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July 11, 2009 02:04

241 posts(s)


Its all about probability: buying more tickets for a lottery increase your chances to win with a small margin but doesn’t guarantee anything. Managing a team in Brazil all these seasons i have received some stars yes but never had a star attacker that can make all the difference for example. The rankings are being overrated and i am sure they will change when world club competition comes alive.


July 11, 2009 01:36

223 posts(s)


85 defender

19 years old

lots to improve

just 2000000, im short on cash…


July 11, 2009 00:30

4,300 posts(s)



What Alban says makes sense. Of course we’d still have more Brazilian and Spanish stars, but the difference between the first and the last country youths is just 5 points per skill.


July 10, 2009 23:56

803 posts(s)


Players morale would be great, become unhappy and won’t renewal contract, etc…

Alban, the super stars are still in Brasil, we have some minor stars. And it is not true we woud have great european (exept spanish) stars in our teams, at least not to compete with spanish or Brasilian (World cup), they come much less often and are not that great. You see most of the best players of eupean teams are Brasilian or Spanish…



July 10, 2009 21:24

375 posts(s)


iPhones suck…


July 10, 2009 21:23

375 posts(s)


Gabriel, Felipe, there are cool players in at least 5 top countries, Brazilian players are almost the same as Spanish, for example. But there are so many good Brazilians around the world because Brazilian teams let them go. Less Youths will result inmore stars from France, Italy, Portugal and etc. We have not somany managers and they sign all Brazilians but miss other nationalities, it doesn’t mean European youths are muchworse….. They arecjust victims of a stereotype.


July 10, 2009 20:48

4,300 posts(s)



The development for youths is already 2 times faster and 20% allowed per season, in the average ;)


July 10, 2009 20:22

71 posts(s)



Personally i like the idea of player free will, not wanting to renew contracts, becoming unhappy at not being played, but i think the easiest option to start with would be to try Albans idea of longer time spent in the acadamy. Another option would be allowing a youth to develop more points not a max of 15% per season during his youth period.


July 10, 2009 17:08

4,300 posts(s)



Filipe has a good point about no star leaving Brazil if we increase the squad size. It shouldn’t be uncommon to lose a future star because you don’t have room for this player in your squad. The way things are now you have to choose some players and try to improve them. So far I like the luxury tax idea amac gave in another topic where you’d pay an extra tax to have more players in your squad.
As an alternative we could remove the limit and make The Board unhappy for having so many players in the squad. This way you’d receive board messages from time to time complaining about that, and lose points with the board if you don’t get rid of the extra players. The more extra players you have more points you’d lose.
A more realistic approach would be remove the limit but make players unhappy for not playing official matches. Of course a player with much lower stats than your top players wouldn’t become unhappy that easily, but when you have too many players they’d probably become unhappy at some point. Enhanced player free will is good for the game in many aspects like helping the market to become more interesting.


July 10, 2009 16:52

803 posts(s)


We know all players develop an average of 20 points each skill, that gives us a clue if the player can or can’t become a star. Even if he wont become that star we can give him a contract in order to be able to sell him. We just need to manage the number of players we have in the main team. I have 29 players now, just because I will give a contract to my youth keeper, if there comes another good youth I will haver to sell a player from the main squad (lowering prices)…

If your idea goes ahead I believe the gap between Brasil and the other countries will be even greater. No star will leave Brasil leaving the other countries in disadvantage in the long turn…



July 10, 2009 14:54

375 posts(s)


2 Torte that was a bad option – when you have one of the top teams even a very good player wouldn’t be enough for an improvement ;)
2 Felipe the players come at an unrealistically high rate.
Current situation: players reach top potential at 23-24 years. Players ask for the promotion at 17-18 years. You have to wait 6 seasons to see what he grows into. Of course, if he has all low 60-s or very low skills, you can release him, knowing that he wouldn’t grow into 99 sho, spe and dri for sure. But there exists an opinion that the squad size should be increased because currently everyone has about 30 players and gets at least 2 youths per year to be promoted. I say that it is useless to increase the size of the squad because promoting 2 youths each season will make your squad a kindergarten…The better way is to increase the time that those 6 (ok, maximum 8 maybe ? =)) youths will have to spend in the academy to prove that they are worth using in the main squad and to get rid of those bad thoughts that that player in that French team was your undervalued released youth =))


July 10, 2009 14:21

71 posts(s)



I liked the system in ms where your coach would mail you telling you this player is going to be a star, it wasn’t always true but gave you some indication, he would also tell you if he wouldnt improove your team. Maybe this is something that could be added in time or maybe this is making the managers job too easy?


July 10, 2009 13:32

241 posts(s)


There is no way to tell which player will become better, if you fire a player before he turns 24 you can easily regret it later.Thats exactly what is being discussed here. Being forced to fire a player because of the squad limit not because you believe he wont be good.


July 10, 2009 13:14

803 posts(s)


I’m not sure I reed correctly but you are complaining that you have to fire excellent players because the team is too good? :P

At least in the Portuguese league that is not a problem :P

Now seriously, you only fire the player because you believe he will not become as good or better than the ones in your team. But that player can be a star in a lower country… My best players are Brasilian an yet they would probably not be used by you if you had them on America-RN, because you had better ones…


July 10, 2009 13:10

241 posts(s)


Thats an interesting idea Kuroyuki.

Dirk , in medium ticker i play in Argentina which is currently ranked 6th. I have developed some pretty good players. A 100 keeping 100 speed goalie, 98 and 96 tackle defenders, one 91 passing midfielder, two 92 shooting one 93 shooting attackers over the course of six seasons or so. Thats not bad for a country ranked 6th in the rankings IMO. Better overall from what i got from my team in Fast Ticker Brazil in the same period.

How can you explain this? Can we assume it is depended on more luck than rankings? I think Alban has a point here when he says “Currently almost any player is good”..they just need alot of playing time.


July 10, 2009 13:00

47 posts(s)


Well, I am lazy……but the way I see it is this.

I could trawl through loads of teams offering friendlies to lots of teams that don’t want them or just won’t accept them (due to inactivity or something) and then I have to withdraw those offers and make some more…and so it goes on.

Or, I let everyone know that if they find a free slot in my schedule and send an offer, I will accept it.

More efficient all round!

btw – I still have loads of free dates, so offer away!


July 10, 2009 12:40

7 posts(s)


Thank you very much!
I didn’t know this rule about the goalkeeper



July 10, 2009 11:30

828 posts(s)


alright mate… :)

ill hope for the best


July 10, 2009 10:49

4,300 posts(s)



At the end of the season it is possible they had already reached their maximum for that season. If that’s the case they receive new points to improve on season start and also reset their experience points needed for the next improvement.


July 10, 2009 10:47

4,300 posts(s)



Player growth difference: the answer is yes, players in the lower division needs 10% more experience points to improve. When we add a third division it will be 20% more and so on.
Home players skills: it makes sense…I also like the idea of experience positively influencing this skill reduction.


July 10, 2009 10:44

4,300 posts(s)



Luxury tax…interesting!


July 10, 2009 10:35

803 posts(s)


The experience and morale are the attributes missing right now, so much to do… eheh



July 10, 2009 10:30

803 posts(s)


Yeah, raise your coaching level and get my young stars :P


July 10, 2009 10:21

678 posts(s)


yeah not really a fair “match”. France simly just doesn’t get many talents. You are not that special, unless all those brazials came from your own acadamy :). I’ve seen teams in brazil who had like 50+% of players from there own acadamy. Now that’s special. Look at my team. From the 28 players I have, 14 are from Brazil so….they just produce the best players.


July 10, 2009 10:13

299 posts(s)


Good players for loan all aged 22, lots left to improve, and perfectly suitable for any midtable team

Wages to pay: 0%
Coaching level: 7
Missed matches allowed: 3

Lived in sin, welcome in boys :)


July 10, 2009 09:44

828 posts(s)


my lads arnt improving …. coaching is highest n all.
playing them in premier league games at the end of the season for like 2-4 games didnt do shit


July 10, 2009 09:21

375 posts(s)


Currently almost any player is good…but we have so many youths released by stronger countries like Brazil and Spain that noone pays attention to developing players from weaker leagues. I am sure with less players there will be more stars from EVERY country if the overall skills don’t get decreased, of course.


July 10, 2009 09:17

637 posts(s)


It’s a good idea in strong leagues like Brazil where you have at least several good youth players of the 6 players you get.
In minor leagues the chance of getting a good youth is much smaller (lower country ranking) so when none of your youth is good you need to wait 3 or 4 seasons till you can release them and get a new one.


July 10, 2009 08:47

387 posts(s)


regarding ‘Home Players Skills’: i agree, reduce the visiting players skills.
playing home brings out the best of a player, 100% of his skill values (not more). playing away can reduce the values (-5%), could differ within the players – e.g. the factor “experience” could have a positive influence on the player skills in away matches (just minus 1-3%).


July 10, 2009 08:02

651 posts(s)


1. Player Growth Difference
Is there any difference of player growth between lower division and premier division?? (obviously for the same coaching level)… ?? I mean do the players in lower division have slower growth rates for same coaching level??

2. Home Players Skills
Which one is better?? to give home teams +3 skill advantage or to reduce -3 from the visiting players?? Either way home players will have the advantage, but i don’t see how any player can gain +3 skill points just bcoz they are playing in home. But away teams are likely to suffer on some of their skills because of travel disorder, fatigue during travel, adjusting to new scenario etc. May be if we had some attribute like “WillPower”, it would have made more sense to increase that attribute for home players.

This could also be somewhat helpful in reducing some factors like passing accuracy, shooting accuracy and effective tackles as players will then have less overall skills, although the difference between teams remains the same.