Polls Results

Subscribe to Polls Results 49 post(s), 8 voice(s)


July 01, 2009 21:31

4,301 posts(s)



Would you like to have a World Cup with clubs similar to the FIFA World Cup for National squads? This way teams from South America and Europe could face each other more often and the country ranking would be more realistic.
184 (78%) Yes, but keep the current international competitions somehow.
25 (10%) No, keep it the way it is, this competition does not exist in real life.
24 (10%) Yes, and get rid of the current international competitions so this new one fits in the schedule.
4 (2%) No Answer
Total votes: 237


September 10, 2014 10:19

4,301 posts(s)



What would you like us to change or introduce in the game?

20% – Change match engine from simulation to statistics based
33% – Bring back the club money balance
20% – Finish introducing player morale
10% – Increase the number of clubs in the Club World Cup
11% – Management cycles: after a fixed number of seasons everyone has to apply for jobs again
6% – No Answer

I’ll focus the little time I have on bringing back the money concept. At the same time I’ll try to introduce some measures to contain inflation. I’ll try to keep the transfer and wage budgets at the same time, if possible.



September 10, 2014 18:29

828 posts(s)


and investments ? i would like to see: investments stay, a return of the club money and have player moral


September 11, 2014 04:10

96 posts(s)


There was mention that squad sizes might be increased or the limit on the number of players being removed at some point, I think this was at the same time as player moral was meant to be rolled out. Is this idea of an increased squad size still being thought about or considered?


September 11, 2014 12:02

4,301 posts(s)



We’ll keep investments and put back the club money concept. I still need to figure out a way to keep the transfer and wage budgets at the same time, but if it proves to be too complicated I’ll just get rid of them, at least for now.

The squad size limit should be removed once player morale is implemented. As we have a very limited amount of time to dedicate to the game at the moment we are trying to focus on one thing at a time and the highest priority from the poll seems to be the club money, followed by player morale and match engine.


September 23, 2014 16:22

340 posts(s)


Oh, you chose the toughest of all features to change.
That one needs serious design dude.

For example people will abuse it to buy free/cheap mediocre players and sell it for twice the money, so you have to add penalties on morale so as I see it you have to release the MORALE enabled at the same time.

Some other considerations to make:

1) When buying a player what will the player have impact on:

a) Role model for younger players (max skill + 5%?)
b) Wage issues with other players, similar skilled will want a new contract to match the new guys pay
c) If more than 3 players on certain position, morale will go down on certain players, as will their development ratio

2) Answer to this logical question: was this a good move for the club?
a) see 1/c
b) skill/potential-wise is this player better than the rest of the players already in the club?
c) set an arbitrary nr of years/season before player is sell-able, depending on the quality of the player?!
- need to explain this one. Normally a manager should be able to bid on ANY player, even if player is not transferlisted. 2c will ensure that certain players can not be bid on for a certain period of time, if the player is too good for the club.

3) Answer to this logical question: was this a good move for the player?
a) yes money is great, role promised is captaincy and highest earner clause is ON.
b) specially 32+ year old players, can jump into coaching later on, and I realize this is asking for a feature, but this can be explored
c) age/skill/country-wise is it interesting for a player to move to your club? The big-club thing in SoccerSim comes into mind..

4) Answer to this logical question: is the player willing to work for you?
a) what kind of manager are you? a Developer of stars, “Cow trader”, a winner of titles?
b) depending on ages/skill the player could change view in his life and may change opinion about you?
c) newspaper feature bump, player interview where player stating that he would want to work with manager/club/league…shouldn’t be too hard to implement.

Bringing back just the money will change nothing, sure you could save 5Bn and buy whoever but that brings back the reason to cheat.
Some thoughts anyway.



September 29, 2014 12:04

4,301 posts(s)



Yeah, I agree with you Berhan, introducing the money back will bring with it problems we wanted to get rid of (inflation, cheating) so we will have to introduce something else with it. I like your suggestions here and might pick some of them to start with, such as wage match by other players and lower morale for having too many players of the same position. It is probably the toughest on the list, but also the one I feel needed working the most as having no money balance had more negative than positive impacts overall, even though introducing the Investments was something I really liked.



October 15, 2014 10:51

4,301 posts(s)



As you guys may have guessed from my lack of updates I haven’t been able to spend much time on RubySoccer development in the last couple weeks. I’ve been working extra hours on my “real life” job and have been completely drained of energy to work here. I was even fired for inactivity on MediumTicker…lol


October 27, 2014 02:10

828 posts(s)


/carecup empty


October 27, 2014 08:31

31 posts(s)



Right now players retire at age 36-40 years.
I think its kinda unrealistic, specially when players lost to much skills after age of 30.
An exception would be for star player to retire at older age but at max 36 or even at 34.
When the player reaches older age he will get diffirent position/role to play.

You could maybe add a change that will force managers to sell players at earlier stage of the players career.
Money is worthless right now.
Managers need options to spend money, not just buying /selling bad players.


November 10, 2014 20:36

828 posts(s)


what the fuck

IS IT THAT HARD ? one post


November 11, 2014 15:32

340 posts(s)


Guys, this IS so cruel, should we let Davison know that then whole thing is setup to piss him off?!



November 11, 2014 19:44

828 posts(s)


berhan take your isis supporting ass and go fuck yer self


November 14, 2014 10:53

340 posts(s)


On the other hand, let’s keep the charade a bit longer, maybe he will commit suicide soon.


November 18, 2014 08:41

340 posts(s)


Your spelling sucks as usual but who cares, also you should try typing that in the right forum then we would know why you are silent. ;)


December 05, 2014 10:31

4,301 posts(s)



Berhan and Davison showing some love as usual.

It is hard to come to the forums when I haven’t completed what I intended yet. Of course I spend some time in game as I do that as a past time as I would any other online game. On the bright side, spending time playing RubySoccer made it even more clear to me that fixing the economy is truly the highest priority.



December 17, 2014 22:04

828 posts(s)


haway ffs lets get shit going again lad :)


April 20, 2015 06:14

4,301 posts(s)



What is/would be your preferred way to interact with the game developers and the RubySoccer community?

41% Game Forum
24% In-game Messages
16% Chat (to be developed)
10% Facebook
7% No Answer
1% Twitter

Interesting, looks like people prefer to stay in the website when interacting and don’t really bother about getting updates from external sources such as Facebook and Twitter. That’s actually good news as we can stay here longer and focus in the forum for announcements and discussions while using Facebook for less important stuff or as a second source of news.


April 25, 2015 09:59

4,301 posts(s)



What is your opinion about the club money return so far?

26% I like it the way it is.
23% No Answer
21% I prefer the game the way it was before.
13% I like it but we should have no transfer budget.
13% I like it but we should have a higher transfer budget.
4% I like it but we should not have wage limit.

Let’s crunch some numbers. If we group the “I like it” answers we have 56% of the managers saying they like the return of the club money against 21% who prefer the way it was before and 23% of undecided, don’t know yet, either way is fine. It saddens me to see the high number of people who didn’t like it, but at the same time we have more than twice that number that liked it, which shows me we are on the right track again and with a few more tweaks we can make those 21% happier.

Now, within the 56% happy ones, a little bit more than half would like to see some improvements, mainly with regards to the transfer budget. I could probably see it coming and I’ve said multiple times the numbers used were experimental, so I’m more than happy to experiment a bit more and increase it, for the next season if possible. Please keep your feedback coming, there is always room for improvements!



April 25, 2015 11:32

803 posts(s)


I dont think you should change it right now. People are saying you should because the budget this season is too low. You should only consider the values next season, as this one has the big reset in it.

My team has 27M this moment, and the board estimates to give me 20M budget with a 10 investment level. I think is more than enough, maybe even too much…


April 26, 2015 04:14

4,301 posts(s)



That amount is because I changed it already so we could see the new estimates ;-)
Anyone else care to share? I’ll share mine:
13M – budget estimate of 7.9M at level 8
16M – budget estimate of 5.8M at level 4

Yeah…it does sounds like too much…maybe I’ll try something in between.


April 26, 2015 07:49

639 posts(s)



FT: 27M – 17M, level 7 (1st place 1st league)
MT: 9M – 1.3M, level 1 (last place 2nd league) (also wage limit 0!)


April 27, 2015 09:48

4,301 posts(s)



Alright, switched the transfer budget again to something in between the values for the current season and the previous adjustments I did for which we posted the numbers. My budget estimate on FT is now 6.8M at level 8 and on MT it is 5.5M at level 4. I’ve got a bit more money on both now as I’ve sold some players, otherwise the difference from my previous post would be a bit bigger.


April 27, 2015 17:31

31 posts(s)



FT Transfer Budget (estimate) 9 $13,671,961
MT Transfer Budget (estimate) 10 $11,653,557


April 27, 2015 17:43

803 posts(s)


Well, mine is bigger. I have almost the same 27m. Estimate budget of 22M level 10


September 09, 2015 13:22

4,301 posts(s)



Poll about player skills reduction is now close, here are the results:

28% Yes, go for it!
9% Yes, you can reduce 10 points if you want.
8% Yes, but I think you should reduce only 3 points instead.
21% No, leave it the way it is and fix in the long term.
28% No, leave it the way it is and don’t change anything.
6% No answer

45% of the managers would like to see some immediate changes in player skills whereas 49% don’t. As far as fixing future players, 66% of the managers would like something to be done (all the ones that would like an immediate change plus the ones that would like future changes only) and 28% think things are good the way they are. Given these results I have slightly reduced the spread of player skills and reduced the odds of lower ranked countries generating players that have high values in all skills. No immediate changes for now.

Thanks for participating!


September 28, 2015 00:44

4,301 posts(s)



Contract Negotiations

With 96% of manager participation in the poll, here are the results:

11% – I think players should not have a say, change it back to what it was
25% – Keep the system but change it a little bit, players are being too harsh
26% – Add a Negotiations investment area to advise the salary that should be offered to a player
30% – Don’t change anything just yet, let’s experiment a bit more
8% – No answer

So you can see that 81% of the managers want the system in, at least for now, but the majority of those would like to either tweak it down so players are not too harsh or enhance it via the Negotiations investment area. For now we’ll please the 30% that would like to experiment a bit more and our preference is to add the Negotiations investment area (as is for 26% of the managers) so if opinions don’t change when we get to develop it that’s the approach we are going to use.



February 25, 2016 03:55

4,301 posts(s)



Next Enhancement

With little more than 80% of manager participation we already know the option that came first:

55% Allow contract offers to players that are not transfer listed
22% Better player match rating calculation
12% Something else
8% Money replacing investment points to improve and maintain club facilities
3% No Answer

Already started on it, but it will obviously take some time to be done properly. I may start a forum topic to discuss it or if anyone else has something to add about it feel free to create one.


February 26, 2016 14:09

13 posts(s)


Great outcome! It’s definitely related to my suggestion. And I agree, offering a contract is much more direct. Does it somehow relate to player morale of the player you’ try to buy? Or doesn’t this makes sense, now it’s immediately up to the player to decide to leave or not? I like the idea of the number of outstanding contract-requests that influence the moral of the current squad. You should definitely build this in in order to keep control of managers going to the market too much. Good luck with the implementation!


February 27, 2016 04:13

4,301 posts(s)



Yep, your suggestion made me bring improvement forward from our backlog and I’m also happy to see it coming first in the poll. Check out this topic where I’ve outlined how I plan to implement this feature: http://rubysoccer.com/forums/1/topics/2958