I have loads of free spaces!
I am planing to define my transfer budget to zero at the beginning of the season. Will the
team performance be impacted by a zero transfer budget? Doesn’t make sense to me …
Careful with those infected teams… To be sure, scheduled with me, I always wear protection when friendling…
Just to confirm, a friendly gives you 1 xp point. The result or quality of it all is irrelevent. You get 1 xp point regardless.
Now more than ever, the best place to buy players:
Both players improving, maxim price I can list them only, of course :D
EDITED: I’ve fill up my friendlies.
looking for QUALITY teams to book up all my friendlies.
invite away :)
I agree with Rui, would say for those who take the “starting with youngsters” strategy at some point even they need to get some better players. I know I do. Forming a team with many great talents dont garantee you get many top ones. I used to sell many of those great ones for great values, and be abble to buy one top player. Right now you wont find even a nice developed player in the market, and I believe things will get worse if nothing is done. You can say the game is playable without that, but for many managers dealing was a great part of the game, and if we can have both forming and dealing strategies, why shouldn’t we?..
Sly, you didn’t sell your stars because you could have money from selling other good players (which is fine) or the shity ones to cpu teams (which is the biggest problem RS economy has, i keep saying).
there was a time when cpu teams wouldn’t buy and i had to sell some very good players to buy others. (the way market was i even had to sell some stars to have around 800m so i could buy other star, to a different position)
you never sold your stars and that’s why you didn’t have much money usually. that’s a strategy, perfect, exactly as it should be. strategy. you don’t have that need now, the way i see it. what do you do? you form players, which is what you like most and that’s why you like this new model: the market is close and you don’t mind to wait 7 seasons to build a new team from start and then fight 5 to 8 seasons for titles and then start all over again. i think that is pretty cool, as you know, but there are other ways to play the game and i don’t believe all of us should go on the same direction. but the way the game is, your way it’s the only way. i say, ok, let’s do it, but it’s not a step up but a step down (in my opinion, of course, might be wrong).
“What is important is that you can still convince the smaller teams to sell their 1 super star for a lot of money in order to buy 3-4 good players in return.”
seems to me you are trying to see what doesn’t exists, but no problem with that :) it’s you defending the new model :)
good luck in MU
Lince, worry about your own team, which would be enough to give you an headache. i believe i don’t comment in the forum all the things you do with your team, nor the players you buy, etc… so…
Lince, mantém-te ocupado com os assuntos da tua equipa que já tens pano para mangas. eu também não ando a comentar aqui no forum sobre o que fazes com as tuas equipas… nem os jogadores que compras, etc…
I would like to point out 1 important thing I’m not sure everyone is realizing. I think lots of managers now feel the market is dead, since there is no incentive to sell your players. I think people are forgetting 1 thing. I’m not sure how often other ‘big clubs’ sold great players, since I feel this wasn’t the case that often. Most of the time the good big clubs don’t want to sell their best players. I mean, why should they? I noticed plenty of kickass strikers with some of my competitors, but let’s face facts, why on earth would they ever sell to me? There is more than money in rubysoccer :). They usually have a lot of money already, so there never was an incentive for them to sell anyway. At least there never was for me anyway. I never sold my own stars. I think this issue will always remain. What is important is that you can still convince the smaller teams to sell their 1 super star for a lot of money in order to buy 3-4 good players in return. I also agree with something Rui Antunes said. I also think it sux CPU teams sometimes have kickass superstars who will retire there. This game is about humans, so the CPU’s are here for our amusement. I think those players should be in the TL from time to time and not get ‘wasted’ on a CPU team. With managersim you could offer money for players from the CPU and from time to time they would accept your offer. Perhaps this could be an idea for the future?
Now when I had a ‘big club’, there were plenty of players who I fully developed but who did not reach a CL competing level. However, those players are more than good enough for the lower teams to help them perform better, and thus get more board points etc etc. To get in to that ‘positive spiral’ so to say. I’ll leave the details to Gabriel, but what I’m thinking is that if smaller clubs don’t have a good budget, they should at least be able to get 80-100% for their sales. Thus they can ‘create’ a budget from players sold. Right now I’m a small club, but I simply could not put points in “money from sales’. So even though I had offers to sell certain “young stars”, I couldn’t since I am only getting 20% of the selling price. So if there is some way of tweaking it, that small teams with no budgets still get money from players sold, I think this could be a good change. Hopefully this way the bigger teams can still spend their big budgets and get those ‘superstars’. In return they can sell the lesser players for ‘cheap’ to the smaller teams. Maybe see it like a balancing scale? That you can’t have both. It’s either a big budget or lots of money from players sold.
@Will: thanks for letting us know, it is indeed a bug.
@Charles: you are right, the money will be deducted from the transfer budget. When it reaches zero the team performance will be impacted.
@Filipe: also true, and that’s probably the worst consequence of having exceeded the wage limit
This topic is a good read now that I’m back from holidays. I’ll just let the discussion continue for now and mention that we will consider all the feedback while improving the new system. The initial idea as I said is to convert the remaining transfer budget into board points somehow. I can’t promise it will be working next season as I have a business trip tomorrow and will be unable to work on RubySoccer for the rest of the week.
@manuel: no changes to the injuries frequency or duration yet; we want to make the physio area more important but as Filipe said we will announce it properly when we change it.
Good luck, but dont blame the game. You took to much risk with that wage, a decision you should know what could provoke…
By the way, if nothing else works you can sell him. They dont let you sell now because you have no other keeper in the team, the loaned one doesn’t count to them. Get him back or buy other kepper and you will be abble to sell this one. My advise, sell him next season if the wage limit doesn’t work…
The board allowed you the 490k wage because they had a certain value for the player, as he got older and maybe lost some skills they now have a lower value for him so the max wage allowed is lower too… From your post i take its even lower than what the player is willing to lose…
I think you can still renewal if you raise your wage limit (if you have it lower than 10) and renew contract after turn 13. Not sure thou, maybe Gabriel can confirm this…
Good luck, but dont blame the game. You took to much risk with that wage, a decision you should know what could provoke…
renewal of Dionysus G Bernardes, I think it inadmissible not let me give my salary I can give other players nor by the sale are due to Selema he gave for having commanded the 490, this is a problem of the game and are now boycotting the player, and he’ll go out of my team at no cost and I can neither sell nor renew when I can do with all the other players I ponder to leave the game. why not Cejo the problem of having players earn much more than others is the law of the market … it will happen again alias hen the goalkeeper is for free. sad
o guarda redes que comprei o bernades de 100 acho inadmissivel que nao me deixem renovar nem o vender, é o unico jogador que nao me deixam vender e nem dar um salario mais alto, nao tenho a culpa que o jogo deixe dar determinados ordenados isso é a lei do mercado e realista pois existem jogadores que ganham muito mais que outros na mesma equipa, agora este boicote é triste e assim pondero em deixar o jogo que jogo a 4 anos quer no fast como no medium…isto é triste
Selling in santa fe, prices negotiable.
Lince, essa era a ideia, rsrs.. comprar um jogador por temporada.
Já que eu não admito a hipotese de pagar um alto salário, eu prefiro pagar um valor grande pelo jogador.
Vou terminar a temporada com 470mi em caixa.
Filipe, the idea of high salaries affect the contract renewals did not prosper?
Can i offer super salaries that will not affect me in the future?
I’m using less than 50% of my wage limit.
We should only speak English in the forums, its the language everyone can read and write, better or worse.
I already said this but I see no problem in those rising values, if much is a signal the market is working. If the problem is inflation we could use other options like reducing the money available (for everyone) or players asking higher wages (an excellent idea Gabriel had to cancel because people protested simply for not being used to it).
Even so, doing all this there will always be situations like those 500k wage, if a manager really wants a player and can do that, why not? Players morale can be helpfull to prevent that but we should not rush it just because you couldn’t get one player because of that. So what if Rui got that player for 500k wage, think he’ll do it again? When boards points start to be a worry for people this situations will be even more rare.
Now, the problem with the transfer market is a whole other issue, I think this suggestion along with the board points benefits for saving money will help things to start working again, as they are right know its unbearable for most managers. You can only find old average players or young unimproved players in the market. The only way to mount a top team is by getting them when young and improve them. Instead of giving managers some other options we are forcing them to this path. Fine by me and others that always have done that, for most people not so fine…
Eu nao concordo; iriamos ter jogadoers a serem vendidos por milhoes e milhoes o que nao tem logica; a meu ver o irreal é o limite de salarios ser tao alto; ontem competi para comprar um jogador e foi para o Valladolid por 500 Mil de ordenado; para um jogador que nao vale tanto enfim… o problema do mercado estar morto é que os clubes estao cheios de dinheiro e logicamente nao querem vender e quem comprar nao pode porque nao ha nada de jeito; se isso continuar assim deveria haver melhoramento para evoluir os jovens do plantel e apostar na formacao; ou entao diminuir a facilidade com que as equipas tem dinheiro; eu acho que o dinheiro antes estava melhor pois obrigava o pessoal a vender para poder comprar; agora ninguem vende ou entao acaba se a comprar jogadores medianos por precos altos pois nao ha mais nada para comprar eheheh Felix o que interessa um unico atleta ? Vais comprar so um por epoca ???
Se eu oferecer um valor acima do pedido pelo jogador não adianta nada né?!
O que vale é o valor estipulado pelo vendedor.
EU concordo com o Filipe Silva.
Se não houver limites nos valores de transferências vai ficar muito melhor comprar e vender e fará sentido guardar dinheiro para investir em um único atleta.
Vaughn the ridiculous prices are the ones people are willing to pay, I already got agrement on several players but cant make no deal because this limit thing. With the est value so low and so much money available this is one big part of the sleeping market we now have.
Gabriel, this is simple to do no? We can give it a try and see how things go, if you dont like it put it back again :D
I dont think there has been any change, Gabriel would let us know. You’re just unlucky manuel… I continue to have no care for injuries, double yellow cards are much more offen than those.
It’s good though, otherwise physio is totally pointless.
No, not one or two games. Now is more than 10 and 20 turns…….and in the medium ticker…..its too much
Its realistic, they are only injured for one or two games max, makes u need a good squad.
And now, with the players injured so many turns, i,m getting angry…Sure
You wont be abble to renew contracts unless your team’s wages get lower than the limit… Be careful or you may need to fire someone to keep others…