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Individual Tactics

Subscribe to Individual Tactics 15 post(s), 5 voice(s)


January 21, 2009 08:38

609 posts(s)


I have no clue if i posted this yesterday already, short term memory i think :P

When i’m watching the replays i see some weird things i can’t understand;
The Individual Tactics seems to have a small or no affect on the players in my team. When i say “stay on position” to a defender is see him infront of the goal when we have to ball or when we don’t have the ball i see my M’s walking around midfield when i clearly said in tactics that he needed to go back.

Can anyone clear this up for me?

Cheers Vaughn


January 21, 2009 11:23

4,303 posts(s)



Yes you have Vaughn, check it here

Anyway, the same answer is below.

When you say stay on position it means he will behave according to its assigned position, it doesn’t mean he won’t move. The wording could be better, we know that, something like “play position”. The move back instruction means the player will behave as if he was placed in the position right behind the one he belongs. For example, a central midfielder on mentality 0 with a move back tactic will behave as if he has been placed on mentality -1, it doesn’t mean he will immediately move back.

Hope this helps :)


January 21, 2009 11:24

1,003 posts(s)



One thing everybody has to notice is that sometimes there is not even time for the player to go back if you don’t have the ball possession, because you get the ball back. Other than that, it can really take a moment for the player to assume the new position.


January 21, 2009 11:50

609 posts(s)


thx for the replies again, but when i say stay position to a defender then i assume he will stay in def and being infront of the goal??

same happens to me alot in corner, i have only 1 defender standing there while i said to all Def and Mid to go “all back”. Which should mean all Def should stand on -1 and Mid also on -1 right?


January 21, 2009 15:02

4,303 posts(s)



We definitely need to rephrase the “stay on position” tactic to “play position”…this tactic means the same as no tactic at all, the player will continue playing the same way. Regarding the all back configuration, you have to picture the field in the formations screen to understand the exact meaning of that. Imagine you have a defender D C +1 (defense, center, mentality +1). All back for this guy means he will play as if he was 2 squares behind, on D C -1. For a player on M LC 0, he will player as if he was on D LC +1 (2 squares behind). Does that make sense?


February 01, 2009 14:02

117 posts(s)


So does that mean you plan to re-word this to play postion. IF so, when.
go back and all back can this be reworded and explain the difference in intent.

cheers Luc


February 01, 2009 15:09

4,303 posts(s)



Stay on position has already been re-worded. Not sure about the other options, any suggestions? Maybe a more detailed help section…


February 02, 2009 02:45

117 posts(s)


Yes that would help all people.
All Back vs go back????


February 02, 2009 04:39

651 posts(s)


i am not sure about the “go back” option, but “Move Back” means the player will move back one square and play in that position when the opponent has the ball (As mentioned in the help file) .

“All Back” must mean that this player will go back to play as a defender, for eg, in case of corners and free kicks. ( i am not sure though, gabriel might or might not confirm). In general run of play its difficult for a player to return back and play as defender whenever opponent has the ball… But i cannot say how this thing has been implemented in the match engine.


February 02, 2009 10:45

1,003 posts(s)



Players can move up to 2 squares using individual tactics. Go back means 1 square back. All back means 2 squares back. Yes, a help page is needed :( … But guys, remember, our test area is a wiki! Everybody can help us there. We will do our best if we have to do it ourselves, but it can take a while…



February 02, 2009 12:21

117 posts(s)


Roger and thanks


February 02, 2009 21:16

609 posts(s)


limited to 1 or 2 squares, isn’t that kinda unrealistic? in real matches u see midfielders and sometimes attackers in your goal area to help. I watched some replay’s of my latest games and i see alot of corner against where i only have 1 or 2 defenders standing…Also with the corners i get, 2/3 attackers…wow…that won’t really help me score in a corner kick right?


February 03, 2009 10:14

4,303 posts(s)



When Danilo said 2 squares it doesn’t mean the player will be limited to these squares during the match, but you can change the player position/mentality by 2 squares. For instance, a central midfielder on mentality 0 can be moved to M L 0, M LC 0, M RC 0, M R 0, M LC -1, M C -1, M RC -1, M LC +1, M C +1, M RC +1, A C -1 or D C +1 using the different tactics.

About the lack of players on corners I totally agree. We have an enhancement planned for that.


February 03, 2009 10:37

1,003 posts(s)



There is a good possibility that, in future, we add different team behaviors… For example: all out attack if we are still losing after minute 80. Or all out attack all the time, for the craziest managers :D. But that is different from the regular field position tendency.


February 04, 2009 16:15

609 posts(s)


good to hear about the corners gabriel :)

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