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November 16, 2007 10:44

40 posts(s)


I would say that the next reset, which I hope it will be not so soon, could have some adjustments.

Thank you for your replies.


November 16, 2007 10:10

4,296 posts(s)



If most of you guys feel this way I’d have no problem in restarting the game with countries “all the same” regarding players skills (which would influence starting money as Samir pointed out).



November 16, 2007 10:09

40 posts(s)


Ok, that makes things more balanced. But don’t forget our players are not that good, so we have to buy foreign players in order to build a stronger team and compete with other countries, so we are hiring bigger wages.

… And the players that others foreign teams want to get rid off (the bad players), are better than almost any player in our team. I have bought 4 to my team.

But ok, I will deal with that :).


November 16, 2007 09:49

55 posts(s)



Once they create a board with objectives for the team, we will all get fired eventually. So we will have like real life: the coaches changing from one team to the other.


November 16, 2007 09:44

55 posts(s)




The initial money is based on the total salary of your team. Because players in portugal are not that good right now, the salary is smaller. Then the initial money is smaller too. On the other hand, the stadium size is the same everywhere. Because portugal has a small payrole, you guys can accumulate money faster.



November 16, 2007 09:11

40 posts(s)


What I am saying bellow shouldn’t be read as complains. :) It’s only a opinion.

In certain point manuel rocha is right. For example our coin is stronger than brazil. In real life “rains” brazilian players in portuguese league because we can afford to pay more in Portugal. Why does Portugal start with less money than brazil? A first divison team in Portugal starts with less money than a second division team in Brazil. That is not fair!

And Portugal rank is the worse, why? At a inicial point they all should be equal and then it should flow according to the results. Real life ranks started at zero too. And now, if there is a country with more rank its because it deserve it.

Our players are not so good in real life, but maybe their skill (in rubysoccer) are a little lower than the expected. We still have some good players in real life.

I hope you’ll understand my concern. I want to play and spent some effort in a league where I know that I can have a chance to succeed.

Ricardo Marques


November 16, 2007 08:59

123 posts(s)




November 16, 2007 08:57

123 posts(s)


So, ok, you the owner of the game, and no problem
I will change the country (by my FCPORTO)
I enjoy the game


November 16, 2007 08:54

4,296 posts(s)



Yes, for every country manuel. The country skills were initialized based on the country ranking, that’s why Portugal has the worse players. What is important to mention is that with dynamic country skills the countries tend only to be more balanced, as the startup situation will be the greatest difference allowed between all countries.

Regarding attendance the difference will hardly be noticed, and the teams who are in good positions on their leagues will probably get full stadiums. About your 15000 attendance in the cup, that happened because we’re in the first rounds of the cup, the attendance increases as we move to the final stages.



November 16, 2007 08:49

4,296 posts(s)



Just one more thing, 17 years old youths already start a little bit improved compared to 16 years old ones, that’s why they do not evolve without playing a few matches.


November 16, 2007 08:47

123 posts(s)


Slower? For every countrys?
I,m from Porto, and my team in MediumTicker, is F.C.PORTO (Porto team is my first (love) and everythink)
But, Porto and others portuguese teams, started with 850000 in the bank. The “others” more than 2000000
How about the attendance? Will be the same? The players? almost the same
My first cup game had 15000 attendance
If this will be like this, tell me. I will find another country
Love its not everything for me, i,m too old (means too young) for that:)
I,m allways thinking that the best thing is:
“Same” oportunitys for all, because we all just started now, together
Then the diference would be in the merchandise..
And about the attendance, all the same, for all, at least in this season (fair for all), and just after this season, could think about diferent attendance, because before that, all had the same chances…
Just my opinion


November 16, 2007 08:27

1,003 posts(s)



nope. but your player do have to play at least 30 minutes to make it count.

there is no way to see this potential right now, but we will probably implement something to at least give a hint. i dont like the way this was done in managersim, so when the time comes i will try to come up with something better. you guys are free to give suggestions :) .


November 16, 2007 06:28

13 posts(s)


Do “normal” games (ie league and cup) count more to this “level” than a friendly? I’ve had a youth player in my squad for 5 games now and haven’t seen any improvement.

Is there any way to see if a player still has “Potential”? Some sort of report that gives a general reasoning (“This player could be a much better midfielder”, “This player is unlikely to be a better striker” or “This player is at the peak of his game”)


November 16, 2007 05:07

4,296 posts(s)



Nao tem como transferir a equipe pra alguém Luis, o jeito é se demitir e deixar os tecnicos competirem novamente já que nao tera tempo de cuidar do time.


There is no way to transfer to team to someaone Luis, the only way is to resign and let the managers compete again as you won’t have time to take care of the team.



November 16, 2007 05:04

4,296 posts(s)



They do, we made that slower because players were reaching their maximum too fast.


November 16, 2007 05:02

387 posts(s)


yeah, it’s a bit frustrating. at least the youths should grow with some match experience.


November 16, 2007 02:51

1 posts(s)


Ppl, no meio de vinte e tal candidatos,(e eu fui um dos ultimos a candidatar-me), calhou-me a mim a dificil tarefa de manter o bom nome do Benfica que tanto estimo. Mas, como não percebo nada disto, e não tenho muito tempo para cuidar da equipa, acho melhor passar a pasta a quem perceba, não sei como posso entregar a equipa a alguém que a trate bem mas gostava que fosse parar às mãos de alguém que tenha tempo e goste como eu do Benfica.
Cumprimentos, Luis Roque SLB Forever!!!


November 16, 2007 02:14

123 posts(s)


Before, in Beta games, after the games, many players improved a “lot”
Now, just few players, and very little, and, because almost they worst, not so funny
Possible to change that a little?


November 15, 2007 10:12

4,296 posts(s)



Yes. Basically the 16 years old players are the only ones that start on level 1, with no experience at all. 17 years old players already have some experience and a little less to evolve (but still a reasonable potential), that’s why they need a few matches before increasing their attributes. Non youth players that were generated in the beginning are already around the middle of their evolutionary path, so they need to play a little more before evolving.

Also, there were some changes to how much the player skills go up when they evolve. This value went from 3-5 to 1-3. If a player evolves 3 points, these points will be distributed among the attributes where the player still has potential to evolve (a single attribute can take all the 3 points).

In Beta 1 and Beta 2, the players were reaching their maximum with a few matches, that’s why we decided to change the system. Personally I think it is much better now, but let’s see how it works in the long term.



November 15, 2007 09:42

301 posts(s)



i’ve played a a couple of games with my team in fast ticker. Unlike last time the worlds were started, this time around my players aren’t going up as fast. Have you guys made any changes to player rating fluctuation?


November 15, 2007 06:27

637 posts(s)


Ok thanks. That’s what I thought.


November 15, 2007 05:41

11 posts(s)


sorry, didnt know that


November 15, 2007 04:42

4,296 posts(s)



On friendlies the money is 50%-50% jmoreira :)



November 15, 2007 03:52

11 posts(s)


Its ok now
After this he invited me to play a friendly at my home
But i think that the solution, out or away, is that the money allways be 50%-50%


November 15, 2007 03:44

11 posts(s)


From: joao oliveira
Subject: Re: friendly

What is that?
Just at home?

""Sorry, but i need to my players get usually to home stadium. :)""


November 15, 2007 03:40

11 posts(s)


From: V. Guimarães
Subject: Friendly Rejected
V. Guimarães has rejected our friendly invitation for turn 14

From: V. Guimarães
Subject: Friendly Accepted
V. Guimarães has accepted our friendly invitation for turn 16



November 15, 2007 03:37

11 posts(s)


What can we say about people that reject away friendys and accept the home friendlys? Have some doing this!!!!


November 15, 2007 02:59

4,296 posts(s)



International Cups start in season 2.


November 15, 2007 02:58

4,296 posts(s)



Looks like a bug on friendly invitations :-(

Thanks for reporting.


November 15, 2007 02:58

4,296 posts(s)



I’m not sure if there is any player with such high rating on this start, but if not there are probably a few (not as much as we had in Beta 1 and Beta 2) that will evolve to these high ratings. All generated players have some potential to evolve (of course non youth players have less potential and will evolve slower).
