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May 02, 2015 16:10

639 posts(s)



Is it an option to make some AI teams lose money (or even go bankrupt)? To balance that most human teams will have a positive balance?


May 02, 2015 16:05

1,003 posts(s)



When reading our logs, I’ve noticed some of you were having issues seeing our manager achievement pages and creating press releases. Those 2 things should work now.


May 02, 2015 16:00

1,003 posts(s)



The translation missing errors should be fixed now, Hopjes. Please let us know if you see any other issues.



May 02, 2015 11:21

637 posts(s)


Thx Gabriel. I won so it was worth waiting. :-)


May 02, 2015 11:17

1,003 posts(s)



Hi Hopjes,

If I got what you’re trying to say right, there seems to be something strange going on with your browser cookies. Try hitting ctrl-shit-del and then clearing cookies & cached images + files from “the beginning of time” (that’s the way chrome describes it anyway).

If you have successfully logged in using any method (facebook / google / normal) and then come to the website via a link, it will display that message – saying that you’re already logged in. I suspect you logged in and then came to RS via the email link…

As for the “database php” errors, rubysoccer is not written in php… In fact, its called rubysoccer because its written in ruby, and it uses the ruby on rails framework. Also, the error you see is not a database error. It is related to a specific translation rubysoccer is not able to find for a specific informational message – and it is trying to find it based on the language you’ve set on your browser (nl-NL in this case). Moreover, this specific translation is provided by the framework itself, not by us…

Anyway, all of these tech details aside, thanks for reporting this. I will have a look. And hey, thanks for giving us a week to investigate it before leaving, you’re very generous… ;D


May 02, 2015 11:04

4,300 posts(s)



That escalated pretty quickly :-)

Jokes aside, I’m sure we can help you with your login issues. I suppose this translation error is from the forum, yes? The forum is a plugin we use and was not fully developed by us, so every now and then we have to fix some weird stuff.

What browser are you using? Do you use normal user and password login or do you login via Google/Facebook? Have you tried clearing the browser cache?



May 02, 2015 11:01

4,300 posts(s)



@Dimitri/Filipe: it is a bit harsh, I agree…at the moment the experience points are integer numbers so I cannot give a player 0.5 experience points. It’s an easy change though and I can do it if needed.

@Dr. Gullit: completely agree, the training idea was only introduced to stop the “every turn” friendly logic that was the only real way to improve your non-first squad players. My idea as a next step is to separate the experience players earn from training from the experience they earn by playing matches. In other words you would only get to a certain level with training and in order to unlock the player’s full potential he would have to play matches (including official matches)

@Davison: we don’t have immediate plans to do that. We are not huge fans of having to manage hired staff so we did something different with the departments and levels. But hey, you never know and if the hired staff proves to be something desirable in the future we can always consider it ;-)


May 02, 2015 10:37

4,300 posts(s)



All good now.


May 02, 2015 10:19

4,300 posts(s)



Crap, I’ll have a look :-P


May 02, 2015 10:04

14 posts(s)


Dear developers,

I am unable to login the normal way. I have to resend myself information to change my password and then apparentely I am already logged in!

Further more there are all kind of database php errors on the main page (while logging in) and on the forum!

translation missing: nl-NL.datetime.distance_in_words.about_x_hours

Please fix it! Or it might be my last week playing RubySoccer.


May 02, 2015 08:10

637 posts(s)


Look’s like medium ticker is stuck at 85%…

Pretty frustrating when you are waiting for the cup final result. :-)


May 02, 2015 05:37

828 posts(s)


is there any chance to get what managersim has where we hire coaches physios and scouts ?


May 02, 2015 03:22

37 posts(s)


Well, taking it as a player: training is training and match is match. For me, it doesn’t make sense at all that only training sessions (that we can not drive into any directions because there are no directed training sessions) improve more than playing a friendly against a decent opponent. Stop that only training shit.


May 01, 2015 09:47

803 posts(s)


I’ve managed to get it working by removing the www. from the script.

Something that wasn’t working even before is the “Turns since last improvement”, anyone knows why? It is something I really liked in the old days :D

@Dimitri, I’m using Chrome and it works, run it with Tampermonkey


May 01, 2015 09:42

803 posts(s)


Yep I agree with Dimitri, maybe a bigger penalty for less then 100%, like 99% – 0.5 points, 98% – 0.4 points and get to 0 points at 94%…

I think it would make me consider using improving players in oficial matches much more often, they would get points from the match and something else wile recovering from the match too…


May 01, 2015 09:31

639 posts(s)



There is a second problem: Chrome now disables scripts that aren’t coming from their official web store :(


May 01, 2015 08:18

639 posts(s)



So with 100% stamina (and no match) you get a point, and with 99% stamina nothing at all? That doesn’t make sense I believe…

99% stamina is 0.99 points, 10% stamina is 0.1 points, that would make sense though. Or perhaps 50% stamina is 0, 60% is 0.2, 90% is 0.8 etc. But at least a system where you don’t need 100% stamina to develop.


May 01, 2015 06:43

1,003 posts(s)



yeah, pretty sure its because of the www. Greasemonkey / the script is configured to run on a particular page, and this script has been configured to only run in the www version of the rubysoccer site! I think you might be able to manually include the non www version by configuring the script in greasemonkey…


May 01, 2015 04:15

4,300 posts(s)



Yep, same as before, players in a team with higher coach level will require less experience points to increase their attributes.


May 01, 2015 04:01

828 posts(s)


now coach level do we with 10 coach get more increase of attributes ?


May 01, 2015 01:05

4,300 posts(s)



The 100% stamina player will earn no points in a turn where your team has a match scheduled, as there is no training on match day. So:

Two friendlies per week => 2 points per week (correct)
No matches at all => 3 points per week (correct if by no matches you mean not even official matches happening)
No matches played but team had an official match during the week => 2 points per week

Hopefully that makes sense


April 30, 2015 19:46

639 posts(s)



Say that I have a 100% stamina player.
Two friendlies per week (in the main squad) => 2 points per week
No matches at all => 3 points per week.

Is that correct?


April 30, 2015 18:39

803 posts(s)


The userscripts page changed:


April 30, 2015 10:04

4,300 posts(s)



Joseppi is right. We can continue this discussion in the right topic , if needed.


April 30, 2015 10:03

4,300 posts(s)



Reply to Fabio Moraes who posted the question in the wrong topic

Official matches are still a better way of improving than friendlies or “training”, so no reason to hold back using young players in official matches. If you think only about player improvement, there is no reason to play friendlies anymore, they should no be used to have fun playing against teams you don’t usually face or to test how your team behaves with different formations, strategies, etc.


April 30, 2015 09:28

296 posts(s)


They get more points for playing in league games and cup games than doing nothing. 100% stamina is as if they played a friendly every tick.


April 30, 2015 09:09

4,300 posts(s)



He will not improve until he recovers or plays more matches.


April 30, 2015 08:45

639 posts(s)



I read you need 100% stamina for improvements?
So what happens with a 10% stamina player who doesn’t play matches?


April 30, 2015 08:42

639 posts(s)



But I think that the homepage of the script has disappeared (and the maker also, at least from this game).

But it would be nice to see it in game next month!


April 30, 2015 08:11

157 posts(s)


They used to get more improvement points if they played certain matches – League, Libertadores, etc… Is that still the same? Or am I better off just not using my young players at all, so their stamina is higher?