Ah, but keeping inflation in check will not be achieved by limiting the transfer price. People can still have hundreds of millions and pay 4 millions for a good player, if that’s the limit for instance. We’ll have to worry about inflation as a separate issue, that’s for sure. We need a way for managers to spend extra money, when they have it.
keep inflation incheck hello0 ?
What I don’t understand is why allowing high transfer prices bothers you so much Davison if nobody will pay those prices. Maybe in a few seasons some teams will have that much money and will be willing to spend it on outstanding players, so why put a limit now and remove it or increase it later? The estimated value is just a number to give people a rough idea and a baseline for clubs without managers.
well the reason i put my players on transfer at such a price is a stab at gabriel so he finally fookn listens and if he wants a player est 4mil then only let him be sold for 4 mil. thats the only way i see any progress. if our budgets are going to be so shitely low then do not allow higher than value sold…however to do so it would take gabriel to finally fix it and not just sticker over hte problem… …thats my opinion
fair enough ?
yup yet still ignored
Good to see the AI not paying for below average players. I like all the changes so far apart from the transfer budget part. I would rather have just one budget that I have to manage but that’s just my opinion.
Can managers also stop putting stupid transfer values on average players? Most teams have between 3-10million to spend not 15-30mil depending were you look.
Had the same issue. I guess no one has the money to go buying players yet
Did anything change in buying/selling players and AI teams? I had the idea that in the past some AI team would buy your player if the price was lower than the value. No luck so far with my two decent 21 yr olds though. Or do I just have to be more patient?
Edit: Perhaps I should have, after lowering the price for the fifth time I finally got bids on one of the players :)
I see you’re currently selling a couple players but they’re not great. I mean, one has awesome secondary skills, which could be attractive, but he’s already 31. The other one is a promising young player, but not everyone is looking for that.
I suppose to begin with it will be only easier to sell great players, but of course you will want to keep them most of the time. Some smaller teams may be interested on average players, especially AI managed teams, but it will depend on what they can afford at the moment. Maybe others can give you better advice as I’m not a great seller myself :-P
Selling players is a mechanism I have not yet worked out how to do properly. I need to get some space for a youth guy coming up, any advice?
The logic behind the money given to teams initially was random but constrained to the fact that it should leave the team in a regular economy situation. I’ve seen rich teams that are struggling to make money and small teams that are getting lots of money, so I’m not overly concerned. Overall the money is increasing in the game and soon the initial money loaded won’t matter anymore.
because im a better manager and have saved money and not splurged on shite
and have enough points for investments
I still wonder: how is it possible that Davison (who is not doing a good job according to the newspaper, so approval rating very low) has more money than my team? I have an approval rating of 95%, very good economy, good results. Just because England has a higher country ranking than The Netherlands?
Davison, you don’t get it. Face this as a reset on game economy. It was shitty before and we are fixing it by bringing back the money, which is what everyone (including you) wanted. Clubs will not have a lot of money to start with, but with good management (and any necessary adjustments from us) they should improve and be able to afford more players.
Forget about what you had in the past seasons, that was a different economy model that we tested and didn’t work out. At least now I can see some meaningful transfers going on that require more thought into them because money is a finite resource once again. Player values are just estimates, people are free to bid as much as they want (or can afford) on players.
How did Davison (who would complain no matter what) get that much money?
that makes zero sense for 3 straight seasons ive recieved 300m and 2 of which i spent nothing of it. yet i start this season with a shitty 14m in club money and a 4m transfer
gabriel your killing this game mate.
your not tackling the problem your compounding it
fix the players values and max someone can be sold. ie make it that no one can be sold past thier player value. make the player values absolute and thats that. no one has any money now and theres fuck all on the market anyway. shit players everywhere
shame managersim doesnt have a fast tick
Also, player values were reduced to reflect the new reality, if that proves not to be enough we can always adjust them. If money increases in the game over time I’m sure people will start selling players for higher values.
level 10 = 4m transfer budget with the amount of money your team currently has. Remember the transfer budget value is now attached to your money balance, it’s not a separate value you have to spend on players, any players you buy will deduct money from your money balance AND from the transfer budget. Similarly, selling players will add money to the club balance AND to the transfer budget, the difference being that only a % of the sale goes to the budget (determined by the corresponding investment level).
That said, the budget left is not carried over because there is nothing to carry over, it will be re-calculated based on your money balance and the level chosen. Does that answer your question?
so level 10 = 4m transfer budget. put a max on players transfer price then . make it you cant sell for higher than value.
also if i dont spend this 4m ( pathetic) does that mean next season i retain this ?
( the answer most likely in rubysoccer logic is no)
large stadium, check
transfer budget check
Olá Rodrigo,
Não tem problema escrever em português, só peço que crie um novo tópico colocando [pt] na frente do título, como fiz, pra não haver confusão. Quanto ao que aconteceu com seu time preciso investigar, o budget não deveria ficar negativo. Isso implica apenas que vc não poderá comprar jogadores até a definição do próximo budget na próxima temporada. O budget é apenas uma restrição imposta pelo clube para que o treinador não gaste mais dinheiro do que devia em compras de jogadores.
Postado por Rodrigo Pinho:
Olá Gabriel, eu pouco entro no fórum e fiquei em dúvida. Não fiz nada de extraordinário e meu time apresenta um índice negativo que me deixou com a pulga atrás da orelha.
Seu Desempenho: 100%
Dinheiro: $13,379,016 (regular)
Transfer Budget: $-1,505,637
Wage Limit: $1,844,330
Current Wage Total: $926,136
Esse índice negativo está correto?
No que isso implica?
O que fazer para acertar as finanças?
(desculpe por escrever em português, mas é a língua que consigo me expressar)
Just upgraded all of our software infrastructure. This shouldn’t make much difference to you users, but please let us know if you experience any problems.
That means stadium plays an important role on your income now, so during investments level selection you should try to get a decent size without aiming too high so that you don’t have to pay too much for maintenance without using the full capacity. The fact that you get less money when you have a not so good squad mimics the real life challenge of turning a small/medium club into a big one. Sometimes you may have to sell a star player to get more money.
If with time we realize such challenge is impossible we’ll make the necessary adjustments ;-)
So do these changes mean that as I have a tiny stadium, I will not be able to get any significant revenue?
My normal club home matches would not draw a big crowd, so does that mean that I have a real limit to how good a squad I can afford?
@Fabio: sure thing! So, the ticket price is 10 for all matches, except for club world cup where it is 20. The attendance depends on the type of match, the quality of the teams involved, their position (if league) or competition stage (if cup or international). The home team position and quality has much more influence than the visitor, but both play a role. Oh, for league matches your division matters as well. To sum up:
- League matches will attract more public if the home team is in a good position currently
- Cup matches will attract more public the closest we get to the final
@Filipe: I know it’s too early, just anxious to see how it plays out! I’m also very happy to be back working on the game.
To soon to give you feedback about the changes, but already happy to see you guys back to “work” in RS :D
Gabriel, can you comment on ticket revenue?
What is the ticket price for the different types of matches (friendlies, league, cup, international…)? What is the attendance for each match? What factors can affect those? Does the team we play against have any impact?
I was surprised to see that I had $600k revenue in Medium Tick and only $175k in Fast. Both teams play in Brazil Serie A, both have a 100k stadium size, and in both the Board approval is >95%
Also glad money was introduced!
@Dimitri: yes, they both still play their usual roles. The main differemce is that transfer budget will be calculated based on your money instead of having the old crazy high values. I should also mention that stadium level will determine your stadium size as well now.
@chaos: I am sure you will see the benefits of having a money balnce to drive the club finance. It adds a new level of planning amd strategy to the game. The way it was nobody cared much about spending money and selling players was not much worth it. Wages can be adjusted if they prove not be at the right levels yet.
As it turned not worth continuing , I prefer to come back as it was before . 300 million my club got 3 million. Wages have not abated . So there was
Wow, I need to read the front page at log in. My bad!
Yes, I see your point, managing in Croatia was tough. Especially was when I started, Croatia was ranked last in all countries. I had to adopt a technique of patience. I found youth players with potential and developed them. Now after many (10?) seasons, Many youth have developed into players with great skill. Selling some off at the right time also helped me to improve my team.
Thanks for your patience, and great game,
Nice to see money back! But does the transfer budget still play a role? And the percentage at ‘Money from players sold added to transfer budget’?