The value changes everytime the stats change. If the value decreased it mean the overall market value of players has decreased. We plan to have periodic value adjustments so that fully improved players’ value are updated according to the market changes.
So does that mean you plan to re-word this to play postion. IF so, when.
go back and all back can this be reworded and explain the difference in intent.
cheers Luc
some players of mine have also start decreasing. I personally think that’s a good thing. The values of certain players at the moment are not very realistic.
You misunderstoud me here Parag. I didn’t say there was a problem by loaning a good playerto a team. A lower team will never loan a player with 70 stats. Getting a player from 70 to 80 is the hard part. I think this shouldn’t be made easier since then we might get the same problem as before. To many great players. I still also think it’s not bad to “lose” a superstar on free transfer and have him eventually quit football because nobdy wants him :). We can handle a few losses with the current level of great players.
Does it change at every tick (regardless of any changes to their stats) or at every tick on which their stats get changed??
I have a player whose stat got increased but then the his value got decreased by $747. If it was due to the market forces, the value of other players might have decreased as well.
i can’t agree with sly fully though…
if you have a good young player and if you can loan them to others who are willing to take him, then what is the problem. And besides this doesn’t happen in every case. these are some exceptional cases, where you have some exceptional young players. And that happens in real life too.
Although i said i cannot agree with Sly fully, i agree with him partially.
So, what we could do is, may be out of 20 development points a player has, the youth development could be made faster for the initial 5 (or 10) development points. Now we can argue on the definition of the term “faster”. It could be 2 points (or 3 points) for every friendly played, 5 (6) points for every league/cup matches played and so on…
But we can still discuss more and come to a more agreeable solution, if this is debatable one :)
There is a thin line here Sly, you’re right about this risk. We’ll think carefully about it before changing anything in the current system :)
I think then you will get the same problem again. I don’t agree here. If you get players from 70 stats to 80’s very fast, then you can loan them to the lower teams. When playing the officials they will increase very nice. I think this should be the challange. Besides….I don’t think with the current level of players it will be a loss if a “superstar” is lost…..
Interesting…we could make it faster for youths I guess, sounds reasonable.
The players are generated using a gaussian distribution and common sense deviations… You have to think about one thing: we currently only have the best countries in the world :). Imagine when we add some minor countries… Also, it was too easy to develop players in the previous system.
there are way too much great player on each position in the fast ticker game. that’s not a result of the faster development process we had for some seasons.
there should be a a much wider range of players quality (fully developed).
my first guess…
% of players at one moment in the game fully developed in their main skill, all ages (approx. number of players in a gameworld with 8 countries & 2 divs each):
~1% (30)… 95-100
~3% (60)… 90-94
~6% (120)… 85-89
~10%(300)… 80-84
~20%(600)… 75-79
~25%(750).. 70-74
~35%(1050).. <70
differations/balancing depending on country ranking (brazil more, usa less 95+ etc.)
in general: should grow faster in the first (3) years, slower (less) in the next years …
in ~1-5% of the cases much faster (and reverse: slower) progress should be normal
Dont know if it’s just me but i think the way youth players grow now is way to slow, in my opinion it should go much faster and they should develop more from friendlies when they are still in the youth academy.
they need to grow more in order for me to play them in first team, so as i see it they need to develop more the first 2 years.
what do you think?
Name Pos Sde Age Kpg Tac Pas Sho Spe Dri Ctr Hea Agg Sta Wage Value
Joris Lederer Player_yellow_card M L 20 35 89 83 76 93 89 91 80 54 100 $21,128 $600,315,825
here is another one for you guys, if u think, its gonna be of any help…
i dont want to add anything more… looks like everything has been discussed here…
sorry for my interaction, but i believe u guys have to make a different system ?
my players passes from 10M to 346M and i saw a team with players above 900M…this is not realistic, its not inflaction, cause inflaction cant be 350% its impossible, check it out…..
just to my self steam of believing im smart, :D ….. ur calculations of those 300 or something have to equal 3% of inflaction :D
No for the first question, yes for the second…to create balanced groups I ignored the teams countries for now to keep things simpler :D
international group stages: superb!
but have you already taken care
- that not 2 or more teams from 1 country join in a group
- the groups are balanced (not a group with 4 top ranked teams) via club ranking points
I think that two teams per country is enougth, the cup winner and the league winner.
It’s not a bug, $2,147,483,647 is the maximum integer value for our database columns (2^31 – 1)
I also like the idea of selecting the best teams of each country. Why don’t you take the 6 best teams of each country and the finalists of each national cup. This would also make the cup interesting. If these finalists are with the 6 best teams of the league you can select the 7 and the 8 best team of the country.
What do you think?
agreed. What’s the point in doing it realistic? Some of the values of players aren’t realistic anyway :). I see no problem in creating a worldcup, but selecting 8 teams from each country might be a little tomuch. I would rather see top 4. We have 8 countries so that would give us 8 groups of 4 (32 teams like in a real world cup, only with teams :P). I personally think it would be a little tomuch to have an entire long “competition” beside the regular league games. But simply doing it like a world cup would be a great idea. Just have the group stage, which would meen 3 or 6 games (playing home and away) and then top 2 or 3 for example advance to the quater finals.
Well, there is something strange going on. I have a player with a value of $2,147,483,647, which is the EXACT SAME AMOUNT TO THE DOLLAR!! as the Goalkeeper from PSG in Fastticker….
Hector Sosa Silva <—-$2,147,483,647. So this indeed has nothing to do with a calculation of 1 individual players stats…..
We had a discussion yesterday here at work to limit the estimated value to the amount of money the richest team has. We’ll probably recalculate the estimated values when things go back to normal. And I’ve just checked again, the formula parameter dropped again \o/
D C 23 44 87 91 80 92 90 88 80 42 $5,673 $611,042,153 $599,999,995 Transfer
Daniel Marques Sunderland MD L 23 40 86 86 73 91 97 93 80 79 $16,000 $408,999,953 $408,999,953 Transfer
whats the point when you only have 5million in the bank!
Merchandise is based on player skills, not values, so we are ok. I’ve been watching the formula parameters since this discussion began, it’s slowly returning to an acceptable level. I know it happens even after increasing 1 or 2 stats, but believe me, if you see your guy going from 1M to 50M is because his “real” calculated value would probably be more than 200M. If we need to interfere manually we will ;)
It’s being discussed on this topic . There were some crap players sold by high prices unbalancing the estimated value formula calculation.
I know you are the maker and all and you say it’s because of inflation. But the jump in value comes just after the player increases 1 or 2 stats! I seen it with 4 players of mine now. After they increase suddenly there value is f*cked up!
I assume merchandise is calculated through player values right? Won’t these new values bring more money into the game?
I think its best to turn it all around and get those values at a normal level….
Hector Sosa Silva
Player Info – Player Stats – Player History
General Info
Age: 22
Club: Paris-SG
Previous club: Benfica
Estimated Value: $2,147,483,647 -———————- say what!
3-Turn Wage: $24,420
Contract Begin: Season 15, Turn 117
Contract End: Season 19, Turn 117
AttributesPosition: G
Side: –
Keeping: 95
Tackle: 44
Passing: 76
Shooting: 40
Speed: 100
Dribble: 100
Control: 88
Header: 80
Aggressiveness: 79
Stamina: 100
Current Season Statistics
Ligue 1 10 -4 8.87 0
Coupe de France 8 -7 8.63 0
I don’t have IE6 here to test but it should be fixed now :D. It works on IE7. Please let me know!
I agree with DaMaGo, it doesnt matter if its realistic or not, we dont need to “copy” the real life, more competitions equals more fun!!!!!