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September 07, 2015 06:22

5 posts(s)


That’s a shame… I accidentally misjudged how good my player was and now I’ve lost him. I guess you can’t make one mistake now :’(

Do you know what the maximum and minimum range is for a player in terms of salary? I’ve read somewhere that this can be different per player. But what is the salary range one player can have if he is very forgiven and what is the range when he is a pain in the ass?

And is there any information about how much time it takes for a player to forget this insult?


September 07, 2015 06:01

1,003 posts(s)



Sinto muito pela sua falta de construtividade.

Não esqueça que o jogo é de graça e estamos tentando melhorá-lo. Para fazer isso, dedicamos horas do nosso tempo que poderíamos estar gastando com as nossas famílias ou fazendo outras coisas. Fazemos isso porque gostamos. Porém, seria ótimo se, em troca e como gentileza, você pudesse ser construtivo nas suas críticas. Ou pelo menos educado.


September 06, 2015 18:02

639 posts(s)



It will take some time for the player to forget the ‘insult’. By that time he is probably hired by another team, but if not you can try again.

(I have the same problem with a player I really really wanted)


September 06, 2015 17:30

4 posts(s)


As vossas alterações só servem para piorar o jogo é cada vez o tornar mais longe da realidade como tal já desisti do fast e a seguir desistirei do médium vocês deviam se perguntar do porquê de cada vez haver menos jogadores, muito mau


September 06, 2015 12:45

5 posts(s)


Hi there, there may be a topic about it already but I couldn’t find it yet. In Medium ticker I wanted to hire a youth player but apparently I did not meet the expectations of the player. Does this mean I can’t hire him anymore? Do I only have but one chance to come with contract terms?


September 06, 2015 10:12

637 posts(s)


Ok. Thx!

Well, first player that doesn’t want to renew his contract. I thought it was a fair offer. :-D He’s transferlisted. :-)
Richard Wright decided not to proceed with contract negotiations. He feels your offer was too far apart from his expectations.


September 05, 2015 13:33

1,003 posts(s)



While we work on new functionalities, we have also decided to dedicate some effort to fixing some of the bugs we believe have been plaguing the game and annoying some people. We are also counting on you guys to report bugs! If you don’t report, they might take much longer to be fixed.

Bugs fixed today:

- User signup failing (without the user knowing why) when chosen login was too long
- Statistics: Name and Team fields auto completion (its working again)
- Press releases: now the user is informed why its creation failed (if it failed)
- Newspaper article suggestions: this hasn’t been working for a while. It now is. We know the newspaper needs a lot of work, and it is on our list. Right now its not a top priority, but it will be done guys
- Mobile match report not working in certain situations


September 05, 2015 11:26

4,300 posts(s)



No, that has no impact at all.


September 05, 2015 09:55

637 posts(s)


Does a player also take the number of turns between his rejection and the counter proposal in counter? I mean if you are on vacation and you only give him a counter offer after 10 turns will it affect his morale to sign a new contract.


September 05, 2015 06:13

4,300 posts(s)



Stars are redistributed every season so a player that has no stars in a season may get any star level in the following one, as long as he deserves it. Players that have stars will, in the worst case, lose one level from one season to the next. So yes, young players with no stars may evolve into stars in the future.


September 05, 2015 01:24

4,300 posts(s)



Changed the topic subject to encompass contract negotiations as well.

@Dimitri: I’m guessing almost everyone did that (myself included), we’ll have to change our approach now
@Fabio: long enough so that if you are trying to renew a contract and he gets pissed off you won’t be able to renew before he forgets about it. You are right about star players, it is a big risk indeed!
@Joseppi: I certainly hope so!


September 04, 2015 20:59

296 posts(s)


This will make everything better! Some big players may have to be transfer listed!


September 04, 2015 15:30

24 posts(s)


Just one doubt in the new “star system”, will young players with no stars today, get a star in next seasons? I mean, does it evolve?


September 04, 2015 12:28

157 posts(s)


How long do players hold a grudge? What if I try to renegotiate the contract way before the renewal date…will the player ever forgive me?

Apparently some starred players are asking for significantly higher wages than they currently earn. Big risk here!

My fear is losing starred players just because I don’t know what is the base offer for such a player!


September 04, 2015 09:15

639 posts(s)



My negotiation strategy (quite succesful in keeping low wages) was to offer very low wages and reject the offer of the player many times. I guess I have to change that :P


September 04, 2015 07:10

4,300 posts(s)



The new player negotiation model is in place. Next time you make an offer to one of your players be mindful he might not like it and just quit negotiations with you. We have several different player negotiation profiles in place, meaning different players may behave different when negotiation with you. Basically they will be more or less tolerant in terms of how much less from their expected wage they will accept, how low your offer can be and how many counter offers they will accept before getting annoyed and stopping negotiating with you.

Mass messages have been sent in-game as well as a reminder so that everyone is aware. If a player does not want to negotiate with you it means you will have to sell him or let him go (if he is yours) or forget about hiring him for some time (probably long enough for him to go to another team).



September 03, 2015 20:12

96 posts(s)


Thanks for your answer and the clarification.


September 03, 2015 00:21

4,300 posts(s)



Ah, very interesting question. The players won’t proactively want to leave just yet, the scenarios to be included soon will be:
1) Your contract offer was too low and considered unacceptable, he won’t renew the contract
2) You rejected his counter offers too many times and haven’t reached an agreement, he won’t renew the contract
3) You let his morale reach a critical level, he won’t renew the contract when the time comes (regardless of what you do)


September 02, 2015 16:39

96 posts(s)


Just to clarify, are you saying that players might want to leave if you offer them a joke of a contract, but as long as you offer a good contract they will stay? Or is it possible for a player just to decide that they have had enough of the club and feel it is time to move on before you even decide to offer a contract?


September 02, 2015 11:19

4,300 posts(s)



Yes, even before morale is implemented the new contract negotiation model may cause players to not want to renew contracts if your initial offer is not good enough or if you extend the negotiation for too long (too many counter proposals). After morale is implemented they may want to leave the club (not renew) if they are too low on morale. It will become even more exciting when we allow transfer proposals to non-listed players, but that’s not coming just yet.


September 01, 2015 12:21

96 posts(s)


With regard to contract negotiations, will it be feasible for players to not want to stay at a club? At present I don’t think a player ever asks to leave a club, with the introduction of morale and bigger squad sizes will this make certain players want to move on to other clubs rather than just stay at one club util the manager doesn’t want them? If this feature were implemented it might also spice the transfer market up a little.


September 01, 2015 11:32

4,300 posts(s)



We decided to initially implement player morale related to match participation only. In other words, players that don’t play enough official matches will have bad morale and may eventually decide that it’s best to leave the club. We’ll give all the details when it’s released.

In addition to that I’m working on enhanced player negotiation behavior. That generally means that during a contract negotiation players may decide to stop negotiating if there are too many counter offers or if your initial offer is too low (you may hurt their feelings) and may even accept some counter offers that are close enough to what they expected (no more asking for 13010 when you already offered 13000!). We’ll have several different negotiation profiles meaning you’ll experience different negotiation behaviors when negotiating contracts. The main point to take here is that, once this is included in the game, you need to be more careful with your initial contract offer or you may end up with a player that DOES NOT WANT TO RENEW HIS CONTRACT!


August 31, 2015 12:08

4,300 posts(s)



You can now see player stars in the scout search results. In addition to that I’ve finished the changes mentioned before were star players will lose, at most, one star level per season and the country ranking will determine the number of star players for the teams of a given country.


August 31, 2015 05:26

4,300 posts(s)



I really doubt, I never stay that long in a club :-)


August 31, 2015 05:19

4,300 posts(s)



@Dimitri/Joseppi: Completely agree there are too few injuries. We had a plan to add “training” injuries and then evaluate the impact, but clearly that has never made it to the game. Last season I even set my physio to 0, which should never be the case for a top quality team. And age already have an effect on the likelihood of getting injured.

@Sniff: I also agree with this and we have a major re-design of the player evolution model planned that will, among other things, address this. At the moment the players evolve in a predictable and linear way most of the time, this is one of the things we aim to change. This is not next in line yet as we have player morale (yes, it’s true this time) and enhanced contract negotiations to develop first, but definitely a very good candidate for third in line as far as major features go.


August 30, 2015 02:45

1,003 posts(s)



The negotiation functionality has made its way to our RubySoccer mobile website, and our hardware & software infrastructure has gone through upgrades. According to our service provider this should increase the website’s performance (any feedback is welcome).


August 29, 2015 22:21

639 posts(s)



Yeah, it seems logical that the chance to get injured should (also) depend on age. I don’t know if this is already the case?


August 29, 2015 16:55

96 posts(s)


By the same token, should there not be such a punishment on playing young players, it seems to me that you have to buy old ageing players to do well whereas in real life this isn’t the case at all.


August 29, 2015 09:39

296 posts(s)


Agreed, injuries are rarely seen and when they are the player has recovered in two turns.


August 29, 2015 08:52

639 posts(s)



There are very few injuries in this game. To please people, that is good, because no one likes to have injured players. But what’s the use of physiotherapy then? Very little.

Wouldn’t having more injuries make the game more challenging? And realistic?