renewal of Dionysus G Bernardes, I think it inadmissible not let me give my salary I can give other players nor by the sale are due to Selema he gave for having commanded the 490, this is a problem of the game and are now boycotting the player, and he’ll go out of my team at no cost and I can neither sell nor renew when I can do with all the other players I ponder to leave the game. why not Cejo the problem of having players earn much more than others is the law of the market … it will happen again alias hen the goalkeeper is for free. sad
o guarda redes que comprei o bernades de 100 acho inadmissivel que nao me deixem renovar nem o vender, é o unico jogador que nao me deixam vender e nem dar um salario mais alto, nao tenho a culpa que o jogo deixe dar determinados ordenados isso é a lei do mercado e realista pois existem jogadores que ganham muito mais que outros na mesma equipa, agora este boicote é triste e assim pondero em deixar o jogo que jogo a 4 anos quer no fast como no medium…isto é triste
The board allowed you the 490k wage because they had a certain value for the player, as he got older and maybe lost some skills they now have a lower value for him so the max wage allowed is lower too… From your post i take its even lower than what the player is willing to lose…
I think you can still renewal if you raise your wage limit (if you have it lower than 10) and renew contract after turn 13. Not sure thou, maybe Gabriel can confirm this…
Good luck, but dont blame the game. You took to much risk with that wage, a decision you should know what could provoke…
By the way, if nothing else works you can sell him. They dont let you sell now because you have no other keeper in the team, the loaned one doesn’t count to them. Get him back or buy other kepper and you will be abble to sell this one. My advise, sell him next season if the wage limit doesn’t work…
Good luck, but dont blame the game. You took to much risk with that wage, a decision you should know what could provoke…
o jogo com todas as alterações que fizeram cada vez esta mais irreal, muitos jogadores estam a perder a pica qualquer dia ficam sozinhos a jogar o jogo, isto não é um jogo de futebol mas sim algo parecido, estou prestes a abandonar o medium e o fast vai a seguir, primeiro aprendam o que é futebol e depois façam jogos, cada vez pior e mais irrealista, tenham paciência
lol i survive in the Premiership on level 1 wage :P learn to do it