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July 08, 2009 04:33

375 posts(s)


such results are just disgusting and so irritating…


July 08, 2009 04:31

375 posts(s)


I think you should lose 85 reputation points for a 0-10 loss. If you are not sure that the CPU will be able to judge correctly, give this tool to the gamemasters so that they were able to punish the managers who do that on purpose.


July 08, 2009 03:52

651 posts(s)


sorry… both of them are:) the first one is just to display my passion for photography


July 08, 2009 00:27

64 posts(s)


Here is an idea, how about if when you sale a player that was raised in the Youth system of you team, there could be a clause that you can recieve $ if he becomes a Star and he is latter sold lets say you get anywhere from 1-10% of the sold price this can be specified when the player is sold.


July 07, 2009 22:45

6 posts(s)


Cristina Tolaini – 0% WAGE – he can improve in your team!
Keeping: 26
Tackle: 61
Passing: 81
Shooting: 57
Speed: 78
Dribble: 66
Control: 65
Header: 77
Aggressiveness: 40
Stamina: 100


July 07, 2009 20:55

637 posts(s)


What I mean is that a strong team would not loose with 10-0 when they play with their B-squad. A weak team will. And as said above to give a penalty when you loose 10-0 or more weaker will get a punishment much faster.


July 07, 2009 18:55

241 posts(s)


Price dropped to 18M!!! for Christian Enría
Position: A
Side: R
Tackle: 83
Passing: 85
Shooting: 95
Speed: 83
Dribble: 86
Control: 89
Header: 80
Aggressiveness: 5


July 07, 2009 18:11

15 posts(s)



all kinds of players on sale(prices negotiable) at Vitória

take a look if you have a moment, would ya?!


July 07, 2009 13:47

1 posts(s)


I have qualified 2 times in a row against athletico madrid and bayern munchen so its no luck any more!

Groningen 4 life


July 07, 2009 13:05

803 posts(s)


I’m not sure I understand what thorpedo but I agree there should be an extra penalty for very bad results.

In this example if Gremio’s manager had 100% performance he would only lose something like 10%… even if had not the 100% it would just cost more money from Santo André.



July 07, 2009 12:44

651 posts(s)


seems like that… i am sorry for my that mistake… :)


July 07, 2009 12:39

678 posts(s)


Got some older players with GREAT secondaries for sale for some lower class or B league teams:
Emanuele Suppa
Position: D
Side: C
Keeping: 52
Tackle: 79
Passing: 80
Shooting: 61
Speed: 88
Dribble: 100
Control: 98
Header: 84
Aggressiveness: 35
Stamina: 100
4.7 million (board won’t allow me to go lower :P)
Paulo Campelo
Position: M
Side: C
Keeping: 40
Tackle: 77
Passing: 82
Shooting: 85
Speed: 91
Dribble: 100
Control: 88
Header: 85
Aggressiveness: 39
Stamina: 100
6.9 million


July 07, 2009 12:30

678 posts(s)


getting managersim vibes :). Lots of money being thrown around :)


July 07, 2009 12:20

387 posts(s)


Glenn Kevan for 140M … now it’s 155M for Dennis Moutinho – a defender.


July 07, 2009 12:16

4,303 posts(s)



I understand the reason behind your request Parag, but it’s not as easy as it sounds to integrate this restriction into the current criteria (team quality). Nevertheless it is on the enhancement list as Vaughn pointed out (even though I guess that only refers to the qualifying stage), so we’ll give it a try ;)


July 07, 2009 12:05

678 posts(s)


@Parag: I think there is a mistake. You are confusing posts. Vaughn, also known as Nicky Broos is with Juventus. He’s not with psg or any french team (anymore). So I don’t understand your post which says "vaughan has himself said he wanted to focus on champions league rather than the league and that he had little chance against monaco. ".
He’s not in the same league as Monaco :)…..Vaughn plays @ Juventus :)


July 07, 2009 11:16

651 posts(s)


vaughn, there is no problem in meeting teams from the same league after the group stage. if there are four teams from the same league in knockout round (quarter-finals), then quarter finals should be organized in such a way that not all teams from the same league reach the semi finals and same in the semi-finals too so that more leagues can represent the CL/EL (europa league). (similar as in real uefa competition)


July 07, 2009 10:29

637 posts(s)


A penalty by the board is the best option I guess. But I don’t think you can use a certain score as 10-0. Some teams are already weak and would “normally” lose the match with 4-0 anyway according to the board. Other teams are strong and need to win the match win 4-0 according the board.
So for a weaker team the difference for a board penalty is only 6 goals in stead of 14 goals for a stronger team. And the stronger teams mostly have a good B-squad.
There are 2 options in my opion:
- A) You count for example 10 goals with the result expected by the board for a penalty. So a “normal expected” loss of 4-0 becomes 14-0 loss and a “normal expected” 4-0 victory becomes a 6-0 loss.
This way you give stronger teams the same chance of punishment.
- B) Strong teams will have a bad result much faster. So you count the penalty for the bad result and an extra penalty for the very bad result.
We have to find a solution for this problem before the new world cup is impleted. Teams have to play more matches and these kind of problems will occur much more.


July 07, 2009 08:33

609 posts(s)


it’s on the enchancement list :) Though meeting an other team from your league should in my opinion be possible…it’s not ideal, not at all, but it should still be random.


July 07, 2009 06:48

651 posts(s)


Agapito Liaño

Position: A
Side: C
Keeping: 52
Tackle: 68
Passing: 66
Shooting: 79
Speed: 76
Dribble: 81
Control: 92
Header: 80
Aggressiveness: 59

Price : 900,000 only (negotiable)

Only reason to sell him is i feel my squad has many relatively good strikers, and i want some open slots…


July 07, 2009 05:03

651 posts(s)


I just checked this seasons champions league group stage matches and got quite bemused to see two french teams in the same group… i think it is good to have separate teams from different leagues in one group during the group stage.
I feel playing in the champions league is about playing against the teams from different leagues. And i don’t think it is justifiable to play against the same team that you have been playing season-in and season-out everytime in your national league.

It should be a different story in the knockout stages though. you should be ready to play anyone at that time…

Since there are 4 groups i don’t know why we couldn’t have 4 teams in different groups. i don’t think teams require protection at this highest level… just my opinion though.

Similarly, i saw that two spanish teams were in the same group last season despite having only 3 spanish teams at that stage… and similarly italians and spanish teams suffered the same fate the season before that.


July 07, 2009 04:52

651 posts(s)


well, sly no one is accusing french teams… vaughan has himself said he wanted to focus on champions league rather than the league and that he had little chance against monaco. watch his 3rd and 5th comments on the related thread. and i think other teams lower than him benefited rather lose anything with that decision. In fact he didn’t cheat against anyone in the league with that decision, but then since he could not do well in the CL, he did against his on board…

But having said that i have always said there should be some penalty against manager from the concerned club. and i think removing this 10 point penalty limit is the best option for now…
do well u get rewarded, do bad you pay


July 06, 2009 22:31

71 posts(s)



LOL @ Sly. I agree though, it’s not so much cheating just not in the " sporting code ". In fact, no, there was money involved so it was cheating.

but i think they should be forgiven for been so brazenly honest about it and giving us all a laugh


July 06, 2009 21:52

4,303 posts(s)



I’m ok with the awards and I agree with torte205’s suggestion of a certain amount depending on where they finish. We already have an enhancement planned for that.


July 06, 2009 21:51

4,303 posts(s)



I’ll remove the board 10 points penalty limit ;)


July 06, 2009 21:39

678 posts(s)


PSG didn’t play reserves though. He only played a youth goaly because his own goaly got injured. I don’t like accusations towards teams in my country. Please keep them out of it :)…we are Boo – ing at Santo Andre for bribing team!! :)…BOOOO!!! BAD BOY!!! :p


July 06, 2009 20:18

71 posts(s)



How about like in real life where teams get a certain amount depending on where they finish? for EXAMPLE 1st = 10m, 2nd 7 , 3rd 6 and so on…


July 06, 2009 20:16

40 posts(s)



“Now I think Dot should not pay Meninao. muhahahah! :)”
I totally agree with you Danilo! XD


July 06, 2009 20:07

1,003 posts(s)



The way I see it, the only way we can efficiently prevent this is to adjust the board – so they become very unhappy if you have a 10 x nil result, for example. But let’s see where the discussion goes.


July 06, 2009 20:05

35 posts(s)


Remember the Incident with PSG and Monaco this is what I am talking about. this is Unethical remember what happened in Italy a few years ago, this is in the same ball park, I see no difference between buying a Referee and Buying the other team.

in (RS) Brazil’s case there was an amount 7.5M, in France (Monaco 21 X 0 PSG) we do not know if there was an agreement between the 2 coaches (wich I personaly think that it did happen.) if everyone actualy stops and thinks about what happened, line in my previos comment about this related incident in France just think what will happen in the furute.