+ out there.



February 19, 2013 10:53

828 posts(s)


hey i dont mind it, if my youth are finally developing with 10 coaching bout fkn time like. i like the new set up now next would be nice for custom training regiments for our team ie shooting, passing, tackling , speed and conditioning ect ect ect


February 19, 2013 12:29

678 posts(s)


BK, personally I never cared about player value at all. I think I even suggested to just remove it from the game, because of all the hassle about it. The downside of this now might be, that young players will suddenly be expensive, making it harder for people to build new teams. I think time will tell. Personally I agree with other posts that, when it comes to the economy, any change would be a good one. Let’s just ‘wait and see’ where it all takes us.

@Davison: Wether you are on coaching 5 or 10 doesn’t matter for the player potential. Coaching 10 just makes them unlock their stats faster i.e.: With coaching 10, 15 xp points is enough to increase a player on an X amount of stats, which meens you he’ll have to play him in 5 league games or 15 friendlies to increase him in stats.


February 19, 2013 12:40

241 posts(s)


I had ~850M in the bank now in invstment screen it says transfer Budget 10 $344,300,000

Where is my 500M gone? surely other investment doesnt cost that much please clarify


February 19, 2013 12:45

678 posts(s)


Well I had 69 mill, and investment now says 200mill. This was simply needed to bring order to chaos I guess. In your case you lost money, in my case I gained.

It is a fresh start, and knowing you…..I’m sure you like the challange. Afterall you just switched teams yet again :)


February 19, 2013 14:54

241 posts(s)


Sly i was talking about my team at meduim ticker which i been managing for 30+ seasons anyway i want my money back :)


February 19, 2013 18:58

116 posts(s)


I had +800M too.
Now i have only Transfer Budget 10 $287,300,000.
San Martin Tucuman


February 19, 2013 19:24

340 posts(s)


Sly, I too have suggested the player value being removed, better to have a transfer price tag instead, something like, on the player screen:

Transferred from TeamX for XXM.

Then when doing the investments round (turns 1-12), stating to board: “we need to raise X number of millions to get a player at position X” and the board (agents) would try to work out deals for you. That would be other staffs job, and in fact it could be another entity in the investments screen.
Say if you had staff department, no only for coaching but even for scouts (not number of searches) but the level of involvement scouts do.
With lower levels you could just list players among “known” players in your area. The higher the number of scouting department the bigger the perks, such as you give them targets and they do the scouting, delivering best possible suggestions. Some levels would even allow you to scout on team and on individual player.
Say level 1-5 scouting is only for number of searches you can do (or search every X turns)
6: ability to scout team (option on team level saying scout this team)
7: ability to scout individual player (on player screen)
8: ability to scout youths (on team list)
9: ability to scout league (on league table)
10: ability to scout continent (the map??)

and by ability I do not mean that you could click only on “scout xxxx” but even give more specific details on the higher levels.



February 19, 2013 22:23

4,303 posts(s)



Regarding the money everybody had, yes it is gone. Now your money is “held” by the board and they will give you a specific amount of money for the season transfer budget depending on the level you set up for the transfer budget investment area between turns 1 and 12.


February 20, 2013 06:44

678 posts(s)


Gabriel, I think this was the best thing to do, just to have like this ‘reset’. Some people will be hurt they lost all their money, but it had to happen

I asked around what budgets are from other teams, and I feel people in general do have a large budget though and there are not such big differences. I wonder when performing bad, will really start to effect your budget.

You said it’s based on the performance of last season, but what if you switch teams? I assume it’s based on the teams last season performance and not you as a manager right? So if you had a great season and then go somewhere else. Your previous performance as a manager was good, but you simply joined a bad team, thus get a crappy budget? Is that how that works?


February 20, 2013 08:03

340 posts(s)


well, obviously there is still too much money around, just take a look at the transfer lists…. :)



February 20, 2013 08:20

678 posts(s)


hehe, common…. you should know better. The transfer list doesn’t show how much money there is around, it shows that people don’t have a good understanding of what players are actually worth :). Then again, a player is worth as much as anyone is willing to pay for it :).


February 20, 2013 10:22

4,303 posts(s)



It is based on the team’s performance so you’re right, if you’ve had a great season and change to a team that had a terrible season the amount of points available to spend will be low due to the new team’s bad performance. We’ll have to monitor the amount of money available in the transfer budgets and adjust accordingly. I’ll get the average budget when we get to turn 13 on each dimension.


February 20, 2013 17:06

637 posts(s)


First of all, Gabriel and Danilo, the new economy looks great. The reset was the only way to make the new economy system work.

Sly, I’ll have an example for you when you are doing bad. In mediumticker I have been relegated this new season. I now have no single board point to spend this season and my transferbudget is 14M. So I’m happy I already had chosen the players to build my new team. :) It would be hard to build it from zero now.
Before I had 400M in the bank.


February 20, 2013 23:42

4,303 posts(s)



Don’t forget you can reduce some levels to increase others during the first 12 turns of the season, so in reality you do have some board points to spend :-)


February 22, 2013 11:20

609 posts(s)


How about the transfers you do now, if you get payed (say like 20m for a player) where does the money go? Is it given to you in the next seasons budget? That sounds abit harse tbh. You get like 200m in a season due to transfers and might get only 50m back from the board? And if you don’t sell anything u still get 50m?

The money from players sold option is a cool feature, but goes it directly into your transfer budget from this season or for next season?


February 22, 2013 13:38

301 posts(s)


any transfers only affects the CURRENT season vaughn. like the posts mentioned, if you sella player, the money you get is added only to the current season. the following season, the budget is reset by the board based on your performance. this is what will make improving teams a challenge. you can’t sell all your guys and fill it with youth in 1 shot (about a 20 player turnaround) you need to slowly build your team while making sure you achieve your boards expectations.


February 22, 2013 19:14

803 posts(s)


I’m not sure this is the best way to go, managers now need to spend all their money every time but at the same time there wont be much to spend it on because there is no incentive to selling players, why sell when you just need to wait for the next season?

Also, how does a team loses board points? Only by preforming bad? If so you should probably get board’s expectations a little high, after a season or two in a team you get 100% performance every year… won’t this board points become irrelevant when teams get all their departments to 10? in a near future this seems likely to happen to many teams


February 22, 2013 20:04

301 posts(s)


good point on all counts Filipe. I think this is something we need to check out. Like my other post says, we need to see how everything plays out to before making more modifications so we know WHAT to tweak to best balance the game out.


February 24, 2013 12:07

803 posts(s)


Started yo understand it better with Middlesbough, the team lost a lot of board points, it’s still manageable but for new managers that just started in a weak team I believe it will be much harder now than before the changes… Maybe some kind of board easiness for new managers would be a good idea…

The opposite thinking for teams that already have it all, the more improved your team is, the more points you should lose, same for manager ranking and experience… My board in MT’s Ajax should be more harsh on me :D


February 25, 2013 02:47

828 posts(s)


^ no, x10000000000


February 25, 2013 11:30

4,303 posts(s)



The transfer budget reset is something to be worked on for next season. I don’t plan to let it simply add up but give another benefit instead (e.g. more board points).


February 26, 2013 10:10

57 posts(s)


Just had 6 players returned from loan because the coaching level of the loaner’s dropped :(
Was this excepted with the new changes?


February 26, 2013 11:25

639 posts(s)



I had that too: on the same turn the player was loaned, it was returned…


February 26, 2013 13:27

104 posts(s)


7 players in return :(

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