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July 12, 2015 19:55

828 posts(s)


dw mate ive met every expectation my board wants and still they are upset with me…so basicly the board can get fucked lol


July 12, 2015 19:54

828 posts(s)


that wont fix the problems. looks like everyone went to managersim ?


July 12, 2015 17:22

96 posts(s)


Last season after promotion the board wanted me to fight against relegation, managed to avoid relegation by a few points. This season they want me to “fight for the title”, seems a little unrealistic to me.


July 12, 2015 09:23

678 posts(s)


Then switch team or league for new enjoyments, that helps me :)


July 11, 2015 06:38

828 posts(s)


zzzzz…im bored ….this game is dead……:(


July 09, 2015 15:22

296 posts(s)


I must admit I never look at the newspaper in this game but I would if it had manager interviews etc in it.


July 09, 2015 06:33

1,003 posts(s)



On the contrary! Both me and Gabriel are committed to being as active as we can be. The last weeks have been challenging, as Gabriel is on holidays and I have some family visiting – but we will definitely be back afterwards. I am sure you noticed we’ve had some changes recently – like the new Mobile UI.


July 07, 2015 14:12

4,300 posts(s)



Filipe’s answer is spot on. I will most likely start working on the game again in a couple week’s time. Even though I recognize the newspaper is a great tool to add content to the game we have been neglecting it on purpose to try and revamp other critical areas first, but it never left our radar of areas to improve.

And it is definitely not over ;-)


July 05, 2015 13:16

803 posts(s)


The developers are on vacation this weeks, before that they were starting to work on the game again, as you can see from the announcement pages.

About the newspaper I think they have plans for that but probably isnt a priority… I personally dont see much use for the newspaper, too much work for something people rarely use…


July 04, 2015 19:21

96 posts(s)


I’ve written a number of newspaper articles that are over a year old that are still waiting for approval. Even something simple like new content in the newspaper might feel like it is starting to spark the game back into life, even if everything stays the same as it was before.

If users are generating content, but the devs aren’t using it, what incentive is there for people to continue trying to help improve a game that isn’t theirs?


June 21, 2015 21:39

4,300 posts(s)



I am currently on holidays so don’t expect any new features from me during the next 4 weeks. Once I’m back I will try to move the focus from game economy to player related fearures.


June 21, 2015 12:16

803 posts(s)


Seems nice, thou as you say would give some advantage to teams already doing well…

Something you could consider about the stadium is the return of a fixed number of seats, managers would add new seats by the season Investments, this would be nice for people that stay much time in a club… To control the seats level you could make some stadium restructure, say, when a manager leaves… Also stadium investments would add very low seats if it it a large stadium already…


June 19, 2015 06:03

4,300 posts(s)



I agree with you Filipe. I think we can attach stadium level to the number of seats and use the attendance to determine the penalty on opposition players, this way it does not matter if you are level 10, if your fans don’t go to your match there is no pressure on the opposition. One could argue that this will benefit teams that are doing well already, as their matches have more attendance, but I don’t think that side effect is too different than what happens in real life.


June 17, 2015 21:47

803 posts(s)


Something I think you should consider is changing the Stadium inventments levels… Level 10 gives home teams too much advantage making it a requirement for any team that wants to compete… Also think older players should always have some away advantage in order to make them more valuable…

My suggestion:
Level 10 – 3 penalty for younger/ 2 penalty for older players
Level 9 – 3 penalty for younger/ 1 penalty for older players


June 17, 2015 20:44

828 posts(s)


well it would be a good way to keep the transfer market alive… cant sign everyone full squads eventurally…and well it would allow for more worthy options on free transfer and transfer.


June 17, 2015 13:17

4,300 posts(s)



Not sure about the quality because that’s driven by the country ranking…but I would definitely have it to increase the quantity…more youths will give you a higher chance of getting better quality players anyway.


June 16, 2015 20:20

828 posts(s)


youth academy,

higher it is the better quality youth you get


June 15, 2015 12:25

24 posts(s)


Have the security exception but still not working…
Java is updated, tried Chrome, Firefox and IE..


June 13, 2015 12:34

4,300 posts(s)



Not many…very few actually, all in FastTicker of course. I suppose you meant $100M, that’s what I’m answering. Everyone has 100k…some are dangerously close to that number though :-)


June 13, 2015 12:24

4,300 posts(s)



Gave it a kick and it’s back :-)


June 13, 2015 10:26

639 posts(s)



Are there many teams with over $100k already?


June 13, 2015 10:25

639 posts(s)





June 13, 2015 08:22

296 posts(s)


Check out Jean beal, not there yet but he’s close. Feel free to scout report him and let me know


June 13, 2015 06:54

157 posts(s)


Enough :-)


June 12, 2015 23:38

828 posts(s)


how much money do you got….


June 12, 2015 12:49

4,300 posts(s)



Next season you will be able to buy additional investment points using the club money. Each point will cost 1,000,000 to start with, we’ll adjust the value later if needed. You are not allowed to sell points or undo the purchase, so think carefully before buying!



June 12, 2015 07:29

157 posts(s)


Looking for a world class GK:

- Kpg: 92+
- Spe: 88+
- Hea: 85+
- Age: under 29


June 11, 2015 14:04

1,003 posts(s)



RubySoccer now has a Mobile website!

This is a beta/preliminary version, so it is rough around the edges and it doesn’t have all of the functionality we would like it to have, but we’ve decided to release it to you guys anyway so we start getting some feedback and suggestions. Please use our forums to talk to us about it!


June 11, 2015 01:32

1,003 posts(s)



Definitely, the button has already been implemented. It will be at the bottom of the screen for the desktop version, and for the mobile version a couple different places.


June 10, 2015 18:33

296 posts(s)


Yeah and who’s skills are upgrading etc. Would also be good to have a button that lets you switch between desktop version and mobile.