Ken Gaston
Age: 25
Estimated Value: $80,273,244
Position: A
Side: LC
Tackle: 77
Passing: 71
Shooting: 90
Speed: 86
Dribble: 100
Control: 90
Header: 99
Price: bid away!
o mb i thought u guys were workers n shit lol mb
Nous sommes toujours numéro un! :D
(we are still number 1)
I can be a real spamer some times but the topic’s only intention is that :D
I had my fair share in the job done Sly but it has only been possible because other manager made really great performances against stronger teams, in the next seasons I guess will have more managers getting to the late stages in Europe, great managers are joining the country and some that started from zero are now getting the results, Dhimiter’s Cardiff for example is looking really nice :D
The problem here is that managers in vacation mode can still access their teams and manage them. If VM managers would not lose board aproval than all managers would use VM… I agree it is unfair to be fired being in VM and actually been away for several days, but before we change that we need to make sure managers in VM can’t access and manage their teams.
Davison a GM only job in the game for now is to find and denounce cheaters, we have no more access to the game than any other manager.
A game master isn’t a developer like Gabriel & Danilo.
OT: That’s pretty weird yeah
Well, in some way he is slightly succesfull. Not sure if it’s all thanks to him, but england has been climbing in the uefa ranking. Then again it’s hard to really point out a reason. Some might say that spain has just gone down in ranking. They haven’t performed like they use to.
hahah suit u right, ur a game master, fix the game :D
I left on vacation and I activated this feature. It is awful. I had 100% approval by the board. When I came back the approval was 3%. Because of this I got fired.
I do not see much sense in a system like this.
By the way I started managing a team of second division with 15M in cash and no title. I have just been dismissed with 350M in cash plus 36 championship titles.
I have to hand it to you filipe…. you don’t give up :)
Still two great teams in England waiting for a good manager to take over, take your chance in a rising country and get in line for the fight coming in the few next seasons, ManUtd domination is about to end not only because our “gold generation” is retiring but most of all because there are some great teams starting to give a fight and taking the benefits of their investment, be one of those teams…
Huge team that seems to have great financial conditions and lots of players you can sell and quickly assemble a team of your making…
Wigan Athletic
Great team from the work of the manager S L, currently being destroyed by Nestor Dias, desperately needs a good manager that can regulate main team’s stamina and continue improving the great young players S L bought, a team with a great present and future, good managing stuff from S L, be the one continuing his work…
Kuroyuki, do you understand what LC means?
Or in other words, have you read ?
I thought i read this before and actually u made that post: ;)
personally we should be able to train a player to be right, center or left we should be able to pick a training regiment for players if coaching is at 10, i mean have an option like a bunch of scroll boxes like 1) type of training, stamina, endurance, speed, shooting, passing ect and have another box for how intense, it would help us as managers develop GOOD players instead of 80% of the players in the game not even gaining fuck all in ability points due to gabreil doing something with it recently and players just dont improve anymore as much as they should be. i support this suggestion and add my own
feel free to buy one of mine :)
need to sell some players, take a look , dont worry about prices we can work something out, have a bid lots of players the Ai controlled teams should be bidding on but w.e lowerd prices
Currently you are given players with an attribute detailing what side of the field they are to play on (L, LC, C, RC or R), why not just get rid of this feature. The removal of this gameplay feature will make the game easier to play by making field placements easier and by simplifying player recruitment. i.e. I need to get another midfielder, you just do a midfield player search compared to I need a RC midfielder, theirs a good midfielder, can’t use him he’s a LC midfielder, gotta keep looking.
Prices lowered across the board for all players.
All prices negotiable.
Cmon guys, auxerre still having a nice sale.
Some youths with great potential still to be had at reasonable prices. (10-15mil for future stars isn’t that much to ask for…)
I am looking to fill all free dates with friendlies, so please send your invitations!
Thanks :)
Still looking to fill all free dates, so please send me some invites.
Thanks :)
Well, to return back to the original issue,
i received two new youths since my last post… and none of them are goal keeper yet… :)
Auxerre having a mini sale.
couple of good 86-87 average player to be had for a good price.
some young talent with great potential also to be had for a reasonable price! Prices negotiable, in some cases, prices can’t be lowered due to board demands.
Vets also available, please inquire within.
Another wonderful player listed for loan, Jacinto López 20 y.o 98 tackle skill, main team player for most of teams in the game… 95 keeping skill Amaral just improved too and continues available for loan, you can have them for the all season and most probably in the next…
Tree great keepers still listed for loan, can’t understand why no one gets them as they are already great and are still improving, Amaral has 95 keeping skill and yet seems impossible to loan him out :D
Great veteran striker for sale, Djalma Cardoso, one of the best strikers of all times and still with much to play, will be sold before season ends so be quick…
Season 56 review
Another nice season for Manchester, complete domination in the domestic competitions, a calm rise to the CL final but still a disappointment for the lost final… The red card punishment of Diaz and Lopes probably killed our chances but I still believed it could be better… Won’t congratulate Marcos Tadeu because we all know how he did to have a team like he has so nothing he wins with it deserves congratulations.
On the other hand congratulations are in order for all British team’s managers that played European competitions, another great ranking score for the country and England will from now on have a better ranking than Spain, an historical day for the Queen’s men :D
Team’s restructuring
As anounced since season start Cristian Diaz will retire from playing football, a great lost for the team but also for the game, a best of the world in his generation and probably the second best player ever in RS… With Diaz retirement other players will probably leave the team in order to restructure and renewal some areas we need to renewal.
Major International Super-star transfer listed
One of the best strikers of all times, Djalma Cardoso is now leaving Manchester and searching for a new club, he is close to retirement but it is not certain when it will be so many teams are already trying to guaranty him for the next season, he will leave before next season start so don’t wait for it… why the fuck would a player purposely throw the ball to the other team thats fucking right in front of him in a throw in. dumb game
Wigan Athletic in England is currently being destroid by the currently manager, finally their board are kicking him away so there is space for a real manager to manage this nice team, already with a good fighting main team and with many nice young players I would consider can become great stars.
If you’re worried about kicking a manager out of a team don’t be, this guy ruined the main and full improved team and didn’t use the young stars a single match, for an active manager it seems the only objective of the guy is destroying the team… Take a look and start a new challenge in a rising league… what the fuck
We finally updated our portuguese translation after a long time without updates… Please report if you find any problems. Also, I know I promised the new youth system – but I still didn’t manage to free some time to work on it…