why ask ? im looking for youth teams with 70’s avg @ 17-18 year old. its not rocket science.
dont play the ignorant card either acting liek you didnt know wtf you were really implying with your comments not only on this thread but others.
I was just trying to get to know what kind of teams you are looking for to play friendlies against. If you are going this way you can also fuck off and i won’t even bother again to try and get friendlies with you.
just fuck off already . stop trying to start shit.
Added a warning message when a reasonably high wage is offered to a player. This is to make sure managers double check their wage offers to make sure it was not a mistake, such as an extra 0 at the end of the value.
The maximum transfer price for a player has been raised from 3 to 4 times his estimated value. There are divided opinions about this change so this is an experiment made possible by the new economy model with the ultimate goal of removing the limit altogether (and maybe the estimated value as well, but let’s not go there yet). Let’s see how it goes.
The market is not completely dead because there are still managers doing crazy stuff like selling Andy Sullivan for 50M at season end. All the respect I have for François was questioned because of that sell. As the market is, can only be explained with some heavy drinking the night before :D
The players you speak Vaughn are mostly young ones being sold by CPU teams (fortunately they didn’t adapt as humans did). And you have that much competition because there are so few good players being sold that everyone is bidding any time one does.
can, but won’t ;) cause there are only a few at the market each season and lot’s of big fish going for them… if you found some, please tell me where :)
And what do you believe is good youth or the QUALITY you want to play against?
A div1 team can also buy 89/90 avr players :)
come on Vaughn, with all the respect, you manage a div 1 team. the market will never be dead for those teams, at least i hope. if that happens some day, it will be the end, a kind of RS final judge :)
The market isn’t dead. Every time i try to buy a player i want, someone else gets it with a higher wage offer. I have tried several of times to buy players and didn’t won. I even found a player in tick 9 i wanted, but didn’t have ti budget for. Guess what, after tick 13 the player was hired by an other club.
So in my opinion the market isn’t even close to dead.
hahaha, you got a real “branding” strategy going. I’m impressed :).
I don’t think he’ll make it to 88avr btw. I’m guessin 85-86 avr at about 600 skill points
I would say, keep this post active and update it in about 6 seasons, to see who was right? :)
Not really, only one sell to a CPU team, a couple proposals “over the counter” I can’t agree for now.
But I hope to get more attention now, most of this players are close to what they looked when started career so sometimes it gets difficult for people to see how they may become when fully improved. I’ve done the same when in MU and people really trusted my players, afraid they may have forgotten :D
For instance, take a look at Ueslei Ribeiro, 74 average skills, almost no improvment since he’s with me so I’m gessing around 70 average skills when started career… My bet, around 88 average when fully improved, what skills will he have? Dont know, will be sorry to lost him if he gets great at tackle, can become a great M-1
The most important question….did it help sell you stuff? :)
Nah, all pre formed teams, as Middlesbrough will Be to Davison in a few seasons.
Anyway, thanks guys for advertising the topic :D
You don’t, he does. Watching his titles and past clubs, i think he is mostly right about things ;)
dont see any one promising
Nah, too much OLD Trafford this days :P
Could buy you that Orsi kidd though…
You are ‘preaching’ lies though……."the best prospects the game has to offer’……..
That can’t be, since they are already at Old Trafford :)
You should call them ‘the second best prospects the game has to offer’ :))
lol the word should be gathering, thou gartering could be applied too, besides great players this guys also perform some very interesting shows at night :D
Garter (ing)
a. An elasticized band worn around the leg to hold up a stocking or sock.
What exactly is going on at Middlesbrough!?
I agree with Filipe but to start I think that it´s better to rise the actual limit (3) for 5 or 6 times players value and see what happens.
Best Regards
Diogo Silva
After a season of gartering some of the best prospects the game has to offer, Middlesbrough is now in the process of dealing players.
I’ll be listing some players, as usually I can’t be sure they will become great, but if some players will, this are the ones you should be betting…
Take a look:
Thanks for the tip, Luis. The name has been removed from the list so no more players will be generated with this name. I believe I have put together the list of names for Ecuador based on existing players or existing names…it seems the list I was using may have been compromised :-)
lol hahah too each his own.
filipe loves his name , i think he wishes he has such a name ?
Poor guy… maybe an american name so he could be happier, try Dick Lover…
Hi guys,
There are a player in mediumticker game named Chupapoyas Muñoz (http://www.rubysoccer.com/game/player_info/241353). I think these name is very unlucky because Chupapoyas means “suck cock” in spanish. It’s funny but not very appropriated.
i was lucky to find a midfielder whom matched what i was looking for… for a decent fair price. but thats after a complete season trying to buy such a player.
the market is dead
id rather my players play vs decent youth not crappy ones sly. not because i want them to earn more + but because i like my team to be challenged.
why must i justify every thing i decide ? this thread was simple. if you have a good youth team. send me friendlies. not that hard to comprehend.
No, yo simply wont have Money to buy players, only the Money you get by selling, Just a @% of that also. Define that till turn 13