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The Middlesbrough

Subscribe to The Middlesbrough 95 post(s), 13 voice(s)


March 21, 2013 22:12

803 posts(s)


After a season of gartering some of the best prospects the game has to offer, Middlesbrough is now in the process of dealing players.

I’ll be listing some players, as usually I can’t be sure they will become great, but if some players will, this are the ones you should be betting…

Take a look:


March 22, 2013 17:26

57 posts(s)


Garter (ing)
a. An elasticized band worn around the leg to hold up a stocking or sock.

What exactly is going on at Middlesbrough!?


March 22, 2013 17:57

803 posts(s)


lol the word should be gathering, thou gartering could be applied too, besides great players this guys also perform some very interesting shows at night :D


March 22, 2013 18:23

678 posts(s)


You are ‘preaching’ lies though……."the best prospects the game has to offer’……..

That can’t be, since they are already at Old Trafford :)

You should call them ‘the second best prospects the game has to offer’ :))


March 22, 2013 20:15

803 posts(s)


Nah, too much OLD Trafford this days :P

Could buy you that Orsi kidd though…


March 22, 2013 20:39

828 posts(s)


dont see any one promising


March 22, 2013 22:49

609 posts(s)


You don’t, he does. Watching his titles and past clubs, i think he is mostly right about things ;)


March 22, 2013 23:24

803 posts(s)


Nah, all pre formed teams, as Middlesbrough will Be to Davison in a few seasons.

Anyway, thanks guys for advertising the topic :D


March 23, 2013 08:39

678 posts(s)


The most important question….did it help sell you stuff? :)


March 23, 2013 10:10

803 posts(s)


Not really, only one sell to a CPU team, a couple proposals “over the counter” I can’t agree for now.

But I hope to get more attention now, most of this players are close to what they looked when started career so sometimes it gets difficult for people to see how they may become when fully improved. I’ve done the same when in MU and people really trusted my players, afraid they may have forgotten :D

For instance, take a look at Ueslei Ribeiro, 74 average skills, almost no improvment since he’s with me so I’m gessing around 70 average skills when started career… My bet, around 88 average when fully improved, what skills will he have? Dont know, will be sorry to lost him if he gets great at tackle, can become a great M-1


March 23, 2013 10:47

678 posts(s)


hahaha, you got a real “branding” strategy going. I’m impressed :).

I don’t think he’ll make it to 88avr btw. I’m guessin 85-86 avr at about 600 skill points

I would say, keep this post active and update it in about 6 seasons, to see who was right? :)


March 24, 2013 22:04

828 posts(s) he looks promising


March 24, 2013 23:07

803 posts(s)


To me he’s a better mid than any of your team. Could explain you why but wont as you continue to prove yourself as a waste of time to talk with.

If anyone else wants to know why i value this player with 120M fell free to mail me.



March 25, 2013 00:58

828 posts(s)


if anyone wants to know why 120m for a pile of shit player is dumb mail me


March 25, 2013 08:23

803 posts(s)


Dumb is not being abble to do anything worth mention with something like 60 seasons in the same team. Dumber is trying to explain this total failure with bugs you keep seeing in the game, even dumber is thinking you know more about the game than anyone else if you cant do nothing, and I mean nothing with that suppose knowledge. I’ve not seen anyone in RS neither ManagerSim that have stayed so much in a team with so bad performance. Instead of posting coments like you do try and learn something with those willing to teach you. Just dont count me on that.


March 25, 2013 18:19

803 posts(s)


By the way, two 120M proposals already. You can still improve your team, Be fast…


March 25, 2013 19:07

74 posts(s)


So rude Filipe, I don’t think Marc ‘D’ Davison deserves that. He’s such a respectful, intelligent, funny guy.

Be ready to swallow your own words. Now that the best manager we have here evaluating players said what he said about your player, I bet you won’t be able to sell him for more then 20m.


March 30, 2013 13:51

803 posts(s)


Have you been checking Middlesbrough? Dont forget, market can be stopped but you’ll still find quality here…

Bernard Kingma, 22 y.o Dutch attacker, great A L to play as support for a striker, already have the skills to do that nicely, but I dont belive he’ll be stuck with this, stoped improving this season, but I think he’ll start improving again next year, have not the age nor matches to be done :D

Take your chance, if he improves shooting now it will be a great deal I’ll regret making, but sill… Taking risks is that


April 15, 2013 17:41

803 posts(s)


Another group of young promises transfer listed, check it:


April 17, 2013 19:36

803 posts(s)


Two players listed, both great potential you may improve to top stars.

Maidana is 26 but as you can see in his stats has much to improve yet, a probably 100 pass player for those of you who like that :D

Make your offer, or be sorry when they confirm to be as I predicted :P


April 18, 2013 01:07

828 posts(s)


… can you share what you are smoking ?


April 18, 2013 05:15

678 posts(s)


Ángel Orsi is for sale Filipe :). Weren’t you interested in this player some time ago?. “Could buy you that Orsi kidd though…”. We can negociate a decent price if you like…


April 18, 2013 12:13

803 posts(s)


Dont have that money, Davison seems interested though… He’ll probably be more helpful to him :D


April 18, 2013 12:17

828 posts(s)


the only reason i have this money is because i know when to sell and who to.


April 21, 2013 13:07

803 posts(s)


As it is taking longer than usually I lowered the prices on both listed players…

Great chance for you starting a new and young team to get players with potential to become top class!


April 23, 2013 06:40

4,303 posts(s)



Deleted posts from Davison and Lince as they were clearly breaching the forum policy. Let’s keep the discussion on topic instead of simply offending each other.



April 27, 2013 08:57

803 posts(s)


Ceylan Mehmet, Middlesbrough main keeper is now open to negotiation. I’ll sell him for the best proposal, probably this season, if not, the beginning of the next.

Contact me in the game, but remember, he’s a 91,2 average keeping skills with many seasons to play. The kind you wont find in the market and not that easy to develop from young…

In addition to that, just listed Pablo Pineda, young defender close to become a top one!


April 27, 2013 17:37

639 posts(s)



Isn’t that 90.2 average keeping skills? Or how did you calculate it?


April 27, 2013 18:17

803 posts(s)


Nop, 60%keeping+40%speed=91,2


April 28, 2013 06:36

7 posts(s)


how do you have access to these “formulas”?

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